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 Sailor moon crystal a-wonk

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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime21st July 2014, 8:11 pm

So after watching sailor moon crystal I found some issues, and changes that are subtle from the manga to changes that are noticiable

Case 1: Usagi  Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 868675979 

Much of her funny and over the top faces are mostly gone but thats a characteristic that exists in the first volume of the manga. I know this show is aimed at an older audience thank goodness but Usagi is still a carefree 8th grader who is not mature yet this early in the series.

Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 14+-+1

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Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 14+-+4

Case 2:Ami-chan  Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 1948543417 

Poor Ami-chan, Her face is just plain distorted and disproportioned in some scenes.  Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 2869872805 

Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 14+-+9

Case 3: SKINNY SKINNY SKINNY :bunnypokerface  

I know its based on the manga style, however, usagi was never that skinny as the anime presented her as in the first chapter of the manga and for the whole first arc. She didn't get that skinny until much more volumes later after numerous battles.

Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 14+-+7

Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 14+-+6

Sailor moon crystal a-wonk Sailor_Moon_and_Usagi_in_the_artbook_2

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Case 4: the mysterious laptop that came out of nowhere  Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 1023433532 

Neither in the old anime nor the manga presented Usagi using a laptop. It was luna using the computer...

Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 14+-+5

Well it's an adaptation staying more faithful to the manga so it will have its flaws here and there and i. Happy that there is a reboot anyway  Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 1984953407
Btw i created all those comparison pics Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 111859084 
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Sailor Lily
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime21st July 2014, 8:43 pm

I'm ok with the laptop change because what 14 year old can't use a laptop with ease. She still seems a bit clueless though because she started pushing random buttons.
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Neon Genesis
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime21st July 2014, 10:32 pm

The goofy faces were a product of 90s anime and they just aren't used in modern anime anymore. Crystal is being targeted at a modern audience as much as it is being targeted at old time fans so it's natural they wouldn't be using stuff like SD mode or anime sweatdrops that you don't see as much in anime anymore. I thought the Senshi were pretty skinny in the original anime and had a heavy amount of fanservice but anime characters in general are fairly skinny. It's the 21st century now and laptops are commonplace and even someone as clumsy as Usagi can use a laptop. It's a sign of how far our technology has influenced our culture that even someone like Usagi can use one in the 21st century.
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Jupiter Rose
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime22nd July 2014, 12:49 am

Ok. I'm going to be frank: of course there's going to be differences in Crystal in comparison to the manga and even 90s anime.

First thing jumping out at me: the computer Usagi has. You mention like "why does she have it?" well, because it's 2014. Crystal is obviously going to be current. Just because the anime and manga was done in the 90s does not mean a revamped anime in 2014 is going to follow suit and use outdated technology, like the floppy disc seen in the 90s anime.

In short: of course Usagi has a laptop. It's 2014. Why wouldn't she?

The rest? Honestly is just artistic decisions and human error. Yes, Usagi is skinny. All the girls are? It was the artistic choice on how to design the characters. Besides this is an anime - nothing about the girls or the anime as a whole is based on real human proportions and anatomy (have you seen dem anime eyes?) Same with the differing facial expressions or lack of facial expressions on Usagi. It's just the choice they made. Does this detract from Usagi's charm? Yes, absolutely. But that was the choice they made making this anime. The mess up on Ami? Human error. There are real live people working on this anime you know. They're gonna mess up. I think people forget that. Yes, it should have been triple checked and fixed but hey, too late now.

And honestly? That is a not a good comparison meme thing about Usagi being so skinny that her hands are bigger than her upper body and here is why: her hands are clearly held out towards the viewer, meaning her hands are going to look bigger because they're closer to us than the rest of her body. It's just perspective, that's all.

To wrap up my frankness: Crystal is not a moving clone of the manga (though it's close). It's not going to be 110% the same as the manga. It's also not a reboot of the original anime, so it's not going to be like that, either.

I'd also like to further note that I feel a lot of this stuff, like the artistic decisions made and lack of other things (like Usagi's expressions and charm) were done because they were trying so. damn. hard. to make this a beautiful anime more than anything else. Above all else, they wanted the show to look pretty.

Last edited by Sailor Mars on 22nd July 2014, 1:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Lily
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime22nd July 2014, 12:56 am

Sailor Mars wrote:
Ok. I'm going to be frank: of course there's going to be differences in Crystal in comparison to the manga and even 90s anime.

First thing jumping out at me: the computer Usagi has. You mention like "why does she have it?" well, because it's 2014. Crystal is obviously going to be current. Just because the anime and manga was done in the 90s does not mean a revamped anime in 2014 is going to follow suit and use outdated technology, like the floppy disc seen in the 90s anime.

In short: of course Usagi has a laptop. It's 2014. Why wouldn't she?

The rest? Honestly is just artistic decisions and human error. Yes, Usagi is skinny. All the girls are? It was the artistic choice on how to design the characters. Besides this is an anime - nothing about the girls or the anime as a whole is based on real human proportions and anatomy (have you seen dem anime eyes?) Same with the differing facial expressions or lack of facial expressions on Usagi. It's just the choice they made. The mess up on Ami? Human error. There are real live people working on this anime you know. They're gonna mess up. I think people forget that. Yes, it should have been triple checked and fixed but hey, too late now.

And honestly? That is a not a good comparison meme thing about Usagi being so skinny that her hands are bigger than her upper body and here is why: her hands are clearly held out towards the viewer, meaning her hands are going to look bigger because they're closer to us than the rest of her body. It's just perspective, that's all.

To wrap up my frankness: Crystal is not a moving clone of the manga (though it's close). It's not going to be 110% the same as the manga. It's also not a reboot of the original anime, so it's not going to be like that, either.

I agree with everything you just said!

Also in the 90s anime sometimes Usagi was so skinny that it literally looked like she had bones with skin strapped over them.


She is REALLY skinny  in this clip so people can't really bash that much on crystal.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime22nd July 2014, 1:21 am

What's interesting to note, though, is that someone translated the credits on episode 2 and figured out that it was almost (if not entirely) outsourced. Toei didn't even bother to do it themselves (that might explain the decrease in drawing quality this ep). Maybe all their artists are busy making that badass music video...?
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime22nd July 2014, 4:43 am

I like to think that Usagi's computer is just for Facebook and pictures of cats.

What bugged me in episode 2 were things like coloring mistakes I saw. I don't have a screen cap but there were thing like in one scene, a chunk of Usagi's hair was blue and  blended in with her clothes.  Although I suppose this happens in others shows too
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime22nd July 2014, 4:51 am

I really did notice a complete change in the quality from the first episode to the second. I became increasingly bugged by the way the whole second episode seemed rushed, the lack of emotion (which has been pointed out as being a very 90's anime thing anyway, so all right cool haha). I don't really care in the end because it's a re-release and I'm just going to be excited and happy about it either way, nothing will ever replace the nostalgia and enjoyment of the original. But there is something lacking with the interaction between Mamoru and Usagi and that I cannot get over very easily!
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime22nd July 2014, 5:10 am

Sailor Mars wrote:
Ok. I'm going to be frank: of course there's going to be differences in Crystal in comparison to the manga and even 90s anime.

First thing jumping out at me: the computer Usagi has. You mention like "why does she have it?" well, because it's 2014. Crystal is obviously going to be current. Just because the anime and manga was done in the 90s does not mean a revamped anime in 2014 is going to follow suit and use outdated technology, like the floppy disc seen in the 90s anime.

In short: of course Usagi has a laptop. It's 2014. Why wouldn't she?

The rest? Honestly is just artistic decisions and human error. Yes, Usagi is skinny. All the girls are? It was the artistic choice on how to design the characters. Besides this is an anime - nothing about the girls or the anime as a whole is based on real human proportions and anatomy (have you seen dem anime eyes?) Same with the differing facial expressions or lack of facial expressions on Usagi. It's just the choice they made. Does this detract from Usagi's charm? Yes, absolutely. But that was the choice they made making this anime. The mess up on Ami? Human error. There are real live people working on this anime you know. They're gonna mess up. I think people forget that. Yes, it should have been triple checked and fixed but hey, too late now.

And honestly? That is a not a good comparison meme thing about Usagi being so skinny that her hands are bigger than her upper body and here is why: her hands are clearly held out towards the viewer, meaning her hands are going to look bigger because they're closer to us than the rest of her body. It's just perspective, that's all.

To wrap up my frankness: Crystal is not a moving clone of the manga (though it's close). It's not going to be 110% the same as the manga. It's also not a reboot of the original anime, so it's not going to be like that, either.

I'd also like to further note that I feel a lot of this stuff, like the artistic decisions made and lack of other things (like Usagi's expressions and charm) were done because they were trying so. damn. hard. to make this a beautiful anime more than anything else. Above all else, they wanted the show to look pretty.

I understand where you are coming from. The newer technology items do make sense since you mention they wanted it to be set in the time period of the 21st century. I wonder if she'll get a cell phone or an iphone judging by the laptop design since its very modern. The transformation bit at the beginning is still weird for me. You mentioned perspective which is a valid point but here she draws her hands close to her body and well they are awkwardly large(or her body is awkwardly small)

Sailor moon crystal a-wonk Image

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime22nd July 2014, 5:58 am

Sailor Mercury wrote:
What's interesting to note, though, is that someone translated the credits on episode 2 and figured out that it was almost (if not entirely) outsourced. Toei didn't even bother to do it themselves (that might explain the decrease in drawing quality this ep). Maybe all their artists are busy making that badass music video...?

Ooooh that's really interesting!

I'm still bummed about the lack of expressions but not in relation to the manga. Although this is following the manga closer than the original anime, it's still an adaptation so it's not gonna be just like a coloured manga.

It does suck that in this day and age and with the popularity and notoriety Sailor Moon has that the a mayors are still not really up to scratch. I bet there's tons of animation students who would do this for free and work their asses off to make it perfect. =p
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Star Seed

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime24th July 2014, 8:04 am

Halfpixieman wrote:
I really did notice a complete change in the quality from the first episode to the second.

I noticed that too.. at first I thought I felt that way because I was too excited for Ep 1 and was biased.. but when I re-watched both Eps consecutively again.. I thought, "Yes, Ep 1 is indeed more fine-tuned"..

The most significant problem is that Ep 1 doesn't have "wrong proportion" faces, while Ep 2 has a few obviously "wrong-proportioned" faces at the arcade scene.. (ref to Astrea's screenshots above)

1) Usagi holding her newly acquired pen while talking to Motoki (if not for the hair & clothes, Usagi's face didn't look like her own's.. and her mouth looks too wide.. I know its supposed to look like she's smiling but it is still too wide)
2) Ami and Usagi bidding goodbye at the arcade (Ami's face looked too flat and too long.. seems like a shading problem? *hmm*)

(I still love Ep 2, but I just can't help notice the problem parts)  Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 1948543417
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime24th July 2014, 1:45 pm

Neon Genesis wrote:
The goofy faces were a product of 90s anime and they just aren't used in modern anime anymore.
Nah, goofy faces are still pretty much a thing in 2014 animes targeted at young girls. My big issue with crystal is that they avoid all of those kinds of face for the sake of showing Usagi as a perfect shoujo princess.

It's just that the image Toei want to give of Sailor Moon has changed. It's no longer that goofy show for kids, like the original anime and PGSM were, it's a refined adult thing now. Or else, you would have tons of toys out already. Not the very-expensive replicas kind of toys. The "plastic thing you buy for ten bucks" kind. Toei wouldn't want one of their own shows to pull the audience of little girls away from Precure.
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Goddess Yami
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime24th July 2014, 2:25 pm

You probably see goofy faces in animes that are either for kids or comedy. 

Like Ouran!

Sailor moon crystal a-wonk Kyoya-and-Tamaki-ouran-high-school-host-club-33133242-400-299

Look at Tamaki's face XD

God I love this show. 

For the record PGSM updated the tech as well. Like the girls have cell phones.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime24th July 2014, 2:29 pm

Yamichan16 wrote:
You probably see goofy faces in animes that are either for kids or comedy. 

Like Ouran!

Sailor moon crystal a-wonk Kyoya-and-Tamaki-ouran-high-school-host-club-33133242-400-299

Look at Tamaki's face XD

God I love this show. 

For the record PGSM updated the tech as well. Like the girls have cell phones.
v your pic is not showing up but i love tamaki so much
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Goddess Yami
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor moon crystal a-wonk   Sailor moon crystal a-wonk I_icon_minitime24th July 2014, 2:31 pm

But I see it. Sadness!  Sailor moon crystal a-wonk 2869872805
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