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 What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?

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Lotus Crystal


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What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? Empty
PostSubject: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime7th August 2015, 8:33 pm

Ever have a time where you pulled an Usagi? Or you did something just like Venus, Pluto or Mamoru would do?

I bet there has been a moment in our lives at some point where we said, "Wow thats exactly what _______ would do in Sailor moon!"

Please share your silly or serious moments.

Example from me (True story)

There was one day a couple years back that i had first watched PGSM and I was at one of the points in an act where Mamoru would say to someone (Mostly Usagi) "Baka" Witch is dumb or stupid in Japanese (I think) so for a couple days without noticing the first couple times I was talking like him for a while...Now that I think about it I just sounded silly.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime9th August 2015, 9:16 pm

I can't think of any favorite Moonie moment from my life.  But I certainly have a most embarrassing one.

Several years ago, my dad and I went to this British restaurant near where we lived at the time.  I was looking around the restaurant before we got our meals, and I happened to notice one waitress who had her hair in what appeared to be round balls, like odangoes (or meatballs, if you're more familiar with the English dub) - and I remember her hair being blond, also.  No hair extending from them, but still, the two decorations on top of her head looked to be that way.

Anyway, for the whole rest of the time we were there, I couldn't help looking for her as I considered how I was going to ask her the question that seemed obvious to me.  Finally, at the end of the meal, when my dad said he was going back to the car, I said I'd catch up to him as I sought out that waitress.  When I finally got up to her, I asked her something like "Are you a fan of Sailor Moon?"  She responded in some way that made clear she hadn't heard of Sailor Moon.  I explained my question something like the following "Sailor Moon is the title character in a TV show.  She was often called 'meatball head' because she wore her hair in that shape, like yours."  (I figured she would have more of a chance of knowing the English dub term than the Japanese one.)  I can still remember her exact reply "Meatballs!?!  These are horns!"

Needless to say, I slipped away and out of the restaurant as quickly as I could.  What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? 702547589
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What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime11th August 2015, 7:04 pm

Moving this thread to the General SM Discussion forum.

This page within the forums explains why your post fits best here.

What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? 1955989781
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Pyramidal Crystal


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What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime17th August 2015, 9:32 pm

I can't think of a really defining moment when I have acted like one of the characters off hand, though I always feel like when I figure something out at work that no one else could, that perhaps a little bit of Ami was showing.  I can only hope and aspire. ^-^

But I do have a touching Sailor Moon moment. I shared this once before a looong time ago but there are so many new folks here so hope you don't mind.

When I was in college I volunteered to be an assistant computer instructor at a camp for visually impaired and legally blind kids. Being visually impaired myself I really wanted to give something back you know? Well at lunch there was this tiny little five year old girl named Bree who I noticed sitting off by herself in a tiny scrunched up ball talking to herself. I asked her counselor about it and she said Bree was very shy and did not play with the other kids. So I walked over, not quite sure what I was going to do, when I heard her whisper "Moon Prism Power Make Up". I think my eyes popped out of my head! SM was NOT really popular at this time. So ,totally excited I sat down beside her and started talking to her about Sailor Moon. We'd even play act it at times and I eventually bought her a disguise pen like Usagi's. Over the course of the summer she really opened up, from not meeting your gaze and whispering, to actually walking up to ask someone to play! Granted, she was asking of they would play Sailor Moon with us, but progress is still progress! ^^ It was a really touching summer and I was so glad that I could find something to connect with this sweet, shy little girl about to help her to open up. Smile
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Sailor Zelda
Lotus Crystal

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What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime22nd August 2015, 6:14 pm

That is such a sweet story. I wish I had somethig to add.
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime3rd September 2015, 7:41 pm

I talk in my sleep sometimes! The other night my little boy woke me up wanting a bottle of milk around 4 am. When the husband woke me up before he left for work in the morning I was half asleep still and said some gibberish to him. Later that day I emailed him and said I was tired and that I do and say weird things when I'm sleepy, because I caught myself putting the phone in the fridge and thought it was funny. He said earlier when he woke me up, I had told him that princess serenity was keeping our son awake all night....LOL. Not sure why I would have said that, I must of been having Sailor Moon dreams.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime3rd September 2015, 7:45 pm

Sailor Zelda wrote:
That is such a sweet story. I wish I had somethig to add.

Aww, I know right? I'll never forget. <3

Moondust wrote:
I talk in my sleep sometimes! The other night my little boy woke me up wanting a bottle of milk around 4 am. When the husband woke me up before he left for work in the morning I was half asleep still and said some gibberish to him. Later that day I emailed him and said I was tired and that I do and say weird things when I'm sleepy, because I caught myself putting the phone in the fridge and thought it was funny. He said earlier when he woke me up, I had told him that princess serenity was keeping our son awake all night....LOL. Not sure why I would have said that, I must of been having Sailor Moon dreams.

Hahaha!! That is too funny. (I totally do that with work dreams. I have tried to physically hand my husband an imaginary spreadsheet more than once and ask him to help me reconcile the numbers. #poorworklifebalance LOL ^^)
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Sailor Zelda
Lotus Crystal

Sailor Zelda

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What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime3rd September 2015, 7:52 pm

K so I was over at my best friend's house today. I showed herthe first episode of Sailor Moon a few months ago and lent her the first manga volume today. She told me how somehow her hairdresser and her got on the subject of Sailor Moon. Apparently her hairdrsser was one of those people that watched the dub in the nineties and knew nothinga bout the Japanese version, so when she bought the dvds at Walmart you can imagine she was surprised. So my friend explained to her about anime and stuff. And I was like,I need to meet your hairdresser so I can explain her some things. My friend even mentioned me while talking to her Smile.
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Star Seed


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What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime3rd September 2015, 8:15 pm

PoetofMercury wrote:
Sailor Zelda wrote:
That is such a sweet story. I wish I had somethig to add.

Aww, I know right? I'll never forget. <3

Moondust wrote:
I talk in my sleep sometimes! The other night my little boy woke me up wanting a bottle of milk around 4 am. When the husband woke me up before he left for work in the morning I was half asleep still and said some gibberish to him. Later that day I emailed him and said I was tired and that I do and say weird things when I'm sleepy, because I caught myself putting the phone in the fridge and thought it was funny. He said earlier when he woke me up, I had told him that princess serenity was keeping our son awake all night....LOL. Not sure why I would have said that, I must of been having Sailor Moon dreams.

Hahaha!! That is too funny. (I totally do that with work dreams. I have tried to physically hand my husband an imaginary spreadsheet more than once and ask him to help me reconcile the numbers. #poorworklifebalance LOL ^^)
Aww, bless. You must have a somewhat stressful job, numbers and spreadsheets sounds scary lol!  What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? 2462981697
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Star Seed


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What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime8th October 2015, 6:07 pm

I think it was when our own CrystalSetsuna compared me flatteringly to Minako. (Silly, I know.)
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime31st October 2015, 1:44 pm

This is such a neat thread, I particularly like PoetofMercury's post, so nice haha. 

I don't have a specific 'moonie' moment I can compare to the show, other than the the fact I'm really un-coordinated at times. I remember years ago I was out with friends and we went to a nightclub, the entrance is a massive set of steep stairs, I make to the very top then fall flat on my face the last step - just reminds me of a few Usagi moments near the beginning of Sailor Moon.  Embarassed
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PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime31st October 2015, 1:51 pm

About a month ago, someone recognized my shirt and was all OMG SAILOR MOON WAS MY CHILDHOOD-and had no idea about the 20th anniversary, nor the merch, nor crystal or the redubbing. Needless to say, it was a very fun conversation; they got super excited with all the news I told them.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime1st November 2015, 1:23 am

Soul_Survivor wrote:
This is such a neat thread, I particularly like PoetofMercury's post, so nice haha. 

I don't have a specific 'moonie' moment I can compare to the show, other than the the fact I'm really un-coordinated at times. I remember years ago I was out with friends and we went to a nightclub, the entrance is a massive set of steep stairs, I make to the very top then fall flat on my face the last step - just reminds me of a few Usagi moments near the beginning of Sailor Moon.  Embarassed

Reading that reminds me of one time many years ago, back when I had a good sense of balance and good coordination - usually.

I was climbing the steps of a public transit bus (to board it) with a stack of bus schedules in at least one hand (if not both).  These were normal stairs (not steep ones), but trying to get my foot up to the last step proved difficult that time.  The first time I tried to lift that foot up to the last step, I felt it hit the edge dropping down from my intended goal there.  Luckily, I was able to catch myself before losing my balance or anything like that, so I put that foot back down on the lower step, then tried again with that foot.  This time, I hit that same edge while also losing my balance - and thus spilling half of my bus schedules all over the bus driver!  What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? 702547589

Okay, Poll time!  Which was more embarrassing - Soul Survivor's story or mine?
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Princess Sailor Mai
Pyramidal Crystal

Princess Sailor Mai

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What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime1st January 2016, 7:38 pm

I don't think I've ever had a moment like...
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime1st January 2016, 10:17 pm

At a store called five below some worker recognized my tshirt and I told her about the manga,re-dubbing and sailor moon crystal. Wonder if she followed up on it...
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime17th January 2016, 7:47 am

I was riding the train ( about 2 years ago) and I was reading the manga and someone came up to me and said "Omg is there a new manga out??" and I said "Oh nooo I'm just re reading it!" and it just made me smile that there were other Sailor Moonies out there!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime17th January 2016, 8:20 pm

PoetofMercury wrote:
But I do have a touching Sailor Moon moment. I shared this once before a looong time ago but there are so many new folks here so hope you don't mind.
That was such a touching story, Poet! Smile Amazing!

I love running into kids who are into Sailor Moon! It's so much fun! Last March, I attended an anime convention dressed as Mimete in her civilian trench coat disguise. On one of the days, I got separated from my friends while we were browsing the vendor and artist booths in one of the main exhibit halls. Toward the front of the exhibit hall there was this little girl (maybe 8-10 years old) walking around with her mom. When she saw me she eagerly came over and started talking to me like Tellu did in the original dub before pulling the plug on Mimete lmao. It was super entertaining. This kid had it all down word-for-word as she told me that my show was over and that I better watch my back. She even ended the conversation with “Tah tah, Mimete” before she went back to her mom haha. That was probably one of my favorite moonie moments.
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PostSubject: Re: What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you?   What is your favorite Moonie moment that has happened to you? I_icon_minitime

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