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 (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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Location : San Antonio, Texas

(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime2nd January 2012, 2:25 pm

Note: Role-players are not allowed to begin role-playing with a character until that character has received official approval by a profile reviewer.
Name of the Storyline: The Slumber Party
Name of the Creator: Sailor Venus
Forum: Tokyo City (Present)
Summary of the Plot of the Storyline: (End of Sailor Super S) Usagi and Hotaru plan a surprise girls-only slumber party the night before Chibi-Usa leaves to go back home to the future. The party will be held at the mansion the Outer senshi reside at, so as to avoid the bratty younger brother and pesky parents at Usagi's house. Prepare for truth or dare, tons of food, pillow fights, and gossiping!
Details on any necessary information or restrictions: All of the sailor senshi (Inner and Outer) and the female moon cats (Luna and Diana) are invited to attend the slumber party. The men (i.e. Mamoru and Artemis) have not been invited and, therefore, are not expected to attend. This will be a light storyline with no villains or youma attacks and no over-arching plot.
Characters not currently used by a role-player will be considered absent until the second page. After the second page, characters not currently used by a role-player will be NPCed as appropriate.

Last edited by Sailor Venus on 27th September 2013, 8:08 am; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime19th January 2012, 9:22 pm

(Usagi's bedroom)

Tomorrow afternoon Chibi-Usa would be returning to her home and life in the future. Usagi and Hotaru secretly planned a surprise slumber party at the mansion for Chibi-Usa, so she could see all of her friends before she left for Crystal Tokyo. Each had promised to share the responsibilities of planning a surprise slumber partly equally, but, of course, this meant in reality that Luna would find herself conned into taking on about half of Usagi's share of the responsibilities. Usagi had remember to invite most of the girls, but she had forgotten to arrange for Chibi-Usa to be somehow preoccupied until the slumber party. Luna had taken it upon herself to arrange for Mamoru and Chibi-Usa to spend the afternoon together at the amusement park. She was certain that they were having a lot of fun.

Truthfully, Luna wanted to spend a little quality time with Diana, her future daughter. She had always imagined that she would grow up to raise a fine litter of kittens, but she had never expected to be confronted by her own kitten before it was even born. Artemis... She wasn't quite sure how she felt knowing that he would become her future husband. She certainly could have done much worse than Artemis.

The lithe, black cat looked up toward the clock hanging on Usagi's bedroom wall. It is nearly time to leave, she thought, but hardly surprised that Usagi was not yet ready to leave. "Usagi, are you ready to leave? We still need to prepare."

(OOC: Anyone, feel free to join in! If you aren't going to be at Usagi's house, then please just state where you are in parentheses.)
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Star Seed


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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime24th January 2012, 12:11 pm

Usagi felt the hot stream of water on her body. Oh, how she loved shower time! In the shower she could fly away in her mind and dream of whatever she wanted to. It was her little private time to relax from all the troubles of the day - and as the beautiful Senshi of love and justice she had some, you can be sure of that! But today, her minds weren't sunk in dreams of Mamo chan and ice creams and cakes, but were focused on one particular pink haired girl that was about to leave tomorrow. Chibiusa... Has it really been that long since the day she fell on her head and threatened her with a toy gun? Usagi giggled, the memory coming into her mind. Seems like it was only yesterday... Time seemed to fly. Back then, she couldn't wait until the day in which the little brat gets out of her life. But now, when it was just about to happen, the blond Moon princess wasn't so sure. True, Chibiusa and her sure had their disagreements and they indeed used to fight a lot, but no matter what, Usagi couldn't hate her. Not for real, no. In a way, she felt like Chibiusa was a part of herself, and she couldn't actually hate a part of her, could she? Though not admitting it out loud, Usagi really wished the little girl could stay with her, just for a little while. Several salty tears started to flow down her blue eyes. She's going to miss her so much...

But soon, the blond brought the smile back to her face. After all, she promised to see Chibiusa off with a smile. Although the girl was too shy and introverted to admit, Usagi could already guess that parting from everyone was hard for her as well, and she didn't want to make it even harder for her. Besides, little girls needed their mothers beside them, that's how the world works. And as much as she loved her, Usagi was still not her mother, not yet. She might have loved her and protected her and did anything she could to make her happy (when she didn't get on her nerves, anyway), but she was still a child herself in many ways. Besides, everyone knew that this day would come sooner or later. If they really had to say goodbye, Usagi had decided to do it big time! Together with Hotaru, she planned to have a little slumber party for the entire girl team. It was meant to be in Usagi's house, and it was all pretty much set. Usagi had planned it all in her mind - they were going to have tons of sweets and food, do pillow fights, play truth or dare, and chit chat, just like regular girls. Now that the awaited peace has arrived, they could afford being regular girls, at last. Ohh, they were going to have so much fun!

Her thoguhts were stopped at once as she heard the voice of Luna from outside the shower. Ohhhh, that kitty! Their relationship had improved a lot since the black cat first appeared in Usagi's room, and yet sometimes she was still annoying like that. "Don't rush me, Luna! I need to be pretty!", Usagi called from inside the shower. Gee, Luna could never understand the heart of a teenage girl! Maybe because she was a cat and not a human? Well, whatever her reason was, she was kind of right... Usagi should probably get out of there. Soon, she stopped the warm stream of water and got out of the shower, covering her body with a pink towel. She then whipped her long, blond hair and started to brush it several times. Once she was done, Usagi wore a pink pajama with a pattern of white rabbits (it was her favorite!) and wore pink slippers which had face of rabbits on the front. After doing that, she started to make her hair into the familiar Odango hairstyle, which had already became her trademark. "See? I'm ready!", she told Luna once she was all set, "no need to pressure me so much!". She then walked towards the door, and just before opening it turned her head back towards the black cat. "Let's have fun tonight, ne?", she asked her softly. Even though Luna could be annoying sometimes, just like Chibiusa, Usagi loved her a lot.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime30th January 2012, 7:22 am

A few moments passed before Luna received her answer from Usagi.

"Don't rush me, Luna! I need to be pretty!"

The feline rolled her eyes, knowing perfectly well that Usagi did not need to obsess over her looks. Although Usagi had lived on Earth, she still possessed an ethereal quality to her that deepened as she grew older and her powers as Sailor Moon matured. "I'm certain you look fine, Usagi!" Luna called, hoping to be heard over the shower's running water.

The water turned off after a minute or two. Usagi emerged from the steaming bathroom a little while later dressed in pajamas. While finishing her hair, the teenager girl briefly complained about Luna's pestering. Luna shrugged it off with a dismissive sniff and said nothing further on the matter. Their roles were set. Luna was the slightly over-bearing guardian while Usagi was the maturing teenage girl, who was beginning to grow out of her rebellious and unresponsible stage.

"Do you have the games and movies for tonight ready? We would not want to forget those." Luna commented. That was part of Usagi's responsibilities. Hotaru had been charged with preparing the mansion for the slumber party (with some help from the others who lived there). "We should have an hour or so before Mamoru brings Chibiusa to Hotaru's house." She turned to walk toward the door. "If you are ready, then let's leave."
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime25th February 2012, 5:55 am

Usagi smiled within the shower when she heard Luna's voice from her room. As much as Luna could be annoying sometimes, she was her true friend and Usagi loved her deeply. She could still remember the first time they met, how Luna gave her the magical pin that would turn her into Sailor Moon, and change her life forever. The blond smiled. Has it really been that ling since then?... They sure have been through much together. And it seemed as if it happened only yesterday...

"Well, it's easy for you to look great, you're a cat! Cats always look good, no matter what! Humans need to put a little effort in it", she told her jokingly when she got out of the shower. Even though most of the time Luna was serious, sometimes Usagi was capable of joking around with her a little bit. They knew each other for a long time now, so Usagi could tell when it was suitable and when she better remain silent and obey. This was not the situation now, though. The awaited peace has returned to Earth, and they were going to have fun with the girls! How long she waited for a night like this, in which they wouldn't have to worry about battles or enemies, and could just have fun with each other.

"Hai, hai!", Usagi said and bounced off her bed, skipping towards her desk, on which a pink bag was. She took it in her hand and showed it to the black cat, "It's all ready in here!". It was then that Usagi remembered another thing that was just as important as the movies and the games and for her even more. "Oh, Luna, one more thing!", she said and bent over, taking another bag from below her bed. "We can't really have a slumber party without any snacks, right?", she asked Luna cheerfully. True, Usagi has matured a great deal and was a beautiful Senshi of Love and Justice, but deep inside she still had a bit of good old crybaby Usagi and her never-ending craving for sweets.

"Alright, let's go!", she said and quickly opened the room's door, leaving it open so Luna can get out. Then, she went down the stairs and stood in front of her mother and father. "Mama, papa, I am going to the sleepover at Haruka's, I'll be back in the morning! Oyasuminasai!", she told them, and went out of the house, leaving the door open again, so Luna can follow.

((Sorry that it took so long, V chan... -_-))
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime5th March 2012, 7:22 pm

Usagi bounced over to her desk to retrieve a pink bag filled with the necessary supplies. Luna smiled, glad to see that Usagi was prepared. Perhaps, the results of Luna's teaching continued to emerge. Sometimes, Usagi backtracked, but Luna knew that her charge had come a long way and would continue to improve herself. Then, Usagi pulled out a bag filled with sweets and treats. The cat's sigh was followed by a short, amused laugh.
"Of course, Usagi. You could not have a slumber party without snacks." The small feline placed a paw on the door and urged Usagi to leave once again. "But you also cannot have a slumber party without leaving the house, so let's go."
Usagi opened the door and Luna slipped out after the teenage girl. The two walked down the stairs. Usagi paused to tell her parents were she was going and when she would be back. Luna meowed once, then quickly followed after her 'owner.' She doubted there would ever be a right opportunity to tell Usagi's parents about the double-life their daughter, and her cat, led. Tonight wasn't a night to worry about such things. Tonight was a night of fun.

If you want, we can just NPC Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru. No one has claimed them in this storyline and we can't delay going to their house forever.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime1st April 2012, 8:43 am

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Star Seed


Star Seed

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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime1st April 2012, 8:50 am

(I was planning on working on Hotaru but life got in the way... I'll try to do so soon so this storyline can continue.

Also if someone joins it can be nice!!!)
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime15th April 2012, 7:29 am


Setsuna glanced at the clock and had start to gather her thing to go to the slumber party for Chibiusa surprise good bye party slumber party. tomorrow Chibiusa will go back to the to crystal Tokyo where she had came from. she had gather her thing into a black bag where she had for sleep overs.She check her items for the sleep over again to make sure she did not forget any thing important.

"Pj`s......check,brush.....check,make up........check,..........sleeping bag......check. ok im ready to go"

Setsuna left out the door turning all the lights off. she had made her way to the mansion,where the slumber party.

Last edited by bunbun on 26th April 2012, 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime26th April 2012, 9:23 am

OOC: I will NPC Michiru, but anyone can claim her or NPC her.

Michiru gently lifted a curtain and peered out the window to their house. With a smile on her face, she called to her adopted daughter, "Hotaru, our first visitors are arriving!" While Hotaru busily finished preparations, Michiru took it upon herself to greet Usagi and Luna at the front door.

"Good evening, Usagi, Luna." Michiru said, holding the door open. "Please, come inside." Luna darted inside and went to claim a comfortable spot on a black couch pillow. The cat looked forward to tonight, because she did not receive many opportunities to relax and have fun. There was always something to do. The life of a guardian and advisor of a sailor senshi was never boring.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime26th April 2012, 3:03 pm

Setsuna came shortly after Usagi and Luna came."guess who." Setsuna said cheerfully while peaking in from the door.Setsuna was never was the type to talk much,but to day she was going to let her self free and have some fun.she waited to be greeted in the mansion.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime6th May 2012, 8:19 am

After the other guests entered the mansion, Michiru warmly greeted Setsuna. "I am so glad you could make it, Setsuna," she said, ushering the older woman inside. The Senshi of Time had a never-ending duty and it was exceedingly rare that she could and would take a temporary leave of absence from the Time Gate. Once all had entered, Michiru closed and secured the door.

The spacious living room would hold the guests of the slumber party tonight. Several pieces of furniture had been moved, so everyone could fit. Luna, having found her comfortable spot to relax, twitched her tail lazily. She wondered when Chibi-Usa and Diana would arrive. It would be nice to spend some quality time with her future daughter before she left for the future. Even though the proof existed, Luna still need to become used to the idea of Artemis becoming her future partner.

"Could you help me bring the snacks into the living room, Setsuna?" Michiru asked, standing in the doorway. Yes, she could have asked for Usagi's help, too, but then the snacks would never make it into the living room. Michiru held back a teasing smile at the thought.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Chibi Neptune :3
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime6th May 2012, 9:03 am

"sure,no problem"Setuna said. She picks up the snacks and moved them to living.she placed them on the coffee table. There were cakes,cookies,sandwiches,and other delicious things,the food made the room smell sweet.

The house felt comfortable,It was like she never left home. She would only be in Tokyo for a short amount of time then she will have make her leave too just like Chibi-Usa. The thought of that made Setuna a little sad deep inside her,but that wont be for a while now,she smiles a bit.

"Oh Michiru when do you think Chibi-Usa and Diana will arrive,we cant have the slumber party without those two."Setuna said while Sitting down on the nice and soft sofa.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime12th May 2012, 1:51 pm

OOC: Alala, I hope you can find the time to re-join us. ^^ I will try not to get too far ahead, but this storyline needs to keep moving.

Luna would have offered her assistance, but lack of opposable thumbs and the ability to walk rightly on two legs prevented her from being much use. She had other talents to offer the sailor senshi, although none of her talents seemed to apt for a slumber party. The black cat motioned to Usagi to help Michiru finish preparations for the slumber party. It wouldn't be much longer before the others began to arrive.

Michiru followed behind Setsuna with several drinks and the appropriate paper and plastic dinnerware. "Thank you, Setsuna." She smiled graciously, then ducked back into the living room to grab several more items. The blue-haired beauty heard Setsuna's question as she walked back into the living room with a bag of games and a selection of movies.

"Well, we still have about half an hour before any other guests should arrive. Mamoru should be dropping Chibi-Usa and Diana off just before sunset. I believe Hotaru is in her bedroom finishing a gift she is making for Chibi-Usa." Michiru did not know the details about Hotaru's gift, but she had snuck several peeks before being chased off by Hotaru.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime12th May 2012, 3:13 pm

Sentsuna gazed around for a moment at the room,She was hoping the others would come soon.It would be fun if they forgot or something came up.Setsuna relaxed a bit before doing anything else.

"So half an hour then,I hope the others come before Chibi-Usa and Diana. That wouldn't be much as a surprise slumber party.
"Setsuna said.

Setsuna looked over at Usagi who was on the tip of the sofa snoring the night away lazily.Why come if you going to sleep all night.Setsuna said to her self. She seen a large size blue pillow and picks it up to throw at Usagi.She made Usagi roll off the sofa nearly landing on Luna,Usagi hit her head on the floor by mistake.

"Usagi! Im so sorry are you ok? Say something!"Setsuna was panicked,She did not mean for her to get hurt."Michiru I think Usagi hurt her-."paused after she herd Usagi giggled a bit then rolled over.And I worried over this Sentsuna thought.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime19th May 2012, 6:58 pm

(OOC: Although she is LOA at the moment, Alala is role-playing Usagi. If others do not join, feel free to NPC some of the other characters. Just be aware you may have to give them up if others, who are registered for those characters, join up.)

Michiru smothered a giggle with her hand while Luna rolled her eyes and sighed at Usagi's antics. Smiling, Michiru said, "I am going to see if Haruka and Hotaru are ready to come down and join us." Hotaru was working on her surprise, while Haruka was likely in the garage working on one of her cars. "Actually, Luna, could you check on Hotaru? I believe you know where her bedroom is located."

Luna rose from her spot. "Of course, I would be glad to do so." She said, stretching momentarily before she left to go upstairs to Hotaru's bedroom."

Before she left to see if Haruka was in the garage, Michiru paused and asked Setstuna, "Could you answer the front door if anyone arrives? Thank you, Setsuna."
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Chibi Neptune :3
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime20th May 2012, 9:40 am

(OOC:Sorry I never knew what NPC meant but now I do,I will not make that mistake again)

"Sure thing Michiru."Setsuna replied back.She switched seats to be closer to the door,just in case if some one did come.Sentsuna looked at the clock,It was still early for guest to arrive for the slumber party.Just as she was about to close her eyes she heard the door bell ring.

"Hey its me Minako, is anyone in there?"

Setsuna jump up to answer the door so she could let Minako in.She open the door swiftly."Hello minako,welcome to the party,The other are already here except a few who we are still waiting for."Setsuna said while smiling.

"Where should I put my bags at ?" Minako asked.Minako had four bags with her,it look like they weighed hundred pounds or so."Any where I guess."Said Setsuna.Minkao dropped the bags on the floor near the door way,The bags made a small thud on the floor.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime31st May 2012, 4:15 pm

(OOC: Sorry, Alala, but it has been nearly two months since you last posted. Bun-Bun, feel free to NPC Usagi.)

The door to Hotaru's bedroom was open. "Hello, Hotaru," Luna called before she entered Hotaru's bedroom. The younger girl smiled pleasantly and greeted the familiar black cat.

"I am almost done." She said, picking up her project and holding it for Luna to see. It was a scrapbook of pictures, memories, writings, and drawings. She had tried to get everyone to contribute something to the scrapbook.

"It looks wonderful," Luna praised. Hotaru took a few moments to put the last finishing touches on her gift for Chibi-Usa. Placing it gently on her desk, she walked downstairs with Luna. The gift would be presented when everyone arrived.

Meanwhile, Michiru had retrieved Haruka from the garage and encouraged her partner to shower before joining the slumber party. She did not wait for Haruka, but rather went back downstairs in order to attend to the guests. Hotaru had already greeted the newest guest, Minako, by the time Michiru had made it downstairs.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Chibi Neptune :3
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime12th June 2012, 8:21 am

"Hello everyone."Minako said.She bowed slightly."I recently talked to the others on the phone, they will be here shortly.

"I Hotaru im guessing you've finished with your gift you was making."Setsuna said."you did allot of work today, come and relax for a bit.She smiled a bit then she sat up and stretched her arms. Time was moving slow and the sky started to darken.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime16th July 2012, 8:57 am

Hotaru was pleased to hear from Minako that the others would be arriving soon. She hoped that everyone could make it to the slumber party, so Chibi-Usa would have the chance to see everyone before she left. Setsuna called Hotaru over and congratulated her adopted daughter on the gift. Hotaru smiled and blushed a light shade of pink. "I finished, but I hope it is good enough. I want Chibi-Usa to always remember the good times she had here with us."

Michiru was glad to hear that Hotaru would always have a friend in Chibi-Usa. She worried that Hotaru would retreat into herself once her friend left for her home in Crystal Tokyo. She had made a few more friends at school with Chibi-Usa's help. "Your gift looks wonderful, Hotaru. Chibi-Usa will be very happy to receive it from you." Luna nodded in agreement.

"Although everyone is not here, would anyone like to play a game while we wait?" Hotaru asked. She held up a piece of poster board and a white tail of fabric with a pin in it. "I made a pin-the-tail game for us to play." She turned the poster board around to reveal a tail-less picture of Artemis. She giggled when she saw the expression on Luna's face. "I'll even let you have the first try, Luna."
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime31st December 2012, 1:19 pm

Luna rolled her eyes at the young girl. But it would be nice to relax a little. Smiling Luna looked up at Hotaru. "I think I'll let you ladies have the fun for now." She said. "I'll watch." She sat up and watched as they set up the game, and start to play. Luna giggled as the fun continued.

Stretching Luna got up and went to get some air. She wondered when the others would show up. She really wanted to spend some time with Diana, before she left too. Not just one future mother was loosing a future daughter tomorrow. The fact that Diana was her child made her wonder when she would get to really meet her, as a newborn kitten. Luna smiled to herself, she wouldn't tell anyone really but she looked forward to the day she could feel Diana kicking her as she grew.

Walking back inside she laughed as she saw what had happened while she was gone. There was a giggling mass of girls on the floor. Luna smiled and jumped up on the couch and watched the fun, while they waited for Chibiusa and the others arrived.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime31st December 2012, 3:24 pm

Although the party had already started, Ami was only a few minutes late due to unexpected traffic delays. In one hand was her bag and the in the other hand was a small parting gift for Chibiusa and Diana. She placed the small gift in her bag before knocking on the door. Someone came to the door and politely let her inside.

After leaving her shoes by the front door and placing her bag in an adjoining room, Ami went to join the party. She giggled when saw the pin-the-tail-on-the-Artemis game and a group of laughing girls. With a wave of her hand, she said, "Hi, girls! Are Chibiusa and Diana here yet?" From first glance it looked like not everyone had arrived yet, but Ami wasn't sure if everyone was in the same room or not. Hopefully, everyone would arrive before Mamoru dropped off Chibiusa and Diana. Usagi was not supposed to call Mamoru until everyone had arrived.
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime31st December 2012, 5:04 pm

(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Sailor_neptune_rp_bumper_1_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d5prwxr

A slightly amused smile rose on the teal haired woman’s lips when Hotaru turned the poster board around only to reveal a picture of Artemis to all girls and especially to Luna. “Well girls as fun as trying to put a tail to Artemis sounds like I think I will skip this round” Michiru said smiling, she still had things to do in the kitchen and she wanted to double check everything before Chibiusa would arrive with Diana and Mamoru. She walked from the living room back to the kitchen as laughing and giggling echoed from the walls when the girls were about to begin the pin-the-tail game, the more or less poor Artemis being the inspiration of the idea Hotaru had come up with.

Back in the kitchen Michiru shook her head lightly, chuckling when thinking about the girls who were now playing the game. After their last battle all of the life they were spending now still felt weird and Michiru couldn’t shake the thought about a new enemy threating their planet away from her mind, that feeling never left her mind in peace as she knew that the possibility of a new battle was never excluded from their lives. But the time the soldiers got to live in peace was precious for them and the teal haired woman knew they should enjoy it with all they had.

Michiru wondered if Haruka was still in the shower or if she had already joined the other girls but then a knock from the door got her attention and she walked to open the door to the guest. The knock had almost drowned into the voices of giggles from the living room but luckily Michiru had heard it, despite being in her own thoughts for a while. She opened the door to the blue haired soldier wisdom and greeted her politely. Walking back to the living room with the younger girl Michiru smiled when she saw the girls laughing their thoughts centered to the game. She hoped this party would give them all time to relax and enjoy the peace they had been granted with.
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(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime3rd January 2013, 1:48 pm

Luna watched as Ami came in. She smiled. "Hello!" Luna hope the blue haired girl heard her over the others. Still, this wasn't something they could do often, so it was nice. She wondered if there was anything she could help with so she went to see Michiru.

"Michiru, is there anything I can help with?" She asked the beautiful young woman. She knew there wasn't much she could do, but could at least keep the hostess company, and get away from the din of the others fun.

She looked at the clock, Chibiusa and Diana should be arriving soon. Luna wasn't ready to say good bye to Diana and Chibiusa, she knew the others must feel the same. Shaking her head she looked up at Michiru, smiling. "So what could I do to help a little?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime6th January 2013, 8:41 pm

One of the girls tied a piece of cloth across Ami's eyes and began to spin her in circles. Ami giggled loudly and protested, but her pleas hit deaf ears. She couldn't suppress a squeak when she stopped spinning and a friend steadied Ami. Cautiously, she stepped forward. The blue-haired girl stopped when she heard the giggles and squeals of her friends grow louder. She took a step in a different direction, then took another step and another.
"Oh!" She said in surprise, accidentally bumping into someone. It was harder to find the poster of Artemis than she thought it would be!
Further away at the park, three friends enjoyed their final day together. Although he would not be allowed at the slumber party, Mamoru was able to spend most of the morning and the entire afternoon with Chibiusa and Diana. After a late breakfast, the three had tried to hit all of Chibiusa's favorite spots in Tokyo. He had given the other girls plenty of time to get ready for the surprise slumber party. It was getting close to the designated time and Chibiusa looked a little tired, so he excused himself and quickly called Michiru and Haruka's house to see if they were ready.
Who would pick up the phone?
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime8th January 2013, 4:10 pm

(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Twisted_hotaru_header

Hotaru giggled while watching the usually very aware Ami bump and stumble her way across the room, her giggles becoming even louder when the blue haired girl bumped into her! Hotaru quickly stepped out of the way to avoid being bumped into again, and decided to take a much safer seat on a bench at the perimeter of the room to watch the girl genius continue to stumble her way across the room. Finally she made it to the poster, and after a moment, managed to get the tail very close to where it belonged! Naturally, she'd be hard to beat.

Hotaru smiled and cheered, watching everyone do the same, happy that she was able to offer such a fun idea for the night. However, despite the great entertainment that was pin the tail on Artemis, Hotaru could not ignore the bittersweet feeling the night brought, try as she might. Ultimately, the end of the night would bring the group closer to saying good bye to Chibiusa, and even though she knew she'd see her again, it was too far off. Even though she had been welcomed with open arms by Chibiusa's friends, the violet eyed soldier of destruction had had a difficult time opening up to them, nor did she feel like they were that interested. Maybe it was just her shyness, but she worried that she might have friend troubles after Chibiusa left. Even if that did not come to pass, no one could replace the friendship that Chibiusa brought - Hotaru felt that no one understood her like Chibiusa.

Hotaru thought on this for a moment longer, then her attention was brought back to the present by louder cheers. It seemed this was going to be a close game, and the start to a wildly fun night!
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime14th January 2013, 9:57 am

(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  Sailor_neptune_rp_bumper_1_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d5prwxr

Michiru had made her way to the door of linen room as she still had to change all the towels to new ones and turned around when she heard the pepper black cat speaking behind her, offering her help. ”Thank you Luna, I appreciate your help” Michiru said smiling to the cat. “I assume that you prefer to stay further from the biggest fuss, as well” the teal haired young woman smiled, disappearing inside the linen room for few minutes to search for few certain tablecloths between the shelves. Luckily the room had good lightning since otherwise it would’ve been hard to actually find anything specific from the huge piles of linen that the small room hid. After Michiru had carefully picked two handmade, tiny tablecloths she stepped back to the hallway and knelt down to hand the decorated cloths to Luna. “I thought these could go to the living room, onto the coffee table. Would you take care of that while I change the towels of the upstairs’ bathroom?” she asked the cat and returned inside the linen room to get the needed towels for their guests.

Piling the towels one by one Michiru looked up to the clock that was on the wall and noticed that they didn’t have much time before Chibiusa would arrive with Diana and Mamoru. Even though the small room was a good distance away from the living room Michiru could still hear the giggles and laughs of the girls clearly and the noise they caused made her chuckle a bit as she shook her head lightly. After she had piled all needed linen and picked the pile in her hands she headed upstairs from the room. The pile she carried was so high that it had almost collapsed when Michiru had tried to close the door of the linen room without her hands in order to keep the pile as one. She had managed to get to the stairs and was half way up to the second floor when the sound of a ringing phone got her attention from the girls’ giggles. She had no way to answer the phone now that her hands were holding the tall pile of towels unless she would return to the first floor and get to answer the phone after putting the towel pile somewhere to free her hands. The noise from the living room was so loud that the teal haired woman doubted if anyone would even hear the ringing over it so all she could do was to call somebody to answer the phone and hope that some of the girls actually heard her voice. “Can someone answer the phone for me, my hands are full right now” the teal haired woman called from the stairs.
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime16th January 2013, 8:08 am

(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  046Ura_zps0afb1229

The water was hot enough to burn but Haruka relished the feeling. She loved super hot showers, and being surrounded by the rushing water always reminded her of Michiru.

Haruka wasn't sure how long she had been in the shower. She knew that she couldn't stay for much longer or else Michiru might come and yell at her. Haruka distracted herself with images of Michiru joining her in the shower, but she pushed those thoughts out of her mind quickly enough. There was too many things going on to waste too much, even if the water felt nice.

Sufficiently clean, Haruka stepped out and dried herself off. She put on a pair of black pants and a form-fitting blue shirt as well as a pair of warm black socks. Simple and easy was best for today. She was excited to have a relaxing day spent with all of the cute girls that always made her smile. It would be a lot of fun, even though there was a layer of sadness in the background with Chibiusa leaving. But they all would make the best of it.

Haruka worried about her daughter and how Hotaru would deal with her best friend leaving. She had herself prepared for a lot of crying after this slumber party was over, but that was for the future. Right now, she would make sure that everyone had an incredible time.

As she stepped out of the bathroom, followed by a rush of escaping steam, Haruka heard the phone ringing throughout the house. She also heard a lot of giggling coming from the living room, and then Michiru's voice asking someone to answer the phone for her.

Never one to deny Michiru anything, Haruka called back, "I'll get it." Still rubbing her hair with a towel, she made her way over to the phone. Picking it up, she rested it between her shoulder and her ear. "Tenoh residence," she said in greeting, going back to trying to dry the rest of her hair as she awaited a reply.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime25th January 2013, 8:03 am

(NPCing Mamoru and Chibiusa = short post)
Mamoru smiled lightly when he heard Haruka answer the phone. "Hello, Haruka," he said, switching the phone to his other ear. "It is Mamoru." He then lowered his voice, even though he was far enough away from Chibiusa and Diana that neither would be able to hear him.
"Would it be alright if I brought Chibiusa and Diana over?" He asked, looking back at the two. He smiled and waved at Chibiusa, who giggled and waved back.
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime29th January 2013, 9:09 pm

(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  1569843278

Chibiusa was having a great time. She always loved spending time with Mamoru. She and Diana had spent the whole day together with him and for some reason Usagi didn't seem to mind. That had got her thinking about what the meatball head might be up to. She hadn't thought much about it when the day started to get really fun. All the rides, games fun and food, she wouldn't soon forget. She smiled and waved at Mamoru, he was on his phone and she and Diana were enjoying funnel cakes.

Chibiusa looked down at her sweet treat and frowned. She didn't really want to go home tomorrow but she had to. She didn't belong here, she knew that but she had come to love everyone and she really didn't want to leave. She really didn't want to leave Hotaru. She shook her head and smiled again, this was suppose to be a day of fun, so she would have her fun and not think about going home for now.

Mamoru walked up. "So ready to head out?" He asked.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah!" She said."I had a great day Mamoru. Thanks." She said hugging him. Smiling she held his hand as the walked to the car. Chibiusa was ready to go she was getting a little tired. SHe wondered who would be waiting for her when she got home.

(Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  2071065468
Luna took the cloth offered to her and headed back to the living room. She managed to get the table cloth on with little problems. She jumped up on the couch and sat down. Where was Diana and Chibiusa? She wondered what was keeping them. Maybe they were just having to much fun to leave the park. That would be like the young girls after all. She smiled as she watched the girls play. They were just girls tonight and for once they really needed to just be girls. She laughed as she watched as they took turns trying to pin the tail on the Artemis.

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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party    (Relaxed RP) The Slumber Party  I_icon_minitime

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