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 Hallows Eve Bash Planning!

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Tiny Kitten
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Hallows Eve Bash Planning! Empty
PostSubject: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime14th October 2015, 4:15 am

Alright! Here is where we will be discussing and trying to figure out all the different events we will have during the week of Hallows Eve! I was thinking we may need to increase it from one week long to two weeks, due to the amount of people that signed up to help xD But  I guess that depends on what people want to host and which people just want to help come up with ideas and such! So we will see ^^ In any case, this event will start on the 24th! Which means we have 11 days to plot and plan ^^

One thing I was thinking about doing, is another trick or treat event like we did either last year or the year before that. Where party planning, I think like 5, come up with a riddle or question that people have to answer in order to get a 'treat' from them. If they get it wrong they will receive a 'trick' xD I think this could be cute and fun and with the large amount of people wanting to help out, this could be a way to have people that aren't sure they want to host things to feel apart of the fun! lemme know what you guys think!

Be sure to discuss ideas and state what you want to do for the event, if you do wish to host your own thing. I'm thinking of trying to find a flash game that involves trick or treating or something around those lines. Some type of fun Halloween based thing ^^ So lets get to planning guys! <3

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime14th October 2015, 5:11 am

I was thinking of setting up a One Night Ultimate Werewolf game. It's similar to a Mafia game, except the roles and win conditions are a little different, and there's only a single day and night phase. If everyone guesses quickly, I could fit a few rounds in, but I could definitely do at least one.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime14th October 2015, 6:38 am

I always feel like Fall is frappucino season, so I was thinking about doing a 'Guess the Frappucino' game! My idea was to screenshot the frappucino description and the nutrition label from the website and post it for people to guess what frappucino it is. 

OORRRR I know Henshinyo works at Starbucks (right? xD) so maybe the two of us could run this game together since she probably knows the recipes? Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime14th October 2015, 7:57 am

Sailor Pluto wrote:
I always feel like Fall is frappucino season, so I was thinking about doing a 'Guess the Frappucino' game! My idea was to screenshot the frappucino description and the nutrition label from the website and post it for people to guess what frappucino it is. 

OORRRR I know Henshinyo works at Starbucks (right? xD) so maybe the two of us could run this game together since she probably knows the recipes? Smile

I could probably actually make frappuccinos and take photos of them to post if you wanted.

I'd like to run a ~spooky~ crossword puzzle/word game. The first few people to get it finished and sent in could get bumpers/sig banners for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and then a bumper for participant.

Perhaps also a few rounds of Who's That Character?

Last edited by Henshinyo on 19th October 2015, 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime14th October 2015, 8:45 am

I was thinking that I'd like to do something like a guess the urban legend game, using clues from the urban legends, and then posting the whole story when someone has guessed it. Bumpers could be available for participants, and whoever gets the most correct.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime14th October 2015, 10:55 am

1) I was thinking about a "Candy hunt" (something similar to my World Fair game Find the roumanian flag). You know like we hide candies around the topics and those who guess the correct number of them win a bumper. ^^

2) Halloween Pumpkin Decoration Contest Participants get a pumpkin template which they have to decorate (by coloring, editing, drawing on it and such) to make it as spooky as possible for halloween. There will be three places and bumper for all participants. Template: click
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime14th October 2015, 2:06 pm

Are we planning on doing a spoopy livestream? If so, I have some PG-Pg13 ideas for it.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime14th October 2015, 4:44 pm

I would like to host a Best Halloween Costume Contest.  Hallows Eve Bash Planning! 1018529576
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime14th October 2015, 5:51 pm

I'd love to do the villian takeover again. Lol
I'd also like to host a Halloween Puzzle and maybe a Guess the horror movie quote.
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime14th October 2015, 6:30 pm

I want to do a spooky story contest.
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Princess Luna
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime15th October 2015, 7:29 am

I'd love to help with a trick or treat event like the other year! I think it'd be so much fun!!
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime15th October 2015, 8:14 pm

mercury_viola_rhapsody wrote:
I want to do a spooky story contest.

Love this idea!

I would love to host a thread where we can all share either our own ghost stories or ones that we heard from other people, like a virtual campfire tales gathering.

Additionally, I thought it might be fun to do a spot the fake contest. There would be three ghost stories, two actually told be people either on the net or whatever that they purport at least is real, and one that is just completely fabricated. People have to guess which is the fake story out of the three. We could even have a few rounds.
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Hallows Eve Bash Planning! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime17th October 2015, 8:59 am

Poet, you can do spot the fake, and I'll do the write your own scary story one?
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime17th October 2015, 6:08 pm

mercury_viola_rhapsody wrote:
Poet, you can do spot the fake, and I'll do the write your own scary story one?

That sounds good. I don't think our ideas really interfere with one another so I think both can work. Smile

I had another idea as well. Maybe we can do a weird paranormal fact of the day thread? I'm a ghosthunter / paranormal researcher so I love this stuff. Very Happy I'm totally onboard for whatever. ^^
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Tiny Kitten
Diana Emeritus

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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime20th October 2015, 7:24 am

@JupiterThunderCrash - I think this could be a fun idea as long as you have a set plan for it!

@Sailor Pluto - This could be fun as well! I know there are a lot of coffee/Starbucks lovers on the site, so this could be fun for them ^^

@Henshinyo - You can totally do a crossword puzzle if you'd like ^^  You can also do a Who's That Character if you wish, or you can just choose one of them to actually do, ^^

@Zoey900 - The pumpkin decorating thing sounds amazing! It's unique and sounds like it'd be fun! As for the candy hunt thing, I think we might refrain from doing another scavenger hunt type event this year, these are good for short events to celebrate less time consuming events like Easter and such, and I dont want too many xD

@Cosmos - I'm unsure if we plan to do a livestream or not, generally Brit does those, so maybe you can message her asking if she plans to do it and give her a list of the movies you're thinking of.

@Sailor Mars - Sounds great!

@Starchild - I was thinking of using a Halloween type image to do my weekly jigsaw puzzles, but if youd like to host one for the event, that's totally cool as well! A Guess the Horror Movie Quote could be fun too! As for the villain takeover, we were maybe thinking of doing it again, but with the lack of admins around lately, we might have to reschedule it

@Princess Luna - Sounds great!

@PoetofMercury and mercury_viola_rhapsody - Both of these ideas sound great and glad you guys worked together to figure it out for both of you! The paranormal thing could be cool too, though we already have a lot of event/game ideas and plans, so maybe we can just keep this as a normal uuh arcade type post or whatever? I dunno, up to you ^^

Everything sounds good yall, excited with all the idea you guys have! Could still use more people to help out with the trick or treating idea described in the first post if anyone's down ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime20th October 2015, 7:33 am

I can help out with the trick-or-treating!
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime20th October 2015, 7:43 am

I can help with trick-or-treating as well Smile
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime20th October 2015, 7:52 am

Me too Smile Sounds good
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime20th October 2015, 8:58 am

I could host few Halloween Karaoke events if there's interest. =)
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime20th October 2015, 10:07 am

If you need one more person for the trick or treat thing, then I'd like to help =)
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime20th October 2015, 10:24 am

Sailor Neptune wrote:
I could host few Halloween Karaoke events if there's interest. =)

Ooh that sounds like fun too!
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Sailor Jupiter
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime20th October 2015, 6:12 pm

Okay, nix the crossword idea, I'm going to run a fortune tellers booth. I have tarot cards and I'm going to do a fast 3 card reading for anyone who comes by Smile
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Tiny Kitten
Diana Emeritus

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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime21st October 2015, 6:05 pm

Sounds good guys ^^ please let me know here when you are ready to launch your event, so that way I know ^^ Also those who signed up to be trick or treaters, be sure you prepare your riddle or question ^^

Also the graphics request v thread has been put up, I do ask that if you're comfortable making graphics to maybe think about doing your own to lighten the load due to Mercury being gone ^^
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Princess Luna
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime22nd October 2015, 8:13 am

How do we wanna deal with making the trick or treat graphics?
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime22nd October 2015, 8:28 am

Either put in a request so either Mary or myself can do it or you can choose to make your own if you have the ability to do so.
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Princess Luna
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime22nd October 2015, 8:31 am

Well I'm just trying to figure out if we want to make them with one look for the treats. The tricks can be very silly pictures, but I know the other year the treats were all similar.
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime22nd October 2015, 9:11 am

I would like to launch my event with the Pumpkin Decoration Contest Smile
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Sailor Jupiter
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime22nd October 2015, 12:18 pm

I'm ready to go on the Who's That Character game. I made about 5 rounds and the header and prizes. I'll probably post it after the first day is over so we can stagger events a bit (and so I don't have to make so many rounds, haha). I'm only going to do a first place and then maybe a participant bumper and I plan on running it slightly differently than usual. I want to open a round, let everyone guess, then close it and reveal the answer and everyone who was correct will get points that round. Whomever gets the most points at the end of the bash is the winner. I'm just gonna stick the URLs for the header and prizes for the game here so I don't lose them lol.


I'm going to work on the header for the fortune teller tonight and maybe the description too. I might just plug that in here under a spoiler tag so I can just copypasta it later on.


Last edited by Henshinyo on 22nd October 2015, 10:35 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime22nd October 2015, 4:33 pm

I'm going to try to do my banners and stuff tomorrow for guess the horror movie quote and the puzzle
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PostSubject: Re: Hallows Eve Bash Planning!   Hallows Eve Bash Planning! I_icon_minitime22nd October 2015, 5:02 pm

I have all the rules for my game set up, so I just need to finish my graphics. I should be ready by the 24th though.
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