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 So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]

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Jupiter Rose
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So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] Empty
PostSubject: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime20th May 2015, 8:36 pm

I'm following in the footsteps of my ex-wife, Venus. I, too, and stepping down. I know it's no surprise to anyone that I'm stepping down.

My time here has been a great one. I'm glad I got to be part of this community for so long. I remember when I first joined, I on and off visited maybe every couple of weeks. Then out of nowhere I decided I wanted to be part of the GC fambam. So, I increased my activity and became a mod. Which, I never thought I'd get, haha! I was super stoked when I did. Then I started bothering Brit and eventually I became an admin...and absolutely loved it.

I owe this forum a lot. I have made many wonderful, good friends. I met my future wife on here. This became a second home, easily. It was my most comfortable, frequented space. It became a space I am very proud of and very protective of (just call me Mama Mars So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 111859084 ).  You're all amazing and you're what make this forum incredibly special. Being with you guys has been nothing short of incredible. You all mean so much to me. 

But with all that said, for right now, I have to let it go. My life is about to go batshit pretty quick within the next year and stuff and it wouldn't be fair for me to continue being Mars if I'm not actually here. This forum does run itself - Queen has a beautiful forum and community she should be very proud of (and I know she is So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 868675979 ), but a Mars must still be present regardless.

With that said, Queen, thank you for letting me be part of your community and let me give a helping hand. It was a lot of fun. I got amaze friends out of it. We've had our Usagi and Rei moments but hey, that's what makes it all the more fun, right? You do good pickin's with your admin - who you choose for specific roles tend to exactly match the personalities of the senshi assigned. You are a very sweet person and I thank you for all your understandings and being level and rational with me. You are def. not as scary as I thought you were  So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 3269465977 I'm sorry I didn't get to go to Cat's wedding and meet you (meet all you fine adminz  :bunnynarroweye how you doin'?  So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 3120693907 ). Hopefully we will sometime soon! Don't be a stranger to me - I'm really not that bad. Wink Love me, dammit!

Admin pals:

Anyway, thank you everybody. I love you all and this forum (seriously). So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 1955989781

So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 2045764097

Last edited by Sailor Mars on 20th May 2015, 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime20th May 2015, 8:56 pm

So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 2869872805  Remember forever and ever ago when you were itty bitty Lady Tuxedo? And you used to message me all the time for advice and suggestions and you were so worried about your mod application and then you got it and you were over the moon for forever and then you turned into Mars AND BECAME A TOTAL BUTT >P

I'm just kidding about that last part (OR AM I? you snarky thing. XD) but seriously, nostalgia is killing me right now. I know you've been crazy busy for the longest time, what with yo' real life going on (again super congrats on your engagement! ♥️v♥️), but I'm really seriously going to miss planning stuff with you (I know it's also been forever since we worked on a forum-wide event, but do you remember the ridiculous amount of scheming we did behind the scenes? I mean really) and watching you wreak havoc in the admin areas. 

We've had a great run, and I wish you all the best in your busy future to come XD Just don't forget to jump on and terrorize people every now and again! ♥️
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Jupiter Rose
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime20th May 2015, 9:01 pm

Sailor Uranus wrote:
So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 2869872805  Remember forever and ever ago when you were itty bitty Lady Tuxedo? And you used to message me all the time for advice and suggestions and you were so worried about your mod application and then you got it and you were over the moon for forever and then you turned into Mars AND BECAME A TOTAL BUTT >P

I was so cute, no?  So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 1955989781


So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] Yougotmeop-rightinthefeels_07cd144148021d7b97d3cf41a60ffb3a
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime20th May 2015, 9:19 pm

We will miss you Mars!! I send my love to you and Lauren! I wish you the best in life and hope to see you around! Very Happy <3
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Princess Moon
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime20th May 2015, 9:26 pm

Noooooo - you are stepping down too?:c
I hope you know we will all miss you! And I wish you and and Lauren all the best for the future! Hopefully we'll still see you on GC Sad
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Princess Makoto
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime20th May 2015, 9:36 pm


Ok ok...:
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime20th May 2015, 11:01 pm

Marsiepoo. What can I say about you? Razz You were like... the first admin who reached out to me when I first became one, wanting to get to know me better personally. Which... I really appreciate. You say you're awkward but you can be so friendly too (yes I know we both have different personalities online and offline). And you were there when I needed support in the tougher times and I love how sassy and Mars-like you are whenever there's a problem in the forums and you just want to obliterate everything. I love the crazy stories from your... er... older days, and I do hope you'll still poke your head in from time to time and cause trouble or put the fear of god in troublesome people say hello to us. So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 1955989781 Just like Venus, you've been Mars forever to me, and it'll be weird seeing someone else be Mars, and then what am I supposed to call you.
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Tiny Kitten
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 12:12 am

Soooo I may or may not have teared up while reading this. Those words... Gah. Thank you for the amazingly kind words <3 You'll always be my Marsipan! I remember you and Lauren fighting over me to be your guys' helper, and that's when we first met ^^ I was so thrilled that someone even noticed me and wanted to have me help them!! Between helping you, filling in for you, and just generally taking, we became friends!

I hope that we can continue to talk and such, time zones are tricky but I miss your face!! I wish you the best with everything that's going on in your life currently and in the future! You're an amazing person and I hope to still see you around the forums as well, ^^ Thank you so much for reaching out to me way back then! I'm so happy we got to know eachother <33 I'll always be here for you <3 Love you <33
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 5:51 am

I wish you the very best with everything that's going on in your life as the future approaches~! ♥
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Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 7:44 am

gah mars AND venus? oh dear. kidding good luck in all you do hun.
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 9:36 am

Oh, Mars, not you too!!!

Well, you know that when I first joined here, and you were Lady Tuxedo, I was actually kinda scared of talking to you? Idk why, tho. I just was. Anyway, then I got to know you a little better and I got to see what an amazing girl you are. You are fiery, that's true, but that doesn't stop you from stepping in when you feel someone needs a hand. When I became an admin, you were one of the ones I pestered the most and I remember talking to you before "I handed Queenie my resignation" LOL

So, congrats on your engagement, Lauren's a great gal. Best of luck in life. xoxo

weird ps:
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 10:30 am

It's sad to see you go and I wish you and Lauren the best in everything you do. You guys are truly a beautiful couple. <3
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 11:26 am

We will miss you, Marsie ;-; You have been a wonderful admin (I remember our chats back when you were a mod), and I wish you and Lauren all the best with everything that is going on in your lives So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 1434556979 And congratulations on your engagement! I hope we see you around!
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 12:07 pm

Oh my goodness, you and Lauren are engaged?! I didn't know! Congrats!!!!!! Very Happy

You've been a great Mars for the time you've been here!! Your presence as Admin will be missed but I'm so excited for you and all the stuff going on in your life!!!

You were kick ass on here and you'll be kick ass as you move ahead in life! Keep that spunk you have and you'll go far!! Smile

Best of luck to you and Lauren <3
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 12:11 pm

so, apparently, they're NOT engaged YET. but they're planning on. LOL

just to let people know...
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 1:02 pm

I'm sorry to see you stepping down, Mars. I haven't known you for very long, but you can feel the influance you had on the forums. I hope to see you and Venus and Pluto around the forums one day. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 4:21 pm


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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 6:38 pm

Haine wrote:

^^ THIS. Though, I know with how busy your life has been, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Thank you for everything you've done for the forums and for being a good friend. And speaking of nostalgia train, I remember you and me planning the first Festibration and Advent Calendar together and then going insane trying to keep up with the calendar. Haha...good times. xD

Don't be a stranger. >.>
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 6:52 pm

Marsie I am so sad you are stepping down, but know you will be focusing on you. I wish you and Lauren all the best in life and hope you find happiness. I also thank you for all our chats and letting me vent and then finding the words I needed to hear. I will make it to Japan one day and I won't let anything stop me.

Dont be a stranger. i know we will chat on skype Smile but I hope you don't become a stranger.
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 7:13 pm

Aww Mars we will miss you! I hope we still see you around. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 7:43 pm

Mars, it has been a pleasure having you as my superior and as someone I can look up to and go to for help. I remember you became an admin around the time I joined, and I had an immediate respect for you. As the activities director, I really admired how great the events you ran were. I had no idea how you managed to keep everything running so smoothly. You have been a great role model for me and every other member on this site. Thank you so much for all of the time and love you put into making this forum as great as it is today. You will be missed and I hope everything goes well for you in life Smile
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime21st May 2015, 8:21 pm

It's gonna be sad to see you go too, Mars... D: Please try to pop in once in a while, and good luck with your life!
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Sailor Jupiter
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime22nd May 2015, 12:20 pm

So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] Tumblr_m5dpx5knqO1qkww7to6_250

You guys are going to give me abandonment issues at this rate XD

Good luck and have fun in all that you do! I hope we'll still see you around <3
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Moonlit Templar
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime22nd May 2015, 7:48 pm

Good luck, Mars, and I'm sorry to hear you're leaving.

Glad you and SR are doing well!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime26th May 2015, 3:26 am

Thank you for all the kind wishes, everyone! That's super sweet. ^^;

Sorry I'm stealing your Mars away tho... So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 2695440696

I just love her, y'know? So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 1955989781

<3 <3 <3
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Sailor Makoto
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PostSubject: Re: So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down]   So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] I_icon_minitime26th May 2015, 9:48 am

So long,'s great you done a fine job as an admin in the GC, sailor Mars/senshiMako. We have two admin positions open now. May you and Lauren have a strong friendship or relationship. So, this is a long time coming... [Mars is stepping down] 868675979
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