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 Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I Empty
PostSubject: Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I   Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I I_icon_minitime25th November 2012, 7:50 pm

General Information
Name: Serenity
Gender:  Female

Fourth Orbit, Quarter Phase, Year T600
4 – 18 (throughout the RP)
Tranquility Castle, Moon Kingdom

Physical Description:
At a young age, Serenity’s appearance could only be explained as cherubic. With soft pink cheeks, wide silver eyes, and an easy smile, Serenity was the darling of the palace and the Kingdom. As she (and her silver hair) grew from pint-sized and curly-pigtailed to lithe and floor-length, Serenity’s features transformed from adorable and innocent to regal and attractive, and her kingdom loved her every step of the way.

Princesses of the Moon Kingdom are given one gown, a gown that transforms with them as they grow and develop. Serenity’s gown, Moon-white crested with a thick satin ban with a teal bow in front, started out floor-length as a baby, a length far past her tiny legs. When she started walking the dress was knee-length, allowing for quick-crawling and fumbling steps. As she grew into childhood her dress returned to floor-length, taking an A-shape with an additional bow around her waist; as she developed as a teenager the dress became more form-fitting, the waist bow disappearing into a bow at the back of her gown that spread away from her in gossamer fabric, like the wings of a fairy. When she turned eighteen the final incarnation of the dress solidified; it was sheath in shape, strapless, held in place with the satin bow, fishtailing out at the to form a soft mermaid shape at her feet.

Marking her rank and and the regalia of her station, is a silver-and-pearl circlet with the symbol of the golden crescent moon dresses her brow. A gift mirroring the pendant her mother received when Theia became the visual center of the rebellion against Nyx, the Golden Crescent Moon was the symbol of their Moon Kingdom, standing for goodness, justice, and protection, all qualities the people hoped Serenity herself would reflect.

Serenity is a child of light and gentleness. She has a kind heart, and her polite and giving nature is constantly nurtured by her mother Theia and father Hyperion, but, when left to her own devices, she can be quite stubborn and unforgiving, as any young child is tempted to be. While she can easily get into a pouting, angry mood, a quick well-timed comment from her guardians makes her change her behavior immediately, so much does she adore her three guardians. They are the dawn and dusk of her day, the best of everything; she loves them dearly and would do anything to please them.

Growing up she dropped her childish behavior and let her true, kind nature shine through. Naïve and endearing, Serenity could get away with anything, but rarely does anything she would truly need to ‘get away’ with. She’s a good girl, through and through, and looks forward to her future as Queen of the Moon.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
Growing control over the Illusionary Silver Crystal

Selene, Goddess of the Moon, after a long and fruitful reign over the pale Moon of the Life-Planet Earth, at last gave birth to a daughter she made her heir. Selene named her daughter Euryphaessa and taught her everything she knew about her guardianship of the night, about protecting travelers by ensuring the Moon’s secure glow, of answering the prayers of those who believed. Euryphaessa studied diligently, loving her future role and the people she would guide in place of her mother when Selene passed on. As her tutorship continued, Selene changed the Moon’s purpose, wanting her daughter to be known and loved for her efforts. And so the Moon Kingdom was born. Taking people from Earth and settling them onto the Moon in a space of her own creation, Selene gave Euryphaessa a kingdom to rule, a people to love and cherish her as she loved and cherished the souls of Earth. When finally she felt things were ready, Selene moved on, taking her rightful place amongst the gods and goddesses of old in their place of honor in the afterlife.

However, Selene’s passing did not go as smoothly as she had hoped, and Euryphaessa’s first duties as Queen and Guardian were challenging, for as Selene disappeared so, too, did her gifts and magic, and anything they had brought into being. Euryphaessa’s world was falling apart before her eyes, and there seemed to be nothing she could do to stop it. The air on the moon was escaping, her people slowly suffocating… it was then, when times seemed most desperate, that Euryphaessa discovered the beautiful clear gem her mother had left behind in her passing. It was spherical and multifaceted and held a beautiful silver sheen; immediately Euryphaessa knew it belonged to her, as it would belong to all who came after her. Reaching into it with a soft yet firm mental touch, she pulled and willed the power forth from it, shaping it to her wishes and restoring the kingdom her mother gave her.

Euryphaessa’s life was filled with wonders as she explored the Illusionary Silver Crystal and all it could do. Through its power she erected the Crystal Tower, a shrine she and her daughters could pray to in times of dire need, waking the will of her mother Selene and the very will of the Moon as a celestial body. Times were good, but after several millennia of life, Euryphaessa, too, felt it was time to move on. She had two daughters during her reign – Nyx and Theia – and gave her kingdom and the Silver Crystal to her eldest as she passed.

And so Nyx became Queen of the Moon Kingdom… and their first civil war was at hand. Nyx was a beautiful woman, beautiful and confident and vain. Where Theia, the younger, believed in justice and the good inside of everyone and had the drive to back up her beliefs, Nyx was prone to insecurities and succumbing to the darkness within her. The Silver Crystal, following Nyx’s heart, began to twist their world, to darken it and the hearts of the people around them. Theia, staying strong against the emotional attack by the Crystal and its wielder, was soon found by a group of Moon citizens and made to be their beacon of hope. Together they fought against Nyx and her loyal followers even as Nyx spread fear and terror on Earth, creating a rift that was nearly irreparable as time wore on; still, Theia and her loyal followers won out, taking the Silver Crystal away from Nyx and her Lunar power with it. Nyx and her court were banished to the other side of the Moon, their lives spared out of the goodness of Theia’s heart, but even her forgiveness had its limits. Using the power of the crystal, Theia partially sealed her sister’s court away within the Moon, forever to be kept on the Lunar surface facing away from the beautiful blue planet, and safely keeping the vulnerable people of Earth out of her sister’s sight.

Theia ascended the throne of the Moon Kingdom and took a commander of the Lunar resistance, a man named Okeanos, whom she had fallen deeply in love, as her King. In the 600th year of her reign, Queen Theia and King Okeanos gave birth to their first and only heir, a beautiful daughter they blessed with the name Serenity. However, Serenity was not the only new daughter of Selene; it was not long after their announcement that Nyx came to Theia in a mirror, announcing the birth of her own daughter, Nehelennia, and her intent to once again rule over the Moon Kingdom and possess the Silver Crystal for herself. While Theia and Okeanos’s baby was well-loved by their people from her first breath, in order to ensure her protection against those of the “Other Side”, Theia reached deep into the depths of the Silver Crystal and awakened the senshi of the outer planets – those blessed by the gods of the three realms: The Sky, the Sea, and the Underworld. When these senshi appeared before her, Theia held up her child before them and asked that they keep her safe; the senshi, feeling a soft adoration for the child, agreed.

Serenity grew up in a loving environment filled with light…

RP Sample:

It was a stinky rule! Serenity, her hands in fists at her sides, stomped up and down the balcony's length, her little slipper-clad feet making far more noise than they ought as she stormed from one side of the semicircular outcropping to the other. Every so often she would stop and huff, crossing her arms and glaring inside, hoping they saw how upset she was. She didn't know why she was in trouble. She was a Princess, and Princesses shouldn't have to follow stinky rules! Why couldn't she peek when it was her turn to count?! She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for someone to come outside and comfort her and let her go back inside. It was her birthday, after all! How could they have a party without her there?

But no one came, so she went back to stomping around unpleasantly.

After a while, when her feet hurt from stomping and her face hurt from pouting so angrily and her palms hurt from making fists for so long, Serenity slowed to a shuffle, then sat down, dangling her feet over the edge of the balcony and looking out through the gaps in the banisters, leaning her forehead against the cool stone and sighing sadly, wondering what they were doing inside. Had they played with the pinata yet? She felt bad now for what she did - she wouldn't have liked it if someone spied on her instead of playing properly. She shouldn't have done it because it was unfair. She kicked her feet lazily, deciding that if they did already break the pinata, she wouldn't be mad at them. Maybe getting all the candy would make them forget that she cheated, or forgive her for cheating. Maybe she should give them her birthday wish? Tears gathered in her eyes as she finally wondered what had become of her cake. Had they eaten it without her? Mariposa had made it especially for her - she got to choose the flavor and everything. What if they blew out her candles? How could she give them her birthday wish if the birthday cake was gone and the candles weren't blown out? She started to cry, little shoulders shaking with small amounts of self-pity mixed with large amounts of regret for the birthday cake she didn't get to eat and the wish she couldn't give to the other kids at the party.

The door opened behind her and she turned to see who it was, then stood and walked towards them with her arms wide open for a hug. "I'm sorry!" she cried, "Can we make another birthday cake so I can give them my wish?" Tears streaming down her face, she pulled back from her guardian and asked in a serious, terrified voice, "Does everyone hate me?"


Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 26th September 2013, 3:21 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I   Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I I_icon_minitime21st January 2013, 1:12 pm


As Saturn is not in charge for canon character profile reviewing anymore and the responsibility has fallen to me I am bumping this thread. Just tell me and Ed when you have finished this profile and it is ready for review Kyra Smile
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I   Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I I_icon_minitime27th January 2013, 8:04 pm

.... I think I'm ready. I know her personality leaves something to be desired, but she's starting out as an easily-to-handle brat whose personality develops as the RP does, so I'll probably go back and add more stuff in as it progresses. If you'd like it longer I can make more stuff up XD
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Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I   Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I I_icon_minitime28th January 2013, 6:25 am

Quote :
but she's starting out as an easily-to-handle brat

This amuses me ^^

Could you mention the crescent moon on her forehead and the color of her hair in the physical description? I'm asking this since I think those are the two most recognizable marks of her ancestry.

Can you also add the role-playing sample into your profile Wink ?

Thanks Kyra Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I 1434556979
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I   Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I I_icon_minitime29th January 2013, 1:57 pm

LOL that might help, right? XD I'mma get on those.


XD hahahahahaha this'll be fun.
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RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I   Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I I_icon_minitime30th January 2013, 4:27 pm

*chuckles* I'm noting here that I have seen your update and will review your profile tomorrow since I have a very early morning tomorrow and I need to get some sleep ^^
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RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I Empty
PostSubject: Re: Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I   Advanced Civilian: Princess/Queen Serenity I I_icon_minitime31st January 2013, 7:05 pm

Approved ^__^ I really like how you went into detail about her dress and background history ^^ I look forward to see how she will develop as the RP goes further!
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