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 (In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Posts : 205
Join date : 2014-08-19
Location : Crystal Tokyo

(In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars Empty
PostSubject: (In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars   (In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars I_icon_minitime14th October 2014, 9:15 am

Character Name:
Age and Date of Birth:
Used Canons:
This section is for you to list what Sailor Moon canon/canons (manga, anime, live-action, musicals) you are basing your canon character profile on. Please list all canons you are using as a reference for your profile. (Delete this section in the case you are writing a profile that does not take references from Sailor Moon canon.)
Appearance: Please include the physical description of your character as well as a description of their clothing or attire. Feel free to include a picture, but please do not substitute a picture for a written description.
Personality: Please include as much detail as possible. May also include: dreams/goals/amibitions, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, and strengths.
Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
History: Please include at least one paragraph of description. A paragraph is typical a minimum of four/five sentences long. If the character is a sailor senshi or a villain, please provide information on how he or she became a sailor senshi or a villain.
Other Noteworthy Facts: Optional! May include description of star sign, blood type, favorite gem, favorite flower, habits, favorite school subjects, least favorite school subjects, favorite food, and least favorite food, etc.
Storyline Specific Information: Optional! To be filled in during storylines, not before! This section is for you to detail information about your character that is specific to a certain storyline(s). Fill out this section with each separate storyline, so you don't have to send multiple character profile applications for the same character.
Senshi Information (delete this section if not applicable)
Senshi Name:
Realm of Influence(s): What are the character's powers based upon? For example: Sailor Mar's realm of influence is fire while Sailor Uranus' realm of influence is wind.
Henshin/Transformation Phrase:
Senshi Fuku: Feel free to include a picture, but please do not substitute a picture for a written description. Descriptions may include the sailor senshi's: signature colors, tiara, choker, collar, brooch, front and back bow, skirt, and bodice. This may also include descriptions of accessories, such as: shoes, gloves, jewelry, and other features not previously included.
Powers: List the names of your character's powers. If the power has not been previously mentioned in the Sailor Moon series (i.e. it is not canon), then please provide a description of that power. 
Weapons or Magical Items: List the names of your character's  magical items. If  the magical item has not been previously mentioned in the Sailor Moon series (i.e. it is not canon), then please provide a description of that magical item. 
Guardian: If applicable. A guardian is not required.
RP Sample: The RP Sample should involve the character you are applying for and the sample must be at least 100 words. We've provided some themes to get you started.

  • "It's raining outside..."

  • Memories of the past

  • You get a call on your communicator: A Youma's attacking in the park! Where are you? What happens when you get there?

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Posts : 205
Join date : 2014-08-19
Location : Crystal Tokyo

(In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars Empty
PostSubject: Re: (In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars   (In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars I_icon_minitime14th October 2014, 9:16 am

I hope it's okay to post the profile format in a thread so I can work on it when I have time. I'll work on this later today.
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Neptune Emeritus


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(In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars Empty
PostSubject: Re: (In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars   (In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars I_icon_minitime14th October 2014, 11:08 am

Welcome to GC's RPG section! Smile

It is definitely okay to do so. Smile Please let me know if you want any help with this profile.
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(In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars Empty
PostSubject: Re: (In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars   (In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars I_icon_minitime

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(In Progress) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mars

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