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 Brazil 101

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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Brazil 101   Brazil 101 I_icon_minitime21st April 2014, 11:03 am

Brazil 101

Brazil 101 XstreetGif_Brazil

So, hi! Welcome! I'm gonna talk a bit about my country, Brazil. Brazil is a part of the South America and many people know it because of Samba, Soccer (especially Pelé) and Carnaval (and naked women, but let's skip that). However we are so much more than that!

Brazil is a very large country and when I say large, I mean LARGE. Our total area is of 3,287,597 sq mi and we have over 201,032,714 habitants. Our currency is the Real. We speak Portuguese not Spanish.

Our capital city is Brasilia, but our biggest city is Sao Paulo - where yours truly lives. In Sao Paulo alone besides me, other 11,316,149 people live in. I know, this means more people live here than in New York - also, with the exception of the subway, Sao Paulo is just as cosmopolitan as New York is.

Brazil 101 Brazilmapbyregions300413

Well, we have 26 states divided into 5 regions, North, Northeast, South, Southeast and Central-West. Here's a little bit more about them:

Division of the country into region:

Brazilians are normally very warm people. We are pleasers. We also like to express our love, so we hug and we kiss. We like to eat - but I'm gonna have a topic for that - and we are crazy about soccer.

Seriously, whenever there is a Brazil game, mayors declare holiday and no one works. I'm actually concerned about the World Cup being here because the mayor has already declared all Brazil games to be holidays (and I believe our president might declare them national holidays). People paint their faces with the flags colors, dress up with the team's jersey and everybody goes to the street. It's a national party. It's actually really beautiful.

Brazil 101 V
Well, something like that picture - which was taken in Santos, my hometown - but in green and yellow.

As for Carnaval, that's also another time where the country just stops. Even if you can't dance samba - my case - the sound of the pandero gets to you. It's another party on the streets.

Lastly, but not least, music. Brazil has a huge variety of sounds. Other than Samba, we have a really good type of music called Bossa Nova. You've probably heard this song down there and it's beautiful. However, it's not a Frank Sinatra song. Its composers were actually Antônio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes. What Sinatra sings is the English version of one of biggest anthems.

Curiosity: Ipanema is a beach in Rio de Janeiro.

On the next "lesson", I'm gonna teach a bit about the famous tourist spots and about our traditional cuisine. I might also create a list of videos/movies/songs for you to listen/watch. I hope you have enjoyed.
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PostSubject: Re: Brazil 101   Brazil 101 I_icon_minitime21st April 2014, 4:02 pm

This is wonderful! =D I'm learning so much!
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

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Brazil 101 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brazil 101   Brazil 101 I_icon_minitime21st April 2014, 4:08 pm

thanks! =D
i tried gathering some info and then going into more details in their specific topics =)
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PostSubject: Re: Brazil 101   Brazil 101 I_icon_minitime21st April 2014, 8:17 pm

and i thought sports fans here in the US were a bit crazy, XD  wow
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

Lotus Crystal

Title : That girl with a Sailor Jupiter tattoo =)
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PostSubject: Re: Brazil 101   Brazil 101 I_icon_minitime21st April 2014, 8:33 pm

oh, you haven't see half of it, yet!
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PostSubject: Re: Brazil 101   Brazil 101 I_icon_minitime24th April 2014, 7:11 pm

Yes, soccer (which you guys call futbol right?) is super crazy popular around the world. Brazil is one of the big countries I know of that go nuts for it. I love catching matches in spanish sometimes (I know you guys speak portugese buuut we get matches in spanish here Razz) and they go "GOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLL". XD

This is great. Very Happy I'm trying ot catch up on all your threads.
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

Lotus Crystal

Title : That girl with a Sailor Jupiter tattoo =)
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Brazil 101 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brazil 101   Brazil 101 I_icon_minitime24th April 2014, 7:29 pm

yeah, we call it "futebol" here. i remember back in '10 i think, on twitter, that "CALA BOCA GALVÃO" was #1 trending topic for days in a row. People said that it was "Save the Galvão birds" as in Galvão was a species endangered of extinction. In fact, "Galvão" is Galvão Bueno, Brazil's biggest - and the most annoying - soccer narrator and this was a way of make fun of him (and the rest of the world bought our joke and well, the joke was pretty much on everybody who didn't speak Portuguese).

here's the video about it:
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PostSubject: Re: Brazil 101   Brazil 101 I_icon_minitime26th April 2014, 3:21 am

I always thought Rio was the main city, I was surprised it's so small! Also, I love football so I can't wait for the world cup. I always cheer on Brazil. =p <3
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

Lotus Crystal

Title : That girl with a Sailor Jupiter tattoo =)
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Brazil 101 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brazil 101   Brazil 101 I_icon_minitime26th April 2014, 10:52 am

Yeah, Rio is famous for its beaches, but São Paulo is the one that milks all the money. Also, don't cheer on Brazil this year on the World Cup. They won't win.
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