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 VBabe, Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store,

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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Age : 35
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VBabe, Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store,  Empty
PostSubject: VBabe, Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store,    VBabe, Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store,  I_icon_minitime1st February 2016, 5:21 am

Username:  VBabe

Item: Sailor Moon Short Stories Manga Volumes 1 and 2 
VBabe, Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store,  Z0wQWEQ VBabe, Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store,  OFNJiEX 

Cost:  1500 points each

Total Cost:  3000 points
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
Posts : 8024
Join date : 2012-08-04
Age : 35
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VBabe, Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store,  Empty
PostSubject: Re: VBabe, Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store,    VBabe, Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store,  I_icon_minitime1st February 2016, 5:50 am

Old Balance:  7280 
New Balance: 4280

Please complete the following steps to ensure that your order is processed correctly:

1. Please send an email to with your shipping address and naming the item(s) you wish to buy. 

2. Once you have done that please, PM Neo Queen Serenity to let her know that you have sent an email about a Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store purchase. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
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VBabe, Crystal Tokyo Merchandise Store,

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