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 Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
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Age : 24
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Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter Empty
PostSubject: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime6th August 2015, 4:26 pm

Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter JLvf3Jg

This thread is where Sailor Mercury (formerly Aurae) will be making all of her adoptions and donations. Only Sailor Mercury and RP Admin have permission to post in this thread.


Sailor Chibi Mercury
Sailor Star Cancer (profile yet to be posted in Otaku section)


Sailor Aello
Sailor Ocypete
Sailor Zoolean

Last edited by Sailor Pluto on 1st November 2016, 9:07 am; edited 4 times in total
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime6th August 2015, 6:34 pm
Reason for Adopting: Needed Character for a Roleplay, Chibi Guardians
Who created this profile? Sailor Seren (currently inactive)
Did you have permission from the creator to adopt this profile? No
Will you be editing this profile? No
Reason for editing: N/A
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime6th August 2015, 6:41 pm

Adoption approved! Should Seren ever return, she is able to reclaim this profile as her own. But for now, it's yours! Thank you!
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime6th August 2015, 6:58 pm

Thank you! I'll take good care of baby Mercury until Seren ever returns. ♥
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
Posts : 6250
Join date : 2013-07-23
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime10th August 2015, 11:38 am

(1) Sailor Aello / Talon

Adoptable Character Profile
Character Name: Talon
Character Type: Senshi
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 18, born in the summer
Used Canons: Manga universe sailor soldier from a non-Solar System planet
Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter UCsc1c6
• Judgmental and critical
• Haughty
• Physically strong and mentally capable
• Even-tempered
• Highly ambitious
• Devoted to duty

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
• Affinity with birds, especially birds of prey
• Excellent eyesight many times beyond that of a normal humanoid, but this is only slightly above average in her world
• Her species are carnivores
• Extremely strong and well-versed in various forms of physical combat
• Large and powerful wings can be summoned to allow her to fly
History: Talon is one of two sailor soldiers from the Orneon system. She protects her planet, Aello, and the system from outside invaders. She was killed by Sailor Lead Crow during the Sailor Wars. She is later reborn when the Orneon system recovers from Galaxia's terrorizing. She has never met Sailor Moon or the other sailor soldiers, but she eventually learns of them through rumors and legends. She comes from a military family on her planet and eagerly embraces her role as a protector and fighter when her powers are revealed at age 14. She works for two years as a single sailor soldier prior to her system's other sailor soldier's awakening. The Orneon system lacks a royal family and she is not a princess nor does she report to one. She may need to travel to the Solar System to gather allies if she faces a Chaotic force beyond that which she is able to subdue.

Other Noteworthy Facts:
• She is one of two sailor soldiers inspired by the Greek mythological harpy.
• She may or may not be related to the other soldier or in a romantic relationship with her; their status should be decided by the adopter(s).
• She does not belong to a specific storyline, but is a general-use otaku senshi that could be adapted for existing or new storylines.
Storyline Specific Information: N/A

Source: N/A
Senshi Information
Senshi Name: Sailor Aello
Realms of Influence: Justice, punishment, flight, and birds
Henshin/Transformation Phrase: "Aello Power, Make Up!"
Senshi Fuku:
Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter BubjWUa
• "Swift Trial!"
• "Pinion Gale!" (performed together with Sailor Ocypete)
• "Final Judgement!"  (performed together with Sailor Ocypete)
Weapons or Magical Items: N/A
Guardian: N/A

(2) Sailor Ocypete / Wing

Adoptable Character Profile

Character Name: Wing
Character Type: Senshi
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 17, born in the fall

Used Canons: Manga universe sailor soldier from a non-Solar System planet

Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter ZleKZPD
• Analytical and intelligent
• Stubborn and argumentative
• Laid-back, sometimes bordering on lazy
• Somewhat materialistic
• Good-intentioned
• Dependent on others

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
• Affinity with birds, especially birds of prey
• Excellent eyesight many times beyond that of a normal humanoid--average in her world
• Able to cause limited temporary paralysis with direct and sustained eye contact
• Her species are carnivores
• Large and powerful wings can be summoned to allow her to fly

History: Wing is one of two sailor soldiers from the Orneon system. She protects her planet, Ocypete, and the system from outside invaders. She was killed by Sailor Lead Crow during the Sailor Wars. She is later reborn when the Orneon system recovers from Galaxia's terrorizing. She has never met Sailor Moon or the other sailor soldiers, but she eventually learns of them through rumors and legends. She comes from an average family and is initially unsure of her role as a sailor soldier when her powers are revealed at age 15. She learns to embrace her destiny while working with her teammate. Her planet (and their entire system) lacks a royal family and she is not a princess nor does she report to one. She may need to travel to the Solar System to gather allies if she faces a Chaotic force beyond that which she is able to subdue.

Other Noteworthy Facts:
• She is one of two sailor soldiers inspired by the Greek mythological harpy.
• She may or may not be related to the other soldier or in a romantic relationship with her; their status should be decided by the adopter(s).
• She does not belong to a specific storyline, but is a general-use otaku senshi that could be adapted for existing or new storylines.

Storyline Specific Information: N/A

Source: N/A

Senshi Information

Senshi Name: Sailor Ocypete
Realms of Influence: Justice, punishment, flight, and birds
Henshin/Transformation Phrase: "Ocypete Power, Make Up!"
Senshi Fuku:
Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter QO58wdq
• "Fierce Objection!"
• "Pinion Gale!" (performed together with Sailor Aello)
• "Final Judgement!"  (performed together with Sailor Aello)
Weapons or Magical Items: N/A
Guardian: N/A
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime10th August 2015, 7:15 pm

Do these two senshi have any transformation items? If so, could you add them with a short description, please? Smile
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime10th August 2015, 7:15 pm

I would like to leave the transformation items and/or any weapons up to the imagination of the adopter, if I may. ♥
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
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Age : 24
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime10th August 2015, 7:16 pm

Okay, thank you!

Donations approved! 
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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Location : Chicago

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime25th January 2016, 9:15 am

Adoptable Character Profile

Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter 90fpWgj

Character Name: Delia Selene Astera
"Delia" is an epithet of the Greek goddess Artemis, as it means "of Delos" and the twins Artemis and Apollo were born on the island of Delos. "Selene" means "moon" in Greek and is the name of the Greek goddess of the moon. The constellation of Cancer is associated with the moon, hence two of her first names are associated with Greek moon goddesses. The sisters' surname, Astera, contains roots that mean "star-like"—fitting for sailor soldiers of the zodiac constellations.

Character Type: Sailor Senshi
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 427 / July 4

Used Canons: Manga universe sailor soldier from a non-Solar System planet, but could be adapted to 90s anime, Crystal, or PGSM canon.

Appearance: Delia has a rather average build, standing at 164cm (5'5") and weighing 63.5kg (140lbs). She's on the higher end of a healthy weight for her height, with a curvaceous shape and lack of visible muscle tone. She has a soft body, as she does not particularly enjoy physical activity. Delia is not a physical fighter whether in her civilian or sailor soldier form. She seems to have been designed for providing comforting hugs rather than fierce kicks.

She has a fair peach skin tone. Her long hair contains several shades of lavender-gray. It fades from a darker hue at the top of her head to lilac-tinged white at the bottom. Her soft bangs are parted in the center and gently fall on either side of the part. There are two long strands of hair that dangle down from that center part, curling in large arcs just past her shoulders. Her long, wavy hair reaches her calves, and she typically wears it pulled back from her face with the hair above her ear level in a loose French braid. Her eyes are the same general colour as her hair with slightly more silver, and they are highly reflective. Long dark lashes frame the expressive eyes that always betray Delia's emotions even before she has admitted them.

Delia prefers to wear comfortable and feminine clothing. She likes the swish of skirts and the light texture of sheer fabrics and lace. She prefers calming colours for her clothing, both pastels and earth tones. Her preferred look is "cozy".

Personality: Delia is a perfectly lovely person on a good day—when she's happy. Which usually doesn't last very long, because her mood swings are notorious. One moment she can be joyful, the next moment she can break a nail and yell to the sky about the unfairness of it all. She's... touchy, to put it mildly. She also wears her feelings on her sleeve, so sometimes she can appear... well... interesting with all the emotions she goes through on any given day. Delia is also very paranoid and cautious. She's got a scratch? Oh no, she's going to die from tetanus. Someone sneezes? She's going to contract some strain of deadly flu and die. It's always doom, gloom, and worst case scenario with her, so she can be difficult to deal with. Especially if there's a fight. She always sticks behind the others because fighting is the very best way to die. However, that isn't to say she's heartless. Far from it; if she loves you, you will never want for more love in your life, for better or for worse.

Delia experiences all emotions along the grand spectrum of life, sometimes during a single day. Everyone around her knows exactly how she is feeling—she broadcasts it openly and loudly. Everything impacts Delia significantly and emotionally. Her feelings run deep, and it is so very easy to trigger emotional responses from her. Others need to be careful in their interactions with her: she interprets slight connotations in absolutes, and is very easily offended and/or spurred towards a reaction. Thankfully this is a two-way street: she holds a grudge, but is also extremely forgiving. Delia trusts and believes in others readily.

When not protecting the universe from harm, Delia is a homebody. Her favourite place to be is wherever her home base is. She wants to be surrounded by her family, mothering them. Delia is incredibly indulgent, especially towards her sisters. She loves caring for everyone, which she expresses via cooking, cleaning, decorating, and maintaining a cozy place to live and relax. (Plus always being available for one-on-one chats and a shoulder to cry on.) She's on the chubbier side, as far as her sisters go, because her hobbies include making things to eat (which she always has to taste to make sure it's just right) and comforting her own roiling emotions with treats. She will always opt for staying at home instead of going out, sleeping in instead of waking up early, cooking a meal instead of ordering at a restaurant, and going on a family trip instead of doing something by herself.

Delia is extremely loyal and loving towards her family. Anyone that she welcomes into her life is someone she will never give up on. She would do absolutely anything for her sisters. There is no request too troublesome or personal sacrifice too great, if her family needs something from her. That is the primary reason that she fights as a sailor soldier despite her paranoia and intense fear of bad things happening: to protect her loved ones. Living happily with her sisters is what she wants more than anything else.

Intuitive, she trusts her emotions much more than reason. There is nothing "rational" about the way that Delia makes decisions. She doesn't care that 1+1=2 if it's "3" that just feels right. She doesn't judge situations based on their calculated outputs or levels of risk. It's all about what her heart says to her. That's the most important part. Thankfully, she is very well attuned to things and often finds out afterwards that her gut feeling was the right action, backed by critical analysis.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
☆ Can inflict whatever she's physically sensing to another person.
☆ Can amplify whatever she or someone else is feeling, be it good or bad.
☆ Staring into reflective surfaces of water, particularly when illuminated by moonlight, gives Delia visions—past, present, and potential future. These are brief and usually have specific clarity based on relevance. The future glimpses are the least reliable, as they are what may happen not what is guaranteed to happen. Moonlight increases the accuracy of her scrying.
☆ Extremely intuitive.
☆ Excellent at baking, especially treats.

History: Delia is the 4th oldest of the thirteen sisters from the Astera Galaxy. She grew up in peace and harmony in her home system with her eleven sisters and their mother, never knowing that a 13th youngest sister had been banished after a worrying prophecy that she would bring death and destruction to their world. Chaos attacked their home, and although the twelve sisters fought bravely together, they were ultimately defeated, their incredibly weakened forms scattered across the universe.

Hundreds of years passed, and slowly Delia's body healed. She awoke to find herself alone, in a strange and distant place. The damage sustained in that final tragic battle clouded her memories. She remembered nothing about her self or her past. Her abilities as a sailor soldier, if she had been able to unlock them, were similarly impacted and also diminished. The place that Delia landed was a barren planet, empty and lonely. She was unable to leave—and even if she could, she had no idea where she would go.

And then... someone came for her. A beautiful woman with dark violet hair. Queen Stella saved Delia from isolation, reminding her that she was Sailor Star Cancer and one of twelve guardian sailor soldiers. The queen reunited her with her sisters after so many years. Delia began another attempt at living happily with her sisters, now in the service of the woman who had saved them all.

At first they didn't think much about the frequent rebellion from the people. Nor did they question the queen's motives when she initially mentioned a larger mission outside of her system. As she explained the increasing Chaotic influence of the neighboring system, Delia recalled what Chaos had done to her home so many years ago. It was a terrifying thought. How could the sisters give Chaos another chance to destroy more innocent lives?

After the preventative assassination of the king of Cresta, the neighboring system, the sisters did not feel relief. They were filled with discomfort and unease. The mission they had been sent on seemed suspect. Queen Stella's rule appeared less benevolent than they originally thought. They had questions that needed answers. This ultimately resulted in conflict with the queen, who revealed herself as both an agent of Chaos and their exiled youngest sister.

Delia, unwilling to permanently lose a family member that had been lost for so long, used her powers to communicate love to Stella—love that the young woman claimed she was unable to feel. Together, the twelve sisters reconnected with the goodness inside of the youngest one, and awakened her as Sailor Star Ophiuchus. They are finally together as all thirteen sisters... and there is probably so much more in store for all of them.

Other Noteworthy Facts:
☆ Prefers swimming to other forms of exercise.
Will not eat crab. (Generally feels morally uncomfortable about seafood... and non-aquatic meat.)
☆ Her closest relationship is with her older sister Floria, Sailor Star Taurus.

Storyline Specific Information:
(Casual Event) Twelve Stars:

Source: This profile was originally created by Sailor Mercury.

Senshi Information

Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter MpqE5Uv

Senshi Name: Sailor Star Cancer
Realm of Influence: Sensation Transference and Heightened Emotions
Henshin/Transformation Phrase: "Cancer Star Power, Make Up!"

Senshi Fuku: Her uniform base is a white, long-sleeved leotard with a wide off-the-shoulder neckline. Over this she wears an emerald green strapless overdress. It has full coverage cups over her chest, each with a decorative peak at the top. The center of the overdress is exposed, and wide ribbons of the same colour lace three times across her torso. The skirt of the overdress is shorter at the front and back and lengthens on either side to mid-calf. It falls on either side in soft folds. Over the leotard she wears high-cut low-rise bikini bottoms in the same green as her overdress. Her sailor collar is the same emerald green, with two white stripes near the edge. At the center of her chest is a large ornament—a silver star medallion with a narrow silver triangle pointing down below it. It has large wings of a bright yellow-green hue. Her large back bow, situated at the small of her back, is the same bright yellow-green. The bow has long tails with frilled edges that reach her ankles. She wears opaque white thigh-high stockings and emerald green round-toe flats with a single similarly-coloured ribbon band around her ankles. Her choker is a lighter grass-green with an emerald green star-shaped gem at the center. Her earrings are the same grass-green colour, consisting of small round studs and dangling star-shaped gems. Centered on her forehead is an emerald green star-shaped gem. Her only hair decoration are two barrettes of three white pearls each, one on either side of her part and just above her bangs.

"Dark Sign!" - Sailor Star Cancer can cause temporary dimness within a 10-meter radius. To use this ability, she spreads her fingers, crosses her hands before her chest, and swiftly waves them outwards. This extinguishes flames providing light and darkens other forms of light for approximately one round of battle. It is a low power ability that is neither offensive nor defensive. (Why is she able to do this if it does not relate to sensation transference or heightened emotions? Cancer is the least-bright of the zodiac constellations, often referred to as the "dark sign".)
Shared Sensations - She can broadcast her various senses to someone else, with a heightened degree of awareness when transformed into a sailor soldier. This can be sense of touch (pain, softness, heat, cool...), smell, hearing, taste, or sight. However, her ability with each of these senses is not uniform. The level of intensity and accuracy for sense of touch, smell, and taste are high. The level of intensity for sense of hearing is moderate—the brain of her target often has trouble interpreting which sounds are shared from Star Cancer and which sounds the chosen mark is hearing directly. Her ability to transmit what she sees is shaky, often disorienting for the user. It cannot fully replace what the recipient is seeing, so it tends to come across as an impression rather than a clear view. To use this ability, Sailor Star Cancer takes deep breaths and focuses on the one (or multiple targets, but that makes it a more draining ability to use) she is transferring her sensations to. She can either share the sensation or transfer it in a way that removes it from her own register. (The latter is most useful with pain, although she has to be careful because it does not remove or heal any injuries.)
Intense Emotions - Sailor Star Cancer can amplify her emotions or someone else's emotions, sharing those feelings with others. To do so, she closes her eyes and bows her head, clasping her hands together at her chest, and concentrates on the emotional impact of what she is projecting. Her body glows with a soft green light that spreads outward from her, washing over others in the area (both allies and enemies). She is able to direct this power so that it has a significant impact on particular targets. The radius of the impact is determined by the amount of energy Sailor Star Cancer expends to use this ability. It can be a low to high range of efficiency. Depending on the emotion projected, this can be offensive or defensive.
Forgiveness and Purification - Her emotional abilities are often useful for redeeming enemies that have been influenced by evil powers, particularly Chaos. If supported by other team members, as this is a very draining ability, Sailor Star Cancer can use positive emotional energy to remove the negative influences of evil forces. To do so, she must concentrate on sharing feelings of love, happiness, peace, and forgiveness with the target(s). If these feelings are harmonized by others (rather than only by Star Cancer), intensifying them is less taxing.

Magical Items:
Star Cancer Crystal - She uses the power of her Sailor Crystal to transform into Sailor Star Cancer. It does not manifest as a physical item; it is always inside of her. Visually, it looks like an emerald green star with a small pale silver crab-shaped emblem inside.
Stellar Communicator - This small star-shaped item allows her to send messages and have conversations with her sisters in the absence of Iris/Sailor Star Gemini's telepathy.
Emotive Pearl Amplifiers - The barrettes in her hair when she is transformed as Sailor Star Cancer act as resonators that strengthen the output of her abilities. They are somewhat like antennae that make the signals that she sends out clearer and stronger.

Guardian: Karkinos, a large brick-red ranina ranina crab with the pattern of the Cancer constellation marked out in pale silver stars on the back of his carapace. Roughly three time as large as a standard Earth crab of his type, he can look very imposing. Despite their small size, the grip of his front claws is formidable. He communicates telepathically, rather than speaking. His personality is very gentle and fatherly, but like his sailor soldier he can very easily have his feelings hurt. It's not uncommon to find Karkinos sulking.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
Join date : 2013-12-07
Age : 24
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime25th January 2016, 3:16 pm

I'm glad you decided to adopt this profile! Request approved!
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
Activities Director

Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime26th July 2016, 1:43 pm

Adoptable Character Profile
Character Name: Rosa
Character Type: Senshi
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 19, born in the summer
Used Canons: Manga universe sailor soldier from a non-Solar System planet.
Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter TZv8tEM
• Creative and inspired
• Extremely enthusiastic
• Motivated
• Reckless and short-sighted
• Petty
• Unnecessarily sarcastic

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
• Not affected by changes in pressure (atmospheric, oceanic, etc.)
• Can project what she is seeing to the minds of others
• Extremely strong influence with animals (cannot explicitly "talk" to them, but can communicate and persuade non-verbally)
History: Rosa is the princess of her planet, Zoolean, and was raised to one day rule it as Queen. Zoolean is a planet where magic is a part of everyone's every day lives in the form of magic-controlling animals that roam the world and bond with the humanoid species. Human types, like Rosa, can form connections to these creatures and train to direct the animals' powers. Rosa is particularly skilled at this due to her Sailor Crystal, and has gained the trust of three beasts from her world (most people only have one): a lightning/tiger type, a wind/eagle type, and a water/turtle type.

When her planet was in danger, a strange energy turning some of these normally-peaceful animals to attack young children, Rosa transformed into Sailor Zoolean. She discovered that not only could she direct her creatures in this form, but she could summon them to appear and fight with her. Now she has duties related to her post as a sailor soldier to protect her planet and fight against the evil in this universe.

To be expanded by adopter.

Other Noteworthy Facts:
• Adores gossip and celebrity news, even for Earth celebrities.
• She does not belong to a specific storyline, but is a general-use otaku senshi that could be adapted for existing or new storylines.
Storyline Specific Information: N/A

Source: N/A
Senshi Information
Senshi Name: Sailor Zoolean
Realm of Influence(s): Magical creature summoning
Henshin/Transformation Phrase: "Zoolean Menagerie, Gather!"
Senshi Fuku:
Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter TZv8tEM
(Initially can only summon creatures related to: lightning, water, and wind. Connects with others with more abilities as she continues to fight.)
• "Creature Strike!" - (offensive) Summons a creature to fight
• "Beast Resist!" - (defensive) Summons creature to block or absorb attacks
Weapons or Magical Items: To be determined/created by adopter.
• (To be named by adopter) - a lightning/tiger type of summoning creature; has a solemn and wise attitude
• (To be named by adopter) - a wind/eagle type of summoning creature; has a haughty and passionate attitude
• (To be named by adopter) -a water/turtle type of summoning creature; has a playful and easygoing attitude
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
Join date : 2013-12-07
Age : 24
Location : United States

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime29th September 2016, 7:41 am

Thank you for your donation!

Donation approved!
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
Activities Director

Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
Posts : 6250
Join date : 2013-07-23
Location : Chicago

Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime1st November 2016, 6:26 am
Reason for Adopting: Needed Character for a Roleplay, Phantoms—character was actively involved in a scene when the player became inactive.
Who created this profile? Starry Skies (currently inactive)
Did you have permission from the creator to adopt this profile? No
Will you be editing this profile? No
Reason for editing: N/A
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
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Age : 24
Location : United States

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime1st November 2016, 9:06 am

Adoption approved!
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
Activities Director

Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime15th June 2018, 12:04 pm
Reason for Adopting: Desired character for a Casual Event, Sailor Lunar Eclipse
Who created this profile? Tiny Kitten (currently inactive)
Did you have permission from the creator to adopt this profile? No, but Sailor Saturn (Verdi), who plays Sailor Solar Eclipse, is not opposed
Will you be editing this profile? No
Reason for editing: N/A
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime15th June 2018, 12:17 pm

Because of Verdi's involvement with the original profile and her irl relationship with the posted creator, I think the adoption is okay.
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Professor Tomoe
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Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime13th July 2018, 11:45 am
Reason for Adopting: Desired character for an ongoing RP [Relaxed] As the Keyblade Strikes, Kingdom Hearts-crossover Usagi
Who created this profile? Meganekko
Did you have permission from the creator to adopt this profile? Not specifically, but she publicly announced stepping down from her RPs and welcomed others to continue without her.
Will you be editing this profile? No
Reason for editing: N/A
Reason for Adopting: Desired character for an ongoing RP [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica, Puella Magi Madoka Magica-crossover Usagi
Who created this profile? Meganekko
Did you have permission from the creator to adopt this profile? Not specifically, but she publicly announced stepping down from her RPs and welcomed others to continue without her.
Will you be editing this profile? No
Reason for editing: N/A
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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Age : 35
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Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime31st July 2018, 11:53 am

Temporary Profile Adoption(s) approved; should Meganekko return to the forum she may decide whether to continue the temporary adoption until she is ready to make a return to the RP section or refuse adoption or approve permanent adoption.
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Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter   Sailor Mercury's Adoption Shelter I_icon_minitime

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