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 (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars Empty
PostSubject: (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars   (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars I_icon_minitime26th July 2015, 5:05 pm

Advanced Character Profile
Character Name: Rei Hino
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 14-16, April 17
Used Canons: Manga, 90s anime, Crystal, A little PGSM

Rei is a teenage girl with long black hair and black/dark brown eyes (although, they are sometimes colored in purple). She is said to be 160 cm of 5'3" in height. Takeuchi described Rei in her notes as being "slender."
Unlike the other Senshi's school uniforms, her school uniform was very stylish and classy, and reflected the elite status of her private school. She wore a gray blouse that had a black collar with red stripes on it, a red bow, a black skirt, white socks with a red stripe, and black shoes.
When she became a high school student in Stars, the red bow on her shirt became black. The difference is said to be due to Rei's being the only Inner Senshi to attend a Roman Catholic school, but if this is the case she has somehow reconciled it with being a miko.

Another outfit she is often seen wearing is her red and white miko robes.
(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars 240?cb=20120124005250(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQzFiRxNznCRGc8Qdd1oJuhyBgvay--KxuOwl3VtG3490lSrZeZtg
(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars Rei_Hino's_Miko_Attire_(Manga)
(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars Aae21pu1
(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars Latest?cb=20140118142541

Rei is a very independent girl who keeps her thoughts and worries to herelf. She doesn't like to tell her worries to others because she doesn't want to burden them or have them worry for her. Spirituality is also a big part of Rei's life and is very much a part of her and is a contributing factor as to why she meditates and hopes to be a priestess.

Rei is a stoic and serious individual who does not get too involved with men. She is described as being a beautiful, smart and reserved woman. She lives with her grandfather at the Hikawa Shrine on Sendai Hill, which is where she works as a miko. Later on, it is revealed that her dream is to become the head priest of the shrine.

Rei has a difficult time placing her trust in others, and she often depends on herself. She hates karaoke, but is eventually forced into pretending to be an idol; singing in front of a crowd at a hospital. She shares a close bond with Minako Aino. Rei does not get along with her father Takashi Hino as he was in parliament while her mother was dying when Rei was younger.
90s anime
Rei is a fiery, boy-crazed miko with ambitions to become a singer, songwriter, model, voice actress and eventually settling down into marriage. Her relationship with Usagi was turbulent, and the two often argued with each other. Rei even admitted at one point, she felt like Usagi was not a fit leader.
Regardless, she is extremely loyal to her. Rei attends a separate school from the other girls, a private Catholic school run by nuns. She works at Hikawa Shrine with her grandfather who was the head priest. Rei's mother died during her childhood and her father is a politician who cares more about his job than raising her, but nothing much has been mentioned about her family.

Rei is a fourteen year old girl who is quiet, calm, and nice. She works as a shrine maiden at the Hikawa Shrine and goes to school at the T·A Academy for Girls.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
Rei possesses unusually strong spiritual powers as a priestess/miko. She can detect supernatural activity, extract and purify evil forces from others, and see vivid visions of the future and incoming threats and dangers. She also possesses the physic ability of pyromancy; the ability to see the past or future via flames and fire. Also she frequently has vivid prophetic dreams of future events while sleeping.

Her innate spiritual energies and powers are far much stronger when she is transformed into Sailor Mars.

During the Silver Millennium, Sailor Mars was a guardian of the moon palace as well as a guardian for the moon princess.  She was also the princess of Mars but joined Serenity’s court and swore to protect the moon princess. Sailor Mars died protecting the moon princess and as reincarnated as Rei Hino.

We first meet Rei when she is scolding her grandfather for annoying the girl visitors of the shrine, and Usagi and her friends note of how pretty she is. Due to Jadeite's evil prescene in the shrine, Rei uses Akuryo Taisan order to drive it away, only to accidentally place the ward on Usagi, causing her to faint and fall over. Rei apologizes for her actions, and admits that her predictions have been inaccurate recently. An angry woman accuses Rei that it is her fault that many people are disappearing, causing Rei to show her temper (which gets worse after this episode).

The next day, after witnessing it, Usagi tells Rei that another bus has disappeared, which again, causes Rei to get angry and repeats that she has nothing to do with it. As Usagi and Luna leave, Rei discovers a pen on the ground, and realizes that Jadeite is suspicious. Consulting the fire, it tells her that Jadeite is the one behind the disappearances, but before she is able to do anything, Jadeite transports her to the other world and is captured by the Youma Kigaan.

When struggling to get free, the symbol of Mars appears on her forehead. Usagi (now as Sailor Moon) attacks the youma and frees Rei. Rei transforms into Sailor Mars, and destroys the youma with Fire Soul. Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, and Luna are able to save the kidnapped people with the help of Tuxedo Mask.

Throughout the first season, Rei and Usagi constantly fight and bicker over everything. Rei calls her a crybaby and weak, claiming that she is not fit to be the leader of the Sailor Senshi, and that she should be the leader instead. Despite this, Rei and Usagi have respect for each other, as well as a friendship, and Usagi even entrusted Rei with the Moon Stick when she was trying to inflitrate the Dark Kingdom.

Also, Rei had a brief relationship with Mamoru in the middle of the first series, until he awoke as Prince Endymion and Usagi awoke as Princess Serenity. Mamoru seemed to tolerate the relationship, while Rei enjoyed it.

At the D Point battle, Rei dies during her fight with two of the DD Girls. Later, she appears in front of Usagi as a spirit/illusion with the other Inner Senshi, encouraging Usagi to keep fighting and not stop, and that they will always be with her. She combines her powers with the others when Princess Serenity uses the Silver Crystal against Super Beryl. After Usagi dies, Rei, along with everyone else, is reincarnated, but has no memory of her past on the Silver Millenium, being a Sailor Senshi, or her friendship with the others.

Following the destruction of Metalia, Rei resumes a normal life. Her memories as Sailor Mars are gone. She returns to her normal life. Her memories are woken up when a new enemy appears. Rei is abducted by the Black Moon Clan in an attempt to draw out Sailor Moon and have her use the Legendary Silver Crystal. Rei is saved at a later point and with Mercury and Jupiter, she finds Sailor Moon and the others.

Other Noteworthy Facts: Rei enjoys fortune telling and reading. Her favorite sports are track and field events. Her favorite colors are red and black. Her favorite subject in school is Ancient Writing. Her least favorite class is modern society. Her favorite foods are fugu and thai cuisine. Her least favorite food is canned asparagus. She hopes to go to the great sea (though in other adaptations, she hopes to be a career girl and hopes to get married).  One of her habits is when she looks at people, she watches them patiently. She is skilled at meditation. She wants a pet iguana. Rei dislikes television.  Her favorite stone is ruby. Her motto is do not depend on men.  Rei’s blood type is AB.

Storyline Specific Information: Optional! To be filled in during storylines, not before! This section is for you to detail information about your character that is specific to a certain storyline(s). Fill out this section with each separate storyline, so you don't have to send multiple character profile applications for the same character.


Senshi Information (delete this section if not applicable)
Senshi Name:  Sailor Mars
Realm of Influence(s): fire
Henshin/Transformation Phrase: Mars Power Make Up! Mars Star Power Make Up! Mars Planet Power Make Up! Mars Crystal Power Make Up!

Senshi Fuku:
Sailor Mars’ sailor fuku features a white leotard with a red pleated skirt. She wears a red collar with one white stripe. Her bow is purple with a red gem in the middle. Her choker is red. She wears red high heels and has a red bow on the back of her skirt. Her earrings are shaped like stars.

Super Sailor Mars
Super Sailor Mars’ fuku doesn’t change very much when she becomes super sailor Mars. Her sleeves become transparent. Her choker now has a star shape on it and the gem on her front bow is now a red heart. Her back bow also increases in length and size.

(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars SuperSailorMars01
(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars Sailor_Mars
(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars Sailor_mars_crystal_render_by_martinredfield-d8k9rjn
(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars SuperSailorMars-e1296786680170
Rei is one of few Sailor Moon characters who is able to use special powers in her civilian form. These are mainly the result of her role as a shrine maiden, which gives her heightened spirituality as well as certain resources. In addition to some psychic talent, including occasional unprompted premonitions.  Rei is able to do fire readings and to dispel evil spirits. She does the latter by performing Kuji-Goshin-Ho, a ritual which consists of chanting nine words of power (rin, pyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, zai, zen) while making relevant hand signs. She then shouts "Evil spirit, be exorcised!" and throws one or multiple ofuda scrolls. She commonly uses this attack while in her Sailor Mars form as well as when she is in her civilian form.

  • Akuryo Taisan - One of Rei's powers as a miko. She threw an ofuda at the enemy while yelling "Akuryo Taisan." When the ofuda was placed on an opponent it could immobilize them, or as in the R movie, purify them of an evil influence.
  • Fire Soul - Sailor Mars shot a fireball from her fingertips.
  • Fire Soul Bird - A more powerful version of Fire Soul that was in the shape of a phoenix, and was used a few times in the R season as well as in numerous video games.
  • Burning Mandala - Sailor Mars' upgraded attack that first appeared in the R season, in which she shot rings of flame at her enemies.
  • Mars Flame Sniper - Sailor Mars fired a flame arrow at her enemies. It first appeared in the SuperS season.
  • (Manga Power only) Mars Snake Fire - Sailor Mars created a snake out of fire that attacked her opponent. This attack also appeared in the video games.
  • (PGSM only) Youma Taisan - This attack was similar to Fire Soul, but in this version Sailor Mars formed a fireball between her hands and threw it at the enemy.

Weapons or Magical Items:

  •       Transformation pen
  •          Star Power Stick
  •          Crystal Change Rod
  •         Mars Arrow
  •          Ofuda

RP Sample: 

It was a rainy day. Rei had plans to hang out with Usagi and the others, but Usagi had cancelled saying she didn’t want to get wet, but maybe if it cleared up they could hang out. Rei thought the weather provided an opportunity for her to meditate. Rei slipped into her miko outfit , grabbed her umbrella and walked to the temple so she could meditate.

Rei lit the candles and set the flames. She sat quietly and meditated. The sound of the rain helped to calm her spirit any further. She had set out to renew herself and as she relaxed more and more into the flames she felt herself loosen up. She was also checking to see if there was a threat of any new enemy. Luckily all was well for now and Rei could enjoy her life as a normal girl. Maybe she would take up another Ancient Writing class. Maybe she would begin training young girls who want to become mikos like her. All that mattered right now to Rei was enjoying her peaceful day and strengthening her meditation skills. The rest could be handled at another time.

Last edited by Artemis on 27th July 2015, 2:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars   (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars I_icon_minitime27th July 2015, 12:50 pm

Could you note Rei is very independent and prefers to keep her worries to herself rather than burdening others with them? Perhaps also note spirituality has always been a big part of her life? Smile

Thank you!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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(Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars   (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars I_icon_minitime27th July 2015, 1:04 pm

Yes i can
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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Age : 34

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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars   (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars I_icon_minitime27th July 2015, 2:46 pm

changes made in red Smile
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Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars   (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars I_icon_minitime27th July 2015, 7:18 pm

Approved. Smile

Side note: If it's not too much trouble, could you list Rei's communicators in her magical items section? Thanks!
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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars   (Approved) [Advanced] Senshi/ Civilan Rei Hino/ Sailor Mars I_icon_minitime

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