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 Egress RP

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Egress RP   Egress RP I_icon_minitime29th June 2014, 8:55 am

Name of the Storyline: Egress [Advanced]
Name of the Creator(s): Sailor Pluto
Forum: Silver Milennium
Plot Summary: The Moon Kingdom is well known for its beauty and its peace. Many people wish to flock there, to partake in the riches that are held within its small holding. Princess Serenity is the young princess of the Moon, kind and charming and adorably clumsy. She is bright, and is easy to love, and she is accompanied by at least one of her Guardian Senshi at all times. They are like older sisters to her, and all five of them are close to each other, full of love and friendship.

Some, however, wish to destroy all that is light. Queen Beryl and her Shitennou have long spoken of their rebellion and hatred, but only recently have they started to launch a full attack on the Moon, and the Moon has no choice but to defend itself. Soldiers of the Moon are locked in battle against soldiers of Earth, and the Guardian senshi protect the civilians and royalty from within the castle.

The battle is long in a stalemate, no side being able to get the upperhand of the other. Until Metallia's dark powers completely wipe out the soldiers, and then turns its evil gaze upon the castle itself.

Knowing that the battle is lost, Queen Serenity pleads with the Senshi and begs them to run, to protect the princess, to not allow her to die. They agree because it is their duty to protect the princess, though the Queen refuses to go with them despite anything they say. She will try and defeat Metallia herself.

So the senshi must run, go into hiding. They do not know if anyone else is alive, but they do know that the princess is important and she must be protected.

They also know that they might one day have to fight against Metallia again.

Details on any necessary information:

I want this to be an AU of the Silver Milennium that we know. One where the girls eventually win against the Dark Kingdom, instead of dying and being reborn, and one where Princess Serenity is younger whilst her senshi are older. This RP will not feature Endymion nor his romance with Princess Serenity at all, as I want it to focus on Serenity and her senshi, though Queen Beryl and her Shitennou will still be a part of as they will take the role of the villains.

Originally, Beryl is spurned on by her personal hatred of Serenity stealing Endymion, but in this one, she is merely a pawn who has been completely brainwashed by Metallia.

Eventually, the senshi will face against each of the Shitennou and Beryl and then finally Metallia. Along the way, Princess Serenity will be given training from the senshi, and in the end, Princess Serenity will have full control of the ginsuishou. Together with the senshi, they will be able to defeat her.

The senshi themselves are to be pretty much the same as they are in the canon we know, though perhaps a little older (about 17-19) and a little more battle worn, while Serenity herself will be the same but younger (10). I think it will be fun to have a different dynamic between the group, while still keeping the core of the characters the same.

Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, and a younger Princess Serenity. All other canon characters, including villains will be NPC'd. If a player can not be found for these five characters, they will be NPC as well until a player can be found.
No Otaku senshi will be needed for this RP.
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PostSubject: Re: Egress RP   Egress RP I_icon_minitime1st July 2014, 2:03 pm

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Saturn Emeritus


Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: Egress RP   Egress RP I_icon_minitime1st July 2014, 4:34 pm

Approved. I really enjoy the AU of this epic battle. ♥
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PostSubject: Re: Egress RP   Egress RP I_icon_minitime

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