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 (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime30th December 2011, 8:41 am

Character Information

Name: Luna

Age and Date of Birth: Unknown. Luna was born sometime before the sailor senshi during the Silver Millennium.

Gender: Female

Race: Mauian (shape-shifter)

Birthplace: Mau (planet)

Job: Guardian and advisor of Sailor Moon and the sailor senshi.

Appearance: Luna has two forms: her original human form, and her cat form, which is the one most used.

As a cat, Luna is lithe and little, with a thin, healthy body. Her short fur is a luxurious blue-black, soft and shiny, a sign that she is well cared for by Usagi. Her eyes are a clear, deep Prussian blue either marred by a stern expression or filled with childlike delight. She is less than a foot tall on all fours, with a long, thin tail, which she carries high with pride. Her paws, tiny and delicate, have candy-pink pads on the bottom to protect her feet. Her ears, triangle-shaped and thin, are a healthy pink on the inside and covered by black fur on the outside. They can rotate and are a clue to her current feelings and mood. Her snout is miniature, with long, stiff whiskers of black -- three on each side, and numerous small ones, nearly unseen. Her teeth and claws are sharp and those are her main means of attacking in her cat form.

As a human, Luna is thin as well, with elegant limbs, hands, and fingers. Her hair is a long inky-black and extremely wavy, kept up in an odango style, with two odango on each side, but with the majority of her thick hair let down. Her eyes are still that same blue framed in thick black lashes, the same large, childlike roundness, but her figure is full, with child-bearing hips and breasts. She is of medium height and petite build, with small, shapely shoulders, a narrow waist and long legs. Luna’s lips are pink, with an angular face and a pointed chin. Her ears are small, hidden mostly by her hair, and her nose is pointed and slightly upturned. Her skin is pale and, perhaps due to a non-fighting lifestyle, unblemished by scars. Acne does not find a place on her face. In the center of her forehead she proudly wears the lunar crescent symbol that signifies her membership with the royal court.

In her cat form, Luna does not wear clothes. She avoids collars, as they are often too restricting, but a comfortable silk or velvet bow, sometimes with a bell, will be worn for special occasions. She simply abhors the little sweaters and booties that humans sometimes put on their pets. Bad memories involving her and Usagi fuel this, as well as just a general dislike for itchy and confining clothes and accessories.

In her human form, however, she wears a dress of gold and black. The main part of the dress consists of a form-fitting yellow bodice, thin yellow straps over her shoulders, and a short skirt with large, jagged pleats. From these pleats, the sheer, translucent black skirt begins from underneath, falling to just below her knees in the front and past her feet in the back, trailing on the floor behind her. Two flower-like bows of black are on either side of her, just over her breasts and just where the straps of the dress begin. A black bow rests on the small of her back. A lunar pendant of a golden crescent hangs to her navel on a delicate golden chain with the occasional golden bead. She does not wear shoes, preferring to be barefoot, but wears soft slippers when needed. Her ankle sports another golden trinket of the crescent, and she wears a matching pair of earrings. Lastly, a gold ribbon tied in a bow adorns her neck and matches the rest of the gold accents.

When not seen in this particular dress, Luna will wear dresses of numerous yellow shades, white, and black as an accessory to match her hair. The dresses tend to reach to or just past her knees and no shoes are worn. In human form, she is never seen in pants, slacks, or even skirts. Only dresses will do.

Hobbies/Occupations: In her spare time, Luna enjoys reading and watching soap operas. She also enjoys bird watching as a hobby.

Skills/Abilities: Luna is able to transform into a human or a cat. She has the ability to 'call forth' special items and transformation wands for the sailor senshi. Although she has the physical features of a cat, she is somehow able to correctly maneuver electronics and other human-made objects. Luna is able to produce human speech and feline speech.

Personality: Luna takes her position as Usagi’s advisor very seriously, which has made her quite the strict and bossy feline. This nature made it difficult for her and Usagi to adjust to each other when they first met. As a child, her parents raised Luna to live in a high status environment. Although many of these notions have been knocked down over the years, she still maintains a sense of elegance and propriety.

She has a good head on her shoulders and normally stays calm in dire situations, making her a good leader to the Senshi and a good advisor to Usagi. While she has been known to be strict with Usagi, the two have developed a close relationship over the years. Luna is a protective mother figure and a close friend. Despite their closeness, she still hides things from Usagi (about the past) if she feels it could harm Usagi in the future, physically or emotionally.

At first, her relationship with Artemis was a little tense as Luna has a sense of pride and fear that kept her from becoming too romantically involved with Artemis besides the occasional flirtation. Luna has a tendency to doubt some of Artemis' abilities and sometimes regards him as childish as the Inner Senshi, although she teases him as if she were a child herself.

Luna has been raised with pride, loyalty, and elegance, creating a certain cat-like elegant demeanor, perfect for social situations. Luna tends to stay in her cat form, as opposed to her human form, as it is more comfortable for she was raised as a kitten, not a child.

Biography/History: Born as the daughter of an ambassador of the planet Mau, Luna traveled often with her family. She was an only child, and slightly spoiled as such. She was raised to be elegant with proper manners. Before she met Artemis, she was beginning to turn into a snob like her mother. Every time she came back from places with her family, she would visit Artemis and babble on about how things went. They were both hungry for the outside universe, and when Luna came back from her nth visit from the Moon, the two decided to strike out on their own and travel to live and work on the Moon. After they left, however, an unknown figure killed their planet's hero, Sailor Mau, and destroyed the planet, but neither knew of this until sometime later.

On the Moon, they discovered that they could no longer sustain their human forms for long so far from their home, and transformed into cats. The young Queen Serenity made the felines mentors to the new Senshi (Sailors Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus) that were to guard Serenity's unborn child, the future heir to the Silver Millennium. The Senshi were young, but Artemis and Luna worked hard to teach them what they could. Artemis in particular became close to Venus. Although Luna was slightly resentful and jealous of the Princess of Venus at first, she was later forced to accept the relationship.

The pair had been falling for each other for some time, but it was not until they arrived on the Moon that things escalated and their relationship eventually developed into a romance. Though rocky at first, it soon smoothed into a strong relationship, and the pair worked together even better because of it. However, Luna never was publicly affectionate with Artemis until the last few months before the attack by Beryl. In public, she still treated him with a teasing paw that had gained newfound warmth.

The new Princess Serenity was soon born and the training of the child's guardians slowed and finished. They watched in horror as Nehellenia set a curse upon the baby princess, spelling out destruction for the Silver Millennium. The curse was fulfilled when the Princess was fourteen and had secretly fallen in love with the Prince of Earth, Endymion. Luna, who was appointed by Queen Serenity to be the Princess' guardian, was outraged, and told her that this forbidden love would destroy the Moon Kingdom in the end, to which the princess was heartbroken.

And the destruction came. The sailor senshi lay dead, and Prince Endymion died protecting Princess Serenity, which caused the Princess to commit suicide. Queen Serenity survived, and used the remainder of her powers to seal Metallia and Beryl, and sent her child, the sailor senshi, and Endymion to be reincarnated on Earth. She sent Luna and Artemis, too, though repressed some of their memories. The Kingdoms of the Silver Millennium and the Earth collapsed, and peace reigned.

Upon awakening, Luna and Artemis agreed to separate and try to find the reincarnated Moon Princess. Luna stumbled on one Tsukino Usagi, and guided her into transforming into Sailor Moon. They trained, found the other sailor senshi, and Luna was reunited with Artemis when Sailor Venus was awakened. Luna stuck to Usagi's side like glue, as she had grown extremely fond of the girl, and the pair grew close, though the she-cat had been annoyed at Usagi's initial "cry-baby" attitude.

The Black Moon clan moved out on the future Crystal Tokyo, and Chibiusa and Diana came to the past.

The Dead Moon Circus and the appearance of Galaxia happened soon after. Under Galaxia, a fake sailor senshi named Tin Nyanko named Artemis and Luna traitors and transformed them into their original human forms to fight. She told them of the destruction of Mau and eventually they succumbed to Tin Nyanko's attacks and reverted into their feline forms. Unable to speak due to the injury of the golden moons on their foreheads, Usagi took them to her mother, who cared for them before being murdered. The cats, taken to the River Lethe, were murdered as well, but were reborn with everyone else, memories in tact, once all the evil had been vanquished in the name of the moon.

Likes/Dislikes: Luna likes to relax in the light of the sun while watching the on-goings through a window. She dislikes water, even while in human form, and, therefore, dislikes swimming. She has a special relationship with Usagi and Artemis.

Weaknesses/Strengths: Luna’s true strength is her level-headed and calm demeanor, which she uses to her advantage during stressful situations. Her weakness is her quick temper, which has strained her relationship with Artemis.

Computer: Give me your password for voice-check.
Luna: "I love tuna fish and field mouse pudding."

Dream(s): Luna’s dream is to help Usagi successfully succeed and surpass her destiny as the queen of Crystal Tokyo.  

Family: Luna’s parents are unknown. In the future, Crystal Tokyo, she is the wife of Artemis and the mother of Diana.

Other Noteworthy Facts:

Aside from turning into her human form, Luna can speak in her cat form, but only if her crescent on her forehead on her head is not covered. She has all the skills of a cat, such as quick reflexes, excellent sight in light and dark, and a great sense of smell and hearing. She has some technical skills such as working with computers, and the knowledge and experience of a long life. Due to her knowledge of the human culture, she is more able-bodied around human-made objects than most creatures. It is almost as if she has opposable thumbs!

Last edited by Sailor Venus on 8th January 2012, 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime2nd January 2012, 7:42 pm

This was a very thought of, well made profile, Sailor Venus.

I love the
Quote :
Computer: Give me your password for voice-check.
Luna: "I love tuna fish and field mouse pudding."

This is the quote I always think of myself.

I approve of the profile, but didn't 2 weeks not yet pass yet? Razz
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime2nd January 2012, 8:50 pm

Whoops! You are so right, Sailor Saturn. Thanks for catching me. I'm definitely willing to wait. ^^
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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime2nd January 2012, 9:11 pm

Quote :
Whoops! You are so right, Sailor Saturn. Thanks for catching me. I'm definitely willing to wait. ^^

(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna 4033448464
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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime3rd January 2012, 12:20 am

I also saw something else while reading this over again, Venus. You should add something by the Hobbies/Occupations: and Skills/Abilities: , or were these intentionally left blank?
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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime7th January 2012, 12:08 pm

Due to the lack of activity, do you just want to get started with Luna now? Also, -pokes above post-
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime8th January 2012, 9:47 pm

I definitely unintentionally left those areas blank. They are fixed, now. ^^
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Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime15th January 2012, 1:22 pm

ok, everything seems good now. Also, I believe that it has been past two weeks... (regardless we need activity) Anyway I will mark you as this character Smile
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime14th April 2014, 10:50 am

Could I have this updated as an Advanced profile?
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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime15th April 2014, 9:14 pm

This profile has been marked as an advanced one. Smile
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(Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna   (Approved) Advanced Civilian : Luna I_icon_minitime

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