Hi im wondering if fans who arent part of Canada, or USA, could you please state wether your first language is any of these listed below and wether or not youd be willing to help find information regarding the dubbing of sailormoon in your country. Or wether you know of a sm fan who is from any of the countries below.
Listed here are the information that I could not find for tge designated countries, so any help would truly be appreciated.
Britain -history of production, voice actors, difference in names/transformations/attacks/locations/objects, Manga
China - Cantonese (history of production, voice actors, difference in transformations/attacks/locations/Objects, Manga
- Mandarin (history of production, voice actors, difference in transformations/attacks/locations/Objects, Manga
Germany- Voice Actors , difference in names of Places and Objects
Greece history of production,Voice Actors, difference in names of Places and Objects, manga
Hungary history of production, difference in names/transformations/attacks/locations/Objects, Manga
Indonesia- history of production, voice actors, difference in names/transformations/attacks/locations/objects, Manga
Isreal- history of production, difference in locations/objects, Manga
Korea - history of production, , difference in transformations/attacks/locations/objects, Manga
Mexico -difference in names/locations/objects, Manga
Netherlands-history of production, difference in /ransformations/attacks/locations/objects, Manga
Portugal - history of production, difference in names of Places and Objects, and the manga
Philippines- history of production, difference in names/transformations/attacks/locations/objects, Manga
Poland - nhistory of production, voice actors, difference in names/locations/objects, Manga
Russia - voice actors, difference in locations/objects, Manga
Sweden - history of production, difference in locations/objects, Manga
Thailand -(history of production, voice actors, difference in transformations/attacks/locations/Objects, Manga
Thanks Kalee/HFP