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 [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime8th January 2015, 7:15 pm

Name of the Storyline:  The Price of Freedom
Name of the Creator(s):  Addelyn, MissMoonRose
Forum: Tokyo
Advanced or Relaxed: Relaxed

Plot Summary: 
Usagi goes to one of Haruka’s races on her own, none of her other friends able to join and support their Senshi teammate. After, as they are driving home, it becomes apparent to Haruka that something is wrong with her car. Losing control they crash into the side bushes off the road. Usagi awakens, seeing an injured Haruka next to her. Suddenly, a woman, Selena, appears before her. She tells Usagi that she is her Aunt from the Silver Millennium and that she can save the life of her companion, she only needs something from them. Usagi, in her desperation to save Haruka agrees, not completely paying attention to what the woman is saying beyond having the ability to save Haruka. Before she can say much more, she blacks out. Little did Usagi know that the price of free often comes at a hefty price; in order to escape, each girl will have to sacrifice something. The question is, is it more than they are willing to give up?

Details on any necessary information: 
Selena Deluna - MissMoonRose
Usagi/Sailor Moon- MissMoonRose
Haruka/Sailor Uranus- Addelyn
No Otaku characters and any require cannon characters will be NPCed by either Addy or MMR.

Source(s): N/A

OOC Thread: N/A

Member to Character List:

Addelyn: Haruka Tenoh
Sailor Pluto: Usagi and Selena DeLuna

Last edited by Addelyn on 18th August 2015, 7:08 am; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime9th January 2015, 3:19 am

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 10s9fyb

"Racers, on your mark! Get set...GO!"

Usagi squealed with delight as the bikes on the track roared to life, heading off at impeccable speeds. Her eyes never left the bike that was Haruka Tenoh's, the friend that she had accompanied to the race. 

"And we're off! The racers seem to be at a common speed, with no one showing a clear lead. There is so much potential in this race - who knows who will pull out victorious?"

The annoucer's voice traveled in one ear and out the other, in Usagi's case, for all she cared about was whether or not Haruka was in first. As the bikes sped by again, Usagi's hands flew to her sensitive ears, trying her best to block out the tremendous noise. There was a bright smile on her face as Haruka battled two other racers for first place. 

"GO, HARUKA! YOU CAN DO IT!" Usagi yelled, knowing that her friend probably couldn't hear her. She continued to cheer along with the rest of the crowd as one of the racers battling Haruka wiped out, leaving just the blonde woman and one other male racer. The crowd erupted in cheers as Haruka passed, then the other man, then Haruka, then the other was a never-ending battle.

The racers passed one last time, and the flag signalling the last lap was waving in the air.

"Tenoh Haruka and Kishinuma Mori battle for first in the last lap, but who will win? Who will be the first to cross that finish line?!"

Usagi's hands gripped the metal rail in front of her, and she turned to squeal with Minako over the excitement. Sadly, she realized that her friends were not there beside her, and that she was the only one who had come out to see Haruka race today. 

Shaking that thought from her head, Usagi continued cheering. They were getting closer and closer now, and both racers were neck-and-neck.

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime10th January 2015, 8:13 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Haruka grinned as she took off. She was careful to keep her speed in check, not wanting to push her bike too hard yet. By keeping where she was, she could easily check out her competition. A lot of racers tended to push to the front early, causing stress on the bike and on their mind, which could cost them first place. The wind senshi had learned over the years that by keeping back and relaxing, she was almost guaranteed a victory.
As the laps went by, she slowly moved up, until she and two other racers pulled ahead of the pack. It would be a close race and Haruka could easily see how nervous they both were. Gunning her bike, she brought it in closer so she was right behind one of the racers. It seemed to unnerve him as he lost control, wiping out, taking the other racer with him. As she passed the finish line, the flag waved indicating the final lap. Here we go, she grinned.

She purposefully dropped back, allowing the gap between herself and the others racers to shorten. She wanted to save the last umph her bike had for the last moment before the finish line. Easily keeping her lead, the racers made their way around the race track.
“Tenoh is in the lead! The racers are approaching the finish line, the question remains who will take 2nd and 3rd place? This is an assure victory for the blonde hair racing beauty!”
Out of the corner of her eye, Haruka could see one of the racers break away from the pack, and begin to gain on her. Trying to take first place huh? Better luck next time! She thought. Revving her engines, she pushed her bike to its limits as she hurtled towards the finish line. The victory wasn’t as easy won as Haruka had first thought. The racer behind her was gaining. Tch, he’s good, she thought. But I’m better. Revving the engines again, she pushed her bike a little more.
“Tenoh and Kishinuma are neck in neck! This is amazing! Never before has there been such a close call for a race Tenoh had such a clear lead in. Kishinuma has the lead, no Tenoh, Kishinuma, they’re closing up on the finish line…TENOH HAS WON THE RACE! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, TENOH HAS WON THE RACE WITH KISHINUMA COMING IN A VERY CLOSE SECOND!”

That was too close, Haruka thought as she slowed her bike, bringing it safely off the race way. Kishinuma had made Haruka win for first, something that didn’t happen very often. It made her smile. She enjoyed a challenge and so few people offered it to her. She dismounted, taking off her helmet. Odango should be here soon, she usually joined Haruka in the racers area and kept her company while she wiped down her bike and did any minor repairs that couldn’t wait until the next day.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime10th January 2015, 11:02 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 10s9fyb

Usagi watched in anticipation, her hands clutching the metal railing in front of her as she watched Haruka battle Kishinuma for first. The world seemed to slow down as the finish line neared, becoming ten, five feet away from Haruka's bike. Everything around Usagi froze, until it was just her.


The singular word echoed in Usagi's mind, disappearing just as quickly as it had come. Instantly, the world returned to its original state, and the audience was screaming Haruka's name. It took Usagi just a second to realize Haruka had won. Usagi immediately began to scream along with the crowd, cheering Haruka's name as she shoved past people to the racer's area. It only took Usagi a short while to get down the bleachers and to her friend, who was just removing her helmet when she arrived. With a squeal of happiness, Usagi launched forward and threw her arms around the taller woman. 

"I'm so proud of you, Haruka!" she shouted over the noise. "I knew you would win!" she said, pulling away slightly and looked up at Haruka's face. Her smile was huge and filled with joy, but behind it lay a hint of uncertainty. Why had she gotten such a strange feeling earlier? 

Pushing the thought away, Usagi started to jump up and down as the trophy was brought in Haruka's direction, and cameras were shoved in their faces. Smiling, Usagi nudged Haruka forward to talk to the press.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime6th February 2015, 4:12 am

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 5FrXPXn

Her palace was getting quite lonesome.

Selena was used to lonesome, having been floating in an endless realm of darkness. But at that time, there was no solution to her lonesome. But now?

Oh, there was definitely a solution.

Selena had been waiting quite some time for this moment, the moment when she would finally get her revenge against her wretched sister. Smiling sinisterly, the master of the dark arts twirled her finger in the air, creating a small image in front of her. She could see her niece and one of her friends standing amongst a crowd of people, all asking questions and pointing cameras in their faces. Selena laughed to herself. She would let them enjoy this moment, for now.

Soon, it would all be over for her sister's daughter.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 11th April 2015, 8:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime16th February 2015, 11:37 am

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Haruka soon found herself with an armful of jumping, excited, Usagi, congratulating her on her win in the race. When she pulled back slightly, the blonde could see that there was something bothering the younger woman, even though she was trying to hide it. Before she could figure out what was going on, the trophy was brought over and Haruka was dragged into talking to the circus that was the Media. 

When she finally managed to free herself, she found Usagi waiting patiently, or rather, as patient as the younger girl ever was, by her bike. They chatted while Haruka worked, giving the bike a quick tune up in preparation for when she would work on it the next day. She hated at least not looking at her bike after a race, taking note of what needed a tune up, what was wearing out and needed replacements, anything that broke during the race. Once she stored her bike in the trailer that she would return for tomorrow, she quickly changed out of her racing gear, returning to the blonde. 

"Common Bun head, lets grab something to eat, yah? My treat."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime21st February 2015, 1:41 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 10s9fyb

While Usagi waited, she made herself busy by braiding her pigtails and unbraiding them over and over. It seemed like forever until Haruka finally returned from the mass of press and congratulation accomplices, but eventually the taller woman came over and offered to take Usagi out to eat. This was their routine - and it was always Usagi's favorite part. Nothing topped off an afternoon of victory better than a nice meal with Haruka.

Smiling, Usagi nodded and followed Haruka to her car, ignoring the paparazzi that asked them questions as they went. As soon as they were out of here, there would be peace and quiet and an opportunity to talk. After sliding into the passenger seat, Usagi buckled her seatbelt and waited for Haruka to start the car.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime2nd March 2015, 9:37 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Grinning, she started the car, revving the engine several times to give the paparazzi a clue that they should probably back away from the vehicle if they didn't want to get hit. Once there was enough room, she threw the car into drive, back wheels spinning for a brief moment before they were able to find purchase on the ground beneath, propelling the car forward. 

"Anywhere in particular you wanted to eat, or is it just food in general you wanted," She asked Usagi, guiding the car onto the country road. As she waited for her Princess to answer, Haruka caught sight of a truck, coming up behind her quickly. What in the world did they think they were doing?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime4th March 2015, 7:11 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 10s9fyb

Usagi giggled as the car sped down the road, liking the familiar speed. It was strange, but whenever Haruka drove, it felt almost as if the car were soaring through the air.

Placing a finger on her chin, Usagi playfully tilted her head to the side as she thought of something to eat. "Hmm...I dunno, I think you should pick. You had a long day, after all. It's only fitting that the victor choose the meal, right?"

The blonde's stomach growled and she giggled again, wrapping her arms around herself. "But I am in the mood for sushi. Just throwing that out there."

Out of the corner of her eye, Usagi could have swore she saw something flashing on the road. Deeming it nothing, she propped her elbow on the window and gazed out, taking notice of a deer that happened to be out in the open. "Oh look, Haruka! It's a deer with it's -"

Usagi's words were cut off as the car suddenly began to swerve out of control. Terrified, Usagi looked at Haruka. What was going on? Had they hit something?

The car was moving so fast and in such an uncontrollable motion that it didn't seem like there was anyway of stopping it. Tires squealed, and Usagi saw the cliff just a split second before the car flew off of it.

Her screams were all she could hear before everything was black.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime7th April 2015, 6:36 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Haruka groaned as she opened her eyes slowly, blinking as the harsh light assaulted her eyes. Attempting to move her arm to rub the sleep from her eyes, the blonde was momentarily confused when nothing happened. Frowning, she tried to move her arm again, only to hear a rattling sound. Eyes snapping open, her senses on full alert, she quickly took in her surroundings. She looked up, seeing that her wrists were chained above her, holding her body’s weight. Struggling, she tried to stand; feeling sluggish like her body wouldn’t cooperate with what she wanted it to do. Wracking her brain, she thought back, trying to figure out what happened, as she took in the surroundings of what appeared to be some sort of dungeon.
She had been unable to control the motion of the car, only able to stare as they headed towards the cliff. Another hard knock from the pursuing car forced her head to collide with her steering wheel, causing her to black out. It was the last thing she remembered.
But why had she been on that road?
They had been going to get food after the race. Haruka looked around, unable to spot the young blonde girl that was her Princess. Dammit, where was she? Was she alright?

“Hey, whoever you are,” she yelled out, trying to control her frustration, “Show yourself!” She had to get free and find Usagi and quickly.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime10th April 2015, 7:42 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 5FrXPXn

Selena's laugh could be heard all throughout her mountain palace, reaching the ears of a groggy Haruka and a panicked Usagi. Opening the black crystal door to Usagi's cell, Selena entered the room as the laugh still played on her lips. "How are you faring, princess? I hope you've made yourself comfortable." The joke make Selena laugh again. As soon as Selena had made the deal with her niece, she took both her and the other woman to her black crystal palace. Before either of them could wake up, Selena had chained their wrists to the wall, leaving both of them suspended a few feet above the ground. Usagi had been put in a room adjacent to Haruka, with a glass wall separating the two rooms. But thanks to Selena's cloaking magic, only Usagi could see Haruka, and not the other way around. It was perfect for the plans she had in store.

"Now that you're awake and alert, why don't we get started? Here's the deal - you give me the Silver Crystal, and I'll let you and your friend go. It's an even trade, right?" 

The glare Usagi was shooting into Selena's eyes was easy to detect, even in the dim room. "I was hoping you would refuse. Let's see if this changes your mind," Selena remarked. She turned to the glass wall, snapping her fingers so that a light shined in the adjacent room. Haruka's body was illuminated, revealing that she had just woken up and that she was shouting. With another snap, the blonde woman's voice could be heard echoing through Usagi's room. ""

Selena's head tilted to the side slightly, her eyes burning through the glass and through Haruka's body. Her lips parted slightly as she felt the dark magic boiling inside of her. "Pain," she stated. In that moment, an unbelievable feeling of agony would sweep over Haruka's body, making her feel as if her limbs were being stretched to the point of almost ripping apart. With a smirk, Selena winked at Usagi and pointed one finger at Haruka, who was probably experiencing one of the worst pains imaginable. "Look what you are doing to her, Serenity. This is your fault." For emphasis, Selena sent a stream of black mist from her finger, watching as it shot through the glass and wrapped itself around Haruka's neck, squeezing tightly so as to cut off her airway. 

"Could you imagine how frustrating it must be to feel agonizing pain and not be able to scream?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime3rd May 2015, 1:07 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Haruka paused her tirade for a moment, listening for a response or even a sign that Usagi was somewhere close by. Instead of hearing a noise, lights suddenly snapped on. Before she could reaction, her body was wracked with wave after wave of painful spasms. Twisting in the chains was no use, they held fast as her body attempted to free herself. It felt like her limps were being stretched to the point where they would rip apart at any moment. One particular hard wave of pain in her knee had her screaming in pain.
The constant of pain was seem to continuously build up with every second, making drawing in air to her lungs more and more difficult. Before she could scream again, or perhaps taunt the enemy with a attitude filled ‘is that all you’ve got’, a sudden pressure squeezed her neck, cutting off her airway.

Dammit, this wasn’t good. She could hold her breathe for a few minutes, but whatever was cutting of her ability to breathe had caught her mid-inhalation. She had to find a way out of here, Michiru would surely bring her back from the dead only to kill her if she dared die before rescuing Usagi.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime3rd May 2015, 6:32 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 10s9fyb

Usagi was panicking. She couldn't breathe. She had no idea where Haruka was and she was all alone in the dark. What had happened? Why couldn't she remember?

"Hello? Anyone? Somebody please let me out of here! wrists are tied! HELP!" she screamed, praying that someone would hear her. Her voice was bouncing around the dark room, not reaching the ears of anyone but her own. Suddenly, she heard a door open, and a different voice filled the room.

"W-who are you? And what do you want with my crystal?" she breathed, squinting to try and see in the dark. She could just barely make out the shape of the woman, who was standing directly in front of her. Filled with anger, Usagi glared at this person who seemed to be holding her captive. Her question was ignored as the woman continued speaking. Out of no where, a light turned on in what appeared to be a room adjacent to Usagi's. Inside the room, she could make out Haruka hanging from the wall. Her friend was yelling, and the sound of her voice brought tears to Usagi's eyes. 

On the bright side, Haruka was alive.

The woman snapped her fingers, causing Usagi to cringe. One dreadful, bloodcurdling word echoed through the room. 


Haruka's screams of pain reverberated in Usagi's ears, reaching her heart and squeezing it. The sound of her friend's agony was too much for Usagi to bear, and she began to cry hysterically. Her screams were almost just as loud, for the pain Haruka was feeling was just as great as the pain in Usagi's heart. 


Usagi screamed again and again, begging and pleading for the woman to let Haruka go. The look of pain on Haruka's face as her airway was cut off only caused Usagi's tears to fall faster. "Please, let her go, stop this! She hasn't done anything wrong!" Usagi cried, her voice hoarse from her screams. There was another snap, and Usagi could tell the torturing had stopped. She hiccuped, tears still falling and Usagi continued to cry.

"Why...why would you do something like that?" she said quietly, her voice full of sadness.

"Ask your mother," the woman hissed. There was the sound of clicking heels and an opening door, and Usagi knew she was alone. 

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime8th May 2015, 1:15 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Even though whatever had caused the pain to begin was long since gone, her body continued to ache and occasionally twitch as her muscles continued to spasm. Whatever that was had been like nothing she had ever felt before. She would only hope that Usagi wasn't experiences the same thing. The thought of the Princess was being tortured in such a manner brought some of her strength back. Gripping the chains in her palms, she experimentally pulled on them.

Unsurprised that they didn't budged she continued to think. While she wasn't as strong right as she was in her senshi form, she was still a lot stronger than most people. Perhaps if she continued to pull on the chains with everything that she had she could get loose? With no better plan in mind, she began yanking on the chains, praying for a miracle.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime23rd May 2015, 10:01 am

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 5FrXPXn

Selena walked down the hall to the next room over, swinging the door open with a flourish of her hand. Walking in, she eyed the woman named Haruka. The light in the room was dim, seeming to come from an invisible source. Smirking, Selena leaned against the wall. 

"You are going to rub your wrists raw if you continue such futile efforts. You know just as well as I that you can't break those chains. How are you feeling, darling? I do hope you've been enjoying your stay."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime26th May 2015, 3:32 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

"I'm feeling just fine," she grit out. Like she would show any weakness in front of this woman. Haruka could easily guess that she was the type of person to feed off and exploit any shown weakness. 

Tugging at the chains again, she immediately felt the difference in the tension. She was barely able to keep the shock at the discovery from showing on her face. Well, well, shows how much that women knew about them. Now all Haruka needed was for her to go away so she could finish freeing herself. Perhaps making her mad would get her to leave? 

"How about you let Usagi go? She's innocent in all of this. You can keep me, and torture me at your leisure. One prisoner is always easier to control than multiples."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime2nd June 2015, 11:00 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 5FrXPXn

Selena laughed at Haruka's lie. "Feeling fine, hm? Well, we will see how fine you feel after the next few days," she sneered, placing one hand on her hip. She laughed again when the woman had the audacity to try and convince her to let her niece go.

"Now why would I do such a careless thing? Come now, dear, I know you are smarter than that. You know how important young Serenity is, do you not? Look at me, Haruka. What, or rather, who, do you see?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime3rd June 2015, 7:31 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Glaring at her while she talked, Haruka began to really look at the woman. She had to admit there were many uncanny similarities between Usagi and this woman. Too many for Haruka's comfort. Searching through her memory of the Silver Millennium, the only one who had looked like Usagi had been the Queen. In the future, Chibiusa looked like her mother. How was this even possible?

"Who are you?" she demanded. Perhaps if she could figure out who this woman was, she could piece together what her plan was.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime6th June 2015, 9:45 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 5FrXPXn

Selena grinned maliciously, stepping towards the door. "Let's just say I'm...part of the family," she quipped. "Of course, I wouldn't expect a meaningless outer planetary princess like you to know who I am. You princesses were useless from the start." As she left, Selena snapped her fingers to cause another searing pain to course through Haruka's body. It wouldn't be as long as the last one, but it would be enough to leave the girl breathless and in a screaming mess. 

The door slammed behind her.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime8th June 2015, 4:31 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Before she could retort, waves of pain wracked her body in continuous waves. She refused to scream this time, barely keeping any sound at bay. Her writhing managed to weaken her restraints where they were fastened to the wall a tiny bit. 

She hung there panting as the waves slowed and finally stopped. Dammit, she didn't know how many more of those she could take. Haruka knew that time was running out and she needed to find Usagi and get her out of this place before that crazed woman could do any harm to her. Her mind absolutely refused to let her think that Usagi was somewhere in this place hurt and alone. 

As the aftershocks slowly subsided, she pulled herself into a standing position once more. wrapping the chains around her arm from better leverage, she yanked hard. She could see the bolts move a little, not much, but it was there. With enough tugs she could be able to free herself. Hopefully the crazed woman didn't come back for a while.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime16th June 2015, 11:43 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 10s9fyb

Usagi watched in horror as Selena entered Haruka's chamber, listening intently as they spoke. What on Earth was that woman talking about? Was she...a part of Usagi's family somehow? She wracked her brains for any sort of memory regarding this woman, but came up empty-handed. All of a sudden, the sound of chains clattering relentlessly brought Usagi's attention back to Haruka, who seemed to be suffering from the same pain as earlier. Usagi thrashed and screamed, begging and pleading again for Selena to stop hurting Haruka, but of course her words only bounced futilely off of the walls. Thankfully, it seemed that the pain went away, and Haruka was recovering. Tears pouring down her face, Usagi could only watch helplessly as her friend tried to break her chains. 

Why was Usagi so weak? Why didn't she have the drive and determination that Haruka had? Usagi wanted to break out of this prison, sure, but she just couldn't find the will to do it. She had gotten them into this mess. She couldn't remember how, or why, but she felt that deep guilt in her chest that told her this was her fault. She needed to pay the price, not Haruka. And so Usagi watched Haruka's attempts, praying that her friend would make it out alive.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime27th June 2015, 1:11 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Haruka honestly hadn't felt this exhausted in such a long time. Yanking the chains so they would come loose was more physically exhausting than she had anticipated it being. You're probably also exhausted from the race and the crash, who knows how long its been since you've slept properly she thought. She had to keep going, Usagi needed her. Pausing to catch her breath for a moment, she wrapped the chains around her arms, which still remained attached to the cuffs on her wrists. She could figure out how to get them off later. Right now, she had to find Usagi and find a way out of here, while avoiding that wretched woman. 

Silently, she made her way through the door and out into the hallway beyond, taking the first left she came across. Please let me go the right way. 
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime7th July 2015, 7:59 am

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 10s9fyb

As soon as Haruka broke out of her chains, Usagi began to scream. "Haruka-san! Haruka-san I'm in here! Get me out of here!" The desperation in her voice echoed around the room - there was no way Haruka wouldn't be able to hear her. But for good measure, Usagi began to thrash and yank on her chains, kicking the wall and making as much noise as possible. She just hoped her friend would find her.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime7th July 2015, 12:28 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Someone must have been guiding her today. It took the blonde no time at all to locate Usagi. "Koneko, calm down, you're going to hurt yourself," she whispered, coming up behind the girl and gently grabbing her wrists. The chains that the vile woman had used on Usagi were thankfully thinner and much easier for Haruka to pry open enough for the Princess to slip her hands out of. 

"Did she hurt you at all?" she stood back, eyes roaming over Usagi critically. She looked alright, but there could be bruises and cuts underneath her clothing.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime20th July 2015, 11:10 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 10s9fyb

Usagi's eyes widened in disbelief at the sound of Haruka's voice and the warm feeling of her fingers prying open Usagi's shackles. She was afraid her room had been made of soundproof walls or something, but evidently she had been wrong. As soon as she was released from the chains that bound her, Usagi threw her arms around Haruka's waist and began to sob uncontrollably. 

"I'm f-f-fine but y-you were sc-screaming and I couldn't s-stop her! Haruka-san I am s-so sorry! A-are you okay?" she said between sobs. The tears came out uncontrollably, the sound of Haruka's screams still echoing in Usagi's brain. She would never forgive herself for letting this happen. There had to have been some way she could have prevented all of this.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime24th July 2015, 9:01 am

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

"Hey, hey koneko, its alright, don't cry," she said, drawing the smaller girl into her arms. She hated seeing the younger woman cry, it pulled at something in her heart and made her want to take out whatever had caused it. "I'm fine, see, all in one piece." Though something that Usagi had said concerned the older blonde.  

"Look at me," she said, waiting for the other girl to comply. "There was nothing you could have done. It was out of you control and you shouldn't blame yourself, alright? I'm tougher than I look, it'll take a lot more than her to get ride of me."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime27th July 2015, 10:07 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 10s9fyb

Usagi sniffled, unknowingly having wiped her snot all over Haruka's shirt. "Y-you're right, I'm sorry," she said, blinking the last few tears from her eyes. "We need to get out of here, before she comes back. Do you know who she is or how to get out of this place? I don't even know if we're underground or aboveground or even in Japan anymore."
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 3:30 am

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

They quickly left the room, headed in the opposite direction from the one Haruka had taken to get here. She hadn't spotted any ways out while she was trying to find Usagi, so pressing forward was their best option. Eyes alert, they crept down hallways, finally finding one with an Exit sign overhead. 

Something about this seems wrong. We haven't really encountered another person or any surveillance equipment or anything. I haven't seen a single camera. Haruka couldn't help but wonder if this was all another trap. 

Decing to chance it, afterall, what other choice did they have, the blonde lead them through the door that opened into a small hallway. Quickly traversing down it, the next door opened into a large room, with what looked to be spectator seats. 

What is this, are we in some sort of arena?
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime1st October 2015, 5:44 am

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom 10s9fyb

Usagi followed closely behind Haruka, eyes burning in the darkness to try and make sure no one was coming towards them. The last thing she wanted was to run into the woman and get both of them locked up. The thought of being separated from Haruka again terrified Usagi, especially after what happened just moments ago.

An exit sign! Seeing it brought tears to Usagi's eyes. They were going to get out of here - they were free!

Usagi's pace quickened as they passed through the door. It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust once they reached the other side, but once they did, Usagi was shocked by what she saw.

They were arena? The room was a giant circle, with one door on the other side. Lit torches lined the walls, giving the room a dark, ominous feel. The floor was made of stone, as were the walls, and the ceiling was high and dome-shaped.

Pointing to the door, Usagi grinned. "That must be the exit!" she began to run forward, but a loud 'CLICK' stopped her in her tracks. Turning around, Usagi glanced at the door they just came from. She ran to it, fear in her eyes, pulling at the handle to no success.

They were locked in.

"Leaving so soon?"

Usagi paled. She knew that voice. Turning back around, Usagi spotted the woman who put them here standing in the center of the arena, one hand on her hip and an evil smirk on her face.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom   [Relaxed] The Price of Freedom I_icon_minitime5th October 2015, 6:47 pm

[Relaxed] The Price of Freedom J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Haruka tensed as she heard the click behind them, signaling that the door had locked behind them. Her eyes scanned the area, not seeing a way out; they were trapped. 

When she heard that vile woman's voice once more, the blonde senshi growled, placing herself between Usagi and the threat. 

"Was hoping to; I have a date tonight and Michiru does hate to be kept waiting," she said, making sure to keep her tone flippant but light, force-ably relaxing her muscles to make sure she was able to react at the drop of a hat.
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