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 Relaxed: The Choosing

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Age : 24
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PostSubject: Relaxed: The Choosing   Relaxed: The Choosing I_icon_minitime27th September 2018, 5:53 pm

Storyline Name: The Choosing

Creator(s): Lyssarie

Forum: Free Form

Advanced or Relaxed: Relaxed

Plot Summary: After World War IV, the countries of China, Japan, North and South Korea joined together to create one nation: New Asia. New Asia is ruled by one monarchy and a committee of ambassadors. The people of New Asia are split based on their occupations and incomes, with those of higher standing being ranked as Ones, and those of the lowest standing ranked as Eights. This split became known as the castes. In addition to the turmoil caused by the castes, rebels began to assemble, some in the North, and some in the South. This is the way New Asia currently stands.

It is tradition in New Asia for the country's crowned prince to host a process known as The Choosing when he comes of age. During the Choosing, all young ladies between the ages of 16 and 18 living in New Asia enter their name into a lottery pool. Randomly, 35 ladies are Chosen and sent to live in the New Asian imperial palace. Over the course of the next several months, the Chosen ladies compete for the prince's heart. As he gets to know each lady more and more, the prince gradually sends the Unchosen home. The process continues until there is one girl left, and she becomes the next princess, and future queen, of New Asia.

The Choosing has been tradition for centuries, but now times are changing. Rebels are more ruthless and restless. Foreign allies are being strained. The economy is crashing, and there doesn't seem to be any way to fix it.

It is the year 2670, and Crown Prince Endymion of New Asia has finally come of age. It is time for The Choosing to begin.

Usagi Tsukino, a young girl living as a Six, received a letter inviting her to enter in The Choosing. Most girls would jump at the chance to be in The Choosing and be courted by Prince Endymion, but Usagi is quite the opposite. In fact, she doesn't want to enter. Why? Because she's already in love with a man back home: Seiya Kou.

Seiya is a Five, and he has been a big part of Usagi's life for as long as she could remember. He would provide food for her on those days where she had to sacrifice her own share for her little brother. He would hold her on those days when the family had to make yet another sacrifice. He would kiss her when all of the weight on her shoulders was pulling her down. He was her rock, her foundation, her everything. So she couldn't have been more surprised when Seiya urged her to join The Choosing. Why? Because all women who are Chosen get money sent to their families; everyone knew that the Tsukino family needed money.

So Usagi entered, and to her shock, she was Chosen. Everything in her life suddenly changed, and Usagi went from living the destitute life of a Six to living the luxurious life of a Two.

The competition is high, but Usagi doesn't care. She just wants to quickly get back home and back to Seiya where she belongs. But before she knows what hit her, Usagi begins to see something in Endymion that she didn't see in anyone else. Slowly but surely, she began to fall for him.

Details on any necessary information: The caste system qualifications are found here. The other senshi will all be girls Chosen, and will be competing against Usagi. Their castes are as follows:

Ami - Three
Rei - Three
Makoto - Four
Minako - Two
Haruka - Two
Michiru - Five
Setsuna - Six
Hotaru - Three

My plan is for Usagi to have to choose between Endymion or Seiya. The four inner senshi have unknown futures, depending on how the roleplay plays out. Haruka and Michiru will fall in love. Setsuna and Hotaru have unknown futures as well. Seiya will become a member of the palace guard - thus allowing him to be involved in the roleplay. Otakus are also welcome in this roleplay.

Roleplayers will be able to choose the exact age (between 16 and 18) of their characters. All profiles for this roleplay will need to be crossover, because I am using the universe from The Selection.

Restrictions: N/A

OOC Thread: Click here

Member to Character List:
Usagi Tsukino - Lyssarie
Prince Endymion - Princess Luna
Stephanie Sanders - sportsnutd
Haruka Tenoh - Sailor Mercury
Michiru Kaioh - Sailor Neptune

Last edited by Lyssarie on 28th October 2018, 7:08 am; edited 3 times in total
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: The Choosing   Relaxed: The Choosing I_icon_minitime30th September 2018, 9:35 am

Hello! Everything looks great Very Happy !

Could you add in links to the character profiles in the Members to Characters List? Other than that, everything looks to be in perfect order!

Thank you!!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: The Choosing   Relaxed: The Choosing I_icon_minitime30th September 2018, 7:03 pm

Done! Mine is the only profile that hasn't been created yet haha xD
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: The Choosing   Relaxed: The Choosing I_icon_minitime1st October 2018, 10:35 am

Ironic xDD Thank you!!

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