Image courtesy of Camp National Novel Writing Month.
July is almost here! What does that mean? Well, among other things, it indicates a new session of:
Camp NaNoWriMo
What Is Camp NaNoWriMo?
Camp NaNoWriMo, run by the creators of NaNoWriMo, is a virtual writing retreat that happens twice a year: once in April and once in July. It supports a variety of projects (novels, revisions, poetry, scripts, and short stories—as examples) with word count goals between 30 and 1,000,000 words in 30 days. Participating writers have the option of joining "cabins", which are small message boards with no more than 20 members.
What Is NaNoWriMo?
NaNoWriMo stands for "National Novel Writing Month." It challenges writers to complete a 50,000 word novel from start to finish in 30 days.
Why participate in Camp NaNoWriMo?
There are many reasons to enjoy a virtual writing retreat! Maybe you want to practice writing against a word goal before November! Maybe you haven't felt inspired in a while and need to try something new! Maybe you want to join a small community of other writers with a common goal, such as what can be found with the "cabin" system! Or perhaps you just like writing and want to challenge yourself to do it a bit more!
Personally, I enjoy the messages that are sent with tips, tricks, inspiration, and goal ideas during the course of the camp time period! Even if I don't achieve my word goal, I feel like I learned something to help me the next time!
Why Camp NaNoWriMo instead of NaNoWriMo?
It's more flexible! You can "win" with word goals of different counts and with projects of different types! To actually "win"
NaNoWriMo, you have to write an original novel of at least 50,000 words in 30 days. If you prefer 30,000 words for a poetry project, it wouldn't really meet the qualifications. Camp NaNoWriMo, however, welcomes such a project!
So, what's the Writing and Roleplaying Guild Challenge for June, exactly?
Commit to Camp NaNoWriMo! Post in this thread with your planned word count goal to accept the June challenge! Maybe share your Camp NaNoWriMo username if you want to add friends from the Galaxy Cauldron Forums. ♥
I'd also love to see discussion in this thread about Camp NaNoWriMo—whether it's questions, comments, thoughts, suggestions, or anything else!
Anyone interested in registering for camp?