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 Rei and Love

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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime3rd April 2016, 7:56 am

I came across this panel again today and it tickled my thoughts into different directions.

Rei and Love 1d32fbD

Specifically the part where Rei says "If I were to ever fall in love, I'd likely want to claim everything of that person and keep it completely to myself. I might end up destroying that person."

Another translation has it slightly different but similar:

Rei and Love Tumblr_n0hu8xzFYk1qcrqedo4_500

"If I would ever fall in love, I'm sure I would want all of that person to belong to me. I'd make them all mine, but I might ruin them in the process."

So, do we think Rei is saying that if she were to fall in love, she would be the possessive kind whose love would be all-consuming to the point of being unhealthy? That she would literally ruin that person? I find it interesting because it matches her element; that kind of burning passion that literally consumes someone until they're all burnt and the only thing left is ash. Fire is dangerous when uncontrollable because it consumes everything. Is she saying this is the case for her?

If Rei were not disinterested in men, do you think she would have been the jealous, possessive type, as by her own admission?
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime3rd April 2016, 8:03 am

I"m not sure if it would go into the possessive, jealous area, but I think it would be very, very passionate. Sometimes passionate, intense loves burns people out. 

However, passionate love can be controlled. I think Rei can be very in control of herself and also finding a partner who balances her, tempers her, is ideal.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime12th April 2016, 12:13 pm

Oh, you're not a romantic at all to think of jealousy, Sailor Mercury. Though neither am I, so it's better that you said it before me, you'll be firstly called out on it, then. Wink I joke, but I think what Rei is saying is that she would just love and adore her lover too much, would give them so much affection that they would be engulfed in it and couldn't get away, like burning flames, indeed. Though I don't think she'd be jealous or possessive, just too loving. I also think that even though Rei is just not interested in men, there may be a small part of her that is also reluctant to them, due to the reasons that she states in the chapter.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime12th April 2016, 12:16 pm

Her love is like a flame, all consuming and would burn her lover out I think.
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime12th April 2016, 12:42 pm

Rei definitely likes to control aspects of her life as much as possible... probably because most of her life has been out of control (losing her mother, being abandoned by her father, becoming heartbroken, etc). She hasn't been able to control what people have done to her which has brought her great sorrow so she opts to avoid relationships that could lead her to further pain. I think that "manga Rei" is far more passionate and emotional than she lets on and just puts up a strong front.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime12th April 2016, 2:21 pm

Actually, I'm a hopeless romantic. Wink I don't see the correlation between jealousy and romantic. You can be romantic and think about jealousy.

The reason I thought of possessiveness is based on Rei's own words.

" claim everything of that person and keep it completely to myself", "I'm sure I would want all of that person to belong to me. I'd make them all mine".
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime12th April 2016, 6:56 pm

oooh this is a very good point Mercury, i never really looked into this panel deeper before. This is probably why reinako in the manga would never work out. She'd never want her love to overtake her duty to Usagi and as a Sailor Soldier. I think also they are so young at this point...she's what...14? Already having gone through so much (and at this point in the manga) and now dealing with being a Sailor Soldier and having friends to fight for and with for the first time in her a life. Yeah love is definitely on her mind and she'd rather not be so blinded in her passion for it to forsake her friends. I would imagine as she grows and matures, she might be able to love in a way thats not so strong as she describes...everyone changes as they grow older and I think she'd be able to find balance with the correct person.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime15th April 2016, 10:51 am

Sailor Mercury wrote:
Actually, I'm a hopeless romantic. Wink I don't see the correlation between jealousy and romantic. You can be romantic and think about jealousy.

Oh fine, a hopeless romantic it is then. Meh, I was joking so don't make anything of what I said, though I myself don't see jealousy as a part of romance, that's why I said that. I suppose we just think differently about this and interpret what Rei said in different manners, then.
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime15th April 2016, 11:52 am

I think she'd become possessive and passionate. She is the senshi of fire and passion, after all-and it might become too overbearing on her partner. If we're going by manga logic, anyways, she outright stated that she had no taste for men, but now I'm starting to wonder if it's because she distances herself from them because she's afraid of the relationships with the evidence you provided.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime15th April 2016, 2:32 pm

Lavender wrote:
Oh fine, a hopeless romantic it is then. Meh, I was joking so don't make anything of what I said, though I myself don't see jealousy as a part of romance, that's why I said that. I suppose we just think differently about this and interpret what Rei said in different manners, then.

I'm not saying jealousy is a part of romance. I'm saying just because you're a romantic doesn't mean you can't see jealousy when it's happening in front of you. Though I kind of disagree with the concept of jealousy not existing in romance either, but to each their own.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime15th April 2016, 2:35 pm

Cosmos-Hime wrote:
If we're going by manga logic, anyways, she outright stated that she had no taste for men, but now I'm starting to wonder if it's because she distances herself from them because she's afraid of the relationships with the evidence you provided.
I personally think that Rei convinced herself to hold a grudge against men. In Casablanca Memory she has her heart broken by Kaidou, meaning that she was romantically interested in men at least at one point. 
It's possible that her bad experiences with men (her father and Kaidou) have turned her away from men completely. 
It is also possible that she swore off of men since they have caused her too much trouble and could potentially hinder her role as a senshi.
She wasn't really a happy girl until she met the other senshi so it makes sense for Rei to prioritize them (especially Minako) rather than to involve herself with men who could potentially betray her again. Also, Rei is basically guaranteed that her friends won't ever abandon her since it is both her's and her friends' destiny to protect Usagi along side one another.
*On another note, Rei said that she "doesn't need love right now" BEFORE she met Minako. Food for thought heheheh
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime15th April 2016, 4:42 pm

^I like where you went with that. Rei and Love 3120693907
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime16th April 2016, 7:10 pm

That does seem like it.  She knows her limits and how passionate and possessive she can get and because she doesn't want to ruin that, she chooses to love from afar or not at all.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime18th April 2016, 8:04 am

I wonder when she's older if she can love without it being all consuming. I wonder how much she's using it as an excuse because she would rather focus on Usagi and her friends.
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Neo King Helios
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime1st August 2016, 5:09 am

Sorry to bring this back all of the sudden, but I really like this topic. (Came across it while Galaxia Stamp Hunting).

I feel that I can partially relate to Rei to be honest. As much as love and passion does sound amazing, there's this level where you become so consumed by them that you're treating the person you love like a caged bird. Now I'm not one to bring this up, but I feel like it slightly hints domestic abuse... in a sense where you love someone so much they become your possession and thus every slight move they make, you immediately react to it as an act of cheating. Let's face it, Usagi and Mamoru's relationship kinda shows this degree of passion, where Usagi even goes so far as to get jealous of her own daughter- she's that possessive of Mamoru. 

I also feel that Rei is scared... to truly experience loving someone so passionately and intensely, and ending up with a broken heart. I feel that she's scared of commitment; the idea that she pours her heart on to that person, but will never get the same treatment in return. She's afraid that she will never find someone who will love her and bear her crosses as much as she would for them, so she chooses not to love instead. She chooses to not involve herself with the sad reality behind romance, behind 'true love'.
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime1st August 2016, 5:24 am

Oooo you just fuel my Reinako fire Rei and Love 3884866259

I think, based on Rei's words, it's a combination of everything people have suggested. I think she WOULD be the possessive type. She would get jealous - she certainly wouldn't want to share. I also think she'd be super passionate, to the point of burn out for the other lover. She is definitely the embodiment of flame and passion, as others have suggested.

It's interesting because I have thought to myself before: if Rei had a lover, could she still be the protector of Usagi that she is? I end up thinking that she would be the opposite of Haruka and Michiru (both love each other but still end up putting Usagi first but if one dies, the other is gonna die shortly after so it's faulty but they still try). I think she'd put all of her attention, focus, love, protection, etc. on that lover instead. I mean, if she had to choose between Usagi and Minako a lover to save, I don't think she'd choose Usagi.

Would she be abusive? Perhaps. I don't think she'd mean it if she did, but I think the element is there.

Neo King Helios wrote:

I also feel that Rei is scared... to truly experience loving someone so passionately and intensely, and ending up with a broken heart. I feel that she's scared of commitment; the idea that she pours her heart on to that person, but will never get the same treatment in return. She's afraid that she will never find someone who will love her and bear her crosses as much as she would for them, so she chooses not to love instead. She chooses to not involve herself with the sad reality behind romance, behind 'true love'.

And then there's me saying who better fit for the passionate love of Rei than the goddess of love herself, Minako. I do like to think that Minako can tame the beast within Rei.
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime1st August 2016, 8:35 pm

Jupiter Rose wrote:
And then there's me saying who better fit for the passionate love of Rei than the goddess of love herself, Minako. I do like to think that Minako can tame the beast within Rei.

This^ Rei and Love 3309518329 Rei and Love 2027930456
Additionally, love and war are really commonly associated with one other.
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime3rd August 2016, 7:14 am

Chibi Usako wrote:
Additionally, love and war are really commonly associated with one other.

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Neo King Helios
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime4th August 2016, 12:03 am

Let's not forget that Sailor Moon follows Greek Myths majority of the time, and in Greek Myths Aphrodite Goddess of Love, and Ares God of War, are together- thus making it technically official that Reinako is canon...
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime4th August 2016, 7:31 am

Small Lady wrote:
Chibi Usako wrote:
Additionally, love and war are really commonly associated with one other.


Rei and Love 1*fvWmWfJ6B6XkUQUPU8YRrg

Neo King Helios wrote:
Let's not forget that Sailor Moon follows Greek Myths majority of the time, and in Greek Myths Aphrodite Goddess of Love, and Ares God of War, are together- thus making it technically official that Reinako is canon...

Yes. Exactly!
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PostSubject: Re: Rei and Love   Rei and Love I_icon_minitime8th August 2016, 4:41 am

Ohh, like Obaa I never made those connections either! I think I need to get better at Greek Mythology. It does make a good point, and I do like the basis in GM for Reinako!
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