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 Symphonic Metal/Rock

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Symphonic Metal/Rock   Symphonic Metal/Rock I_icon_minitime13th March 2015, 2:58 am

Anyone listen to this genre?

I've been listening to is a fair bit since High School, with Nightwish being my favorite band from the genre.

If you do listen: What are your favorite groups/songs?

For those that don't: Symphonic Metal or Rock is metal (or rock) music that is infused, mixed, and inspired by classical or symphonic (think classical orchestra) music. The style usually uses more metal-like guitar and drums, with classical instruments and often a singer trained in a more classical way (trained in opera for example). I think its a really beautiful mix a lot of the time; just enough hard and roughness together with just enough softness.

Under the cut will be some music videos if anyone is interested in what this music style sounds like or just wants to check some videos out.

Music Samples:
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Symphonic Metal/Rock   Symphonic Metal/Rock I_icon_minitime17th March 2015, 11:57 am

I am a HUGE symphonic metal fan! And like you, Nightwish is my all-time favorite. I first discovered them in '02 through a fan-made anime music video, and I was immediately hooked. Heck, they were band that made me finally get over a long-standing dislike of metal as a whole. I can't wait for the new album to come out at the end of this month, because I am completely in love with the first single.

And I also love all the other bands you linked to as well, especially Within Temptation. Some other favorites of mine include Xandria, Delain, After Forever, and Leaves' Eyes, to name a few (might add proper links/videos later).
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Symphonic Metal/Rock   Symphonic Metal/Rock I_icon_minitime17th March 2015, 12:21 pm

I also like Symphonic Metal, but I'm not a huge fan, just like to listen to it occasionally. I like Nightwish a lot (my favorite songs being Sleeping Sun, Amaranth and Over the Hills and Far away), and I also listen to Within Temptation and Krypteria from time to time Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Symphonic Metal/Rock   Symphonic Metal/Rock I_icon_minitime17th March 2015, 4:56 pm

Ah yes, nightwish and Within Temptation are long favorites of mine. Now does evanescence count, or are they more goth rock? I know later albums sound more like metal/Rock then earlier ones.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Symphonic Metal/Rock   Symphonic Metal/Rock I_icon_minitime18th March 2015, 2:13 am

Suzu wrote:
I also like Symphonic Metal, but I'm not a huge fan, just like to listen to it occasionally. I like Nightwish a lot (my favorite songs being Sleeping Sun, Amaranth and Over the Hills and Far away), and I also listen to Within Temptation and Krypteria from time to time Very Happy
I love all those songs too! My favorites from Nightwish are probably Master Passion Greed, I Want My Tears Back, Amaranth, and Ghost Love Score. Though there are sooo many I love. I don't listen to much Krypteria but I like them, my favorite being Victoria and My Fatal Kiss.

Khandri wrote:
I am a HUGE symphonic metal fan! And like you, Nightwish is my all-time favorite. I first discovered them in '02 through a fan-made anime music video, and I was immediately hooked. Heck, they were band that made me finally get over a long-standing dislike of metal as a whole. I can't wait for the new album to come out at the end of this month, because I am completely in love with the first single.

And I also love all the other bands you linked to as well, especially Within Temptation. Some other favorites of mine include Xandria, Delain, After Forever, and Leaves' Eyes, to name a few (might add proper links/videos later).

Ahh! Yeah I found this genre through my school theater group actually. We were doing a futuristic-dark themed version of Midsummer Nights Dream, and I was sound tech. My teacher/the director gave me a bunch of random CDs to go through and pick music for the soundtrack, one of which had a bunch of Nightwish and Within Temptation on it. I was instantly hooked.

Yeah I'm sooo excited for the new album! They released the first track (not on itunes but exclusively with a German media/news site) as well as Elan and I am soooo in love! Posted the video from their record label under the spoiler!

New Nightwish Song - Shudder Before the Beautiful:

I am seeing Nightwish, along with Sabaton and Delain in April - so excited!! I have VIP tickets too! This will be my 3rd Nightwish concert, but first for Delain and Sabaton. Only other similar bands I've seen live is Kamelot.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Symphonic Metal/Rock   Symphonic Metal/Rock I_icon_minitime18th March 2015, 5:27 am

whitehexe wrote:
I love all those songs too! My favorites from Nightwish are probably Master Passion Greed, I Want My Tears Back, Amaranth, and Ghost Love Score. Though there are sooo many I love. I don't listen to much Krypteria but I like them, my favorite being Victoria and My Fatal Kiss.
Krypteria might have the advantage that they're from my home country Wink Yeah, I also like Victoria a lot. My favorites are Messiah and Liberatio.
And yeah, Master Passion Greed is also reeeeaaally cool!
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Sailor Makoto
Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Symphonic Metal/Rock   Symphonic Metal/Rock I_icon_minitime19th March 2015, 4:40 pm

Yes, I heard of symphonic metal or rock, one of hundreds of genres and subgenres out there. On YT, you can find music vids and tunes of all of them, in fact Extreme Raw Black Metal rules! Cool Evil or Very Mad  Like a Star @ heaven Twisted Evil :pirat: Sampler of the Extreme Raw subgenre.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Symphonic Metal/Rock   Symphonic Metal/Rock I_icon_minitime22nd March 2015, 6:25 am

Extremer Metal or rock never worked for me because I'm usually more into upbeat, lighter stuff.
The reason why I like Symphonic Metal or Rock with female lead singers is that I really enjoy how the roughness of the music and the softness of the voices work together. And of course, the slight goth/medieval touch in especially Nightwish's music has an atmosphere bonus because I love magic and fantasy.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Symphonic Metal/Rock   Symphonic Metal/Rock I_icon_minitime22nd March 2015, 10:38 pm

Suzu wrote:
Extremer Metal or rock never worked for me because I'm usually more into upbeat, lighter stuff.
The reason why I like Symphonic Metal or Rock with female lead singers is that I really enjoy how the roughness of the music and the softness of the voices work together. And of course, the slight goth/medieval touch in especially Nightwish's music has an atmosphere bonus because I love magic and fantasy.
I usually am too! My other go-to genres are mellow J-rock, Idol-esk J-pop, and electronic/EDM. I also like the interesting combo of sounds symphonic metal has; its really beautiful!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Tuxedo Kamen Rider ♥ GC's official PGSM Moon
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PostSubject: Re: Symphonic Metal/Rock   Symphonic Metal/Rock I_icon_minitime18th April 2015, 6:31 am

Yeah, I also listen to J-Pop a lot.
Symphonic metal is really the exception on the "rougher side of music" Smile
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