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 [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake Empty
PostSubject: [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake   [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake I_icon_minitime15th August 2015, 6:02 pm

Advanced Character Profile

[Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake Damon_zpsdaafjywn
Character Name: Damon Blake
Gender: Male
Age: several hundred years old, exact age is unknown, although he was at least a century old when he met Clow Reed.
Universe: Card Captor Sakura
Canon or Original: OC
Appearance: Standing at 5’6, Damon is considered short for the modern man, yet in the period he was born, he was considered tall. He has long, jet black hair that he prefers to wear in a low ponytail. His skin is extremely pale, almost alabaster, as he prefers to stay out of the sun. Broad shoulder, he is very stocky, but prefers to use magic in a fight rather than raise his fists. When he has to dress in modern clothing so he is able to blend into the world, he prefers to wear custom-made tailor suits in dark colours such as black or dark grey. However, at home, he prefers to fashion of the Victorian age in Europe; light beige pants with dark, knee high boots, a button down shirt with a vest on top, cravat, and a coat. He also carries a black cane with a golden handle with him wherever he goes.
Damon is the type is the type of person that you don’t want in your life, although it make take you a while to realize it. He is incredibly charming, but only for as long as it takes to get whatever he wants out of you. Master manipulator, he easily maneuvers you where he wants you and you don’t even realize what’s happened until well after he’s gone. Very few people do not fall for his manipulations, Clow Reed being one of them. Possessing little regard for human life, his house staff is terrified, as he treats them cruelling with physical, boring on torturous consequences for even the smallest infraction. He has even gone so far as to kill his servants for what he views as “disobeying” an order from himself, the Master.
Incredibly stubborn and tenacious, he will get what he wants at any cost. He’s extremely greedy, always wanting to get the next greatest things. Over time this has ranged to gold, jewels, he has stolen magic items and even at one point attempted to steal the Clow Cards from Clow Reed when he couldn’t manipulate him into handing them over. He wants to be the richest and most powerful magician of all time. He doesn’t care who he steps on while he climbs to the top. Despite all this, he is incredibly well mannered, having been groomed as the heir to his family’s legacy and growing up as the rich elite. Due to this, he prefers to finest quality of everything.
Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
Magic: As a magician, Blake is able to cast various spells such as teleporting over short distances, animating inanimate objects, location spells, scrying, magical attacks and defenses such as shots of magical energy being thrown at a target or creating a barrier to protect himself. His staff is his magical item and allows him to focus his intent and will into the spell. As much as he likes to think he is, Blake is no where near as powerful as Clow Reed or as powerful as he thinks he is, although he is more powerful than Sayoran. 
Many centuries ago, Damon Blake was born into a rich family of Magicians who were extremely powerful, politically but magically as well. Growing up, Damon got whatever he wanted, whether it was new magical tools, new servants, new clothes, new books. He wanted for nothing. Yet, he was never satisfied. As his parents’ only child, he was groomed to be their heir to their fortune and the family legacy.  When he was around 80 years old, he began travelling the world. For the next 20 years, he began to study magic in different cultures, as well as stealing important and powerful magical artifacts and gold, slowly building his own fortune.
It was during these travels that he met Clow Reed. Easily sensing the other mans powers, he spent many months with the man, attempting to manipulate his way into the Clow Cards and the two guardians. It would be amazing to have that kind of power! With Clow Reed so powerful already, why did he need more? When his attempts to get Clow Reed to hand them over willingly failed, he hatched a plan to steal the cards. However, before he could, Yue caught him. Clow Reed, arriving shortly on the scene afterwards, banished Damon to another realm, one that was void of life and colour. For centuries, he was nothing but a living shadow until one day approximately thirty years ago, Clow Reeds magic faded enough that he was able to break free. He returned to England, easily tracking down his parents estate and taking his rightful place as heir, as his father had passed while he had been imprisoned.
For the next thirty years, he fruitlessly searched for any sign of where Clow Reed had hidden the Clow Book, having been informed that he had died several years previously. It wasn’t until Sakura accidently released the cards that he was able to sense them once more, although it took him some time to track down an approximate location. However, before he could, he lost the sense of their power, when, unknown to him, the last of the Clow Cards were turned into Sakura cards. Giving up, he finally begins to turn his attention to other endeavours.
The ripples of magic from Sakura’s spell to give Yukito and Yue their own bodies, caused shockwaves of disturbances across the magical community, drawing many magicians attention to the new powerful player in the field. Having gone to investigate who this new magicians was and why he hadn’t sensed them before, Blake discovered that this young girl is now the new Mistress of the Clow Cards. Determined to once more get what is rightfully his, Blake begins hatching a plot to take the cards. (Note anything after this is part of the RP.)
Other Noteworthy Facts:

  • Comes from a long line of English Magicians
  • Once befriended Clow Reed not long after he had created the Clow Cards and the two guardians Kerberous and Yue.
  • Magicians are long lived, capable of living for centuries at a time.
  • his time spent in the other realm has had a negative impact on his mental health, as he was the only one in there. If he saw a doctor, he would most likely be diagnosed as clinically insane. He frequently talks to himself since he has returned from that realm. 

  • Now that he has found the Clow Cards once more, it has become an all consuming need to posses them. He frequently forgets to eat and sleep. Instead he can be found plotting ways to get the cards. 

  • His main weakness is basically that he's so full of himself. He thinks his magical skills to be better than what they are, which plays a huge part of how Clow was able to trap him. He believes himself to be more powerful.  Because of this, his plans tend to be overly elaborate and complicated which can create spots for his intended targets to turn the tables on him. 

  • He absolutely loathes Clow for trapping him in another dimension. 
  • magic is not based on any one element.

Storyline Specific Information:
Magicians’ Favour: After decades of searching, Damon Blake is finally able to locate the Clow Cards one more. However, they are no longer how he once knew them. For one, Clow Reed is dead and there is a new Mistress of the Cards, a young girl named Sakura.  Not wanting to make the same mistake twice, he decides that taking the cards by force, in order to force her to hand them over or kill her, the Clow Cards will be his.  This time, he will stop at nothing to take what should have been his in the first place.
Source: n/a

RP Sample:

He had found them! After long last he had finally found the Clow Cards, created by Clow Reed, the greatest magicians of all time! As he watched the young girl who had possession of the Clow Cards, he couldn’t help but wonder how she had found them. She didn’t look like she was much of a magician, yet she was the one responsible for the huge magical disturbance he had felt. How was she the new Mistress of the Cards, when it was he, the mighty Damon Blake that deserved to have them? He was a better magician, more powerful, and older as well. She was naught but a child. He clenched his hands as he watched her uses the Bubbles card to chase Kerberous around the secluded area of the park. She gave her guardians too much freedom. When he became master of the cards, he would teach both Yue and Kerberous their place, kneeling before him with nothing but respect.

Last edited by Addelyn on 17th August 2015, 1:52 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake   [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake I_icon_minitime15th August 2015, 6:03 pm

This is now ready for review.
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake   [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake I_icon_minitime16th August 2015, 7:52 pm

Few questions! Smile

Did the years spent in another realm affect him in any way? If so, could you describe how? Smile Does he have any weaknesses, dislikes, and interests (outside of magic and money)?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake   [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake I_icon_minitime16th August 2015, 8:05 pm

For interests outside of money and power, no, not really lol he's pretty shallow in that regard, and intentionally designed to be. Magic literally consumes his life. 

Changes in red under note worthy facts.
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Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake   [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake I_icon_minitime17th August 2015, 1:33 pm

Okay! I have few more questions Smile :

Is his magic based on any certain element? Also, I’m assuming that as a shallow person he wants to become the most powerful and richest magician just for the sake of it. Is this correct?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake   [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake I_icon_minitime17th August 2015, 1:35 pm

No his magic isn't based in any element and pretty much yah xD
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RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake   [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake I_icon_minitime17th August 2015, 1:48 pm


When you get a chance, could you include your answer in your profile? Thanks! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake   [Multiverse][Advanced] Damon Blake I_icon_minitime

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