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 [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier

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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime22nd September 2018, 3:07 pm

Storyline Name:  Operation Sailor Soldier
Creator(s): Starman92
Forum: Crystal Tokyo. It won't be placed like during that, but 2 years after the original anime series
Advanced or Relaxed: Advanced
Plot Summary:

It's been 2 years after the last events from Sailor Stars. Sailor Moon saving the world once more from a intergalactic threat. Tokyo is trying to rebuild after Galaxia's destruction.

However, at the other side of the world in the western hemisphere, people are really taking notice of Sailor Moon. If one has the power, why not another? In the US, a black ops group is made to turn the magic of hers, into weapons, even creating soldiers for the armies in the world. It's their objective, and they'll do any to get it, even if they have to hurt people to do so. They are led by one person, a man named Zion. With limitless money, anyone or anything can be disposable. With what they can do, they can even make their own form of demons too.

Meanwhile, as the Star Seeds began to reform into their own forms, the Sailor Animates are resurrected in the US, only to find them working for Zion. They had no clue what their past lives were when they were brainwashed by Galaxia, thinking they can redeem themselves with working with this black ops group. Plus, with them far away from Tokyo; they can be under the radar.

However, where they're operating is in Texas, where Jack Levan lives, inside of Houston. He's aware of the Senshi in Tokyo, but is not aware of the Black Ops group, or the Animates. He's outnumbered, and out gunned. But if he tries to bring the Animates back to the light, he could stand a chance.

Details on any necessary information: In this rp, It's more unique because unlike series past, the enemy is actual humans, wanting power and energy from the super beings themselves. And mind you, this is 2 years AFTER Sailor Stars, the last season for the anime version of Sailor Moon.

For said Animates; as said, they know nothing of their past when having their star seeds robbed from Galaxia. But as they encounter my character and others, they begin to recollect on what happened, piece by piece and ultimatly see that they'll do more bad than good when joining. Not all will join them at the same time, one by one instead will.

My character is still trying to kick off the training wheels after gaining his ability to become Cerberus, but he knows nothing of it's past or any of it's future powers. So he's still learning while facing the overpowered Animates. He starts to learn more after every battle and once gaining more allies.

And for the Senshi in Japan, they are unaware of Jack's doings up until somewhat later of the series, and is unaware of the threat.

Restrictions: My character, Jack Levan (Cerberus), Sailor Animates, Yokai (bad guys in this case) will be NPCs, along with civilians and the Solar Senshi.

OOC Thread:

Member to Character List:

Starman92- Jack Levan (Cerberus),( , Sailor Tin Nynako ( )

Princess Luna - Sailor Aluminum Siren, ( )  Sailor Iron Mouse , A couple of the Sailor Senshi. As of who, it is unknown who shall be picked. That's later to be discussed later in the rp.

Lyssarie- Sailor Lead Crow, ( )

Last edited by Starman92 on 30th September 2018, 5:08 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : edited for Saturn.)
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime27th September 2018, 12:15 pm

Hello there! Very Happy I apologize for the delay in reviewing your submission! I have a few things I'd like to point out or clarify before approving:

  • Could you erase the last few sentences of the Plot Summary? The ones asking for players, as that's not part of the plot hehe
  • Also, when you refer to "my character" in this submission could you replace it to the name of the character instead? Keeps the submission more neutral and easier to keep track of which character you mean (especially to an outsider xD!)
  • Could you please add links to each of the corresponding profiles for the "Member to Character List"! It's a handy tool when translating to your first RP post and makes things easier xD!
  • Since the Villains and the Yokai are NPCs, they don't need to be listed in your Member to Character list, especially since you've already listed them as NPCs in the Restrictions! It might be that you'll be the main driving force behind them, but they still are NPCs meaning that they aren't your main character.
  • Could you explain the role of "Sailor Senshi (couple)"? Do you mean that she will be playing several different senshi? If that's the case, I'll need you to separate each one so that we can check that the proper profiles are made for each character being played!

    --If I could make a suggestion on that though: the Solar Senshi and Tuxedo Kamen aren't a part of the story overall until the end. Instead of giving them specific character slots, why not make them NPCs? The main characters in the story seem to be Jack Levan and the Animamates, so it seems more fitting to have the Solar Senshi be NPCs! Going this route would also help to tidy up the character list a bit more and keep the focus on the main characters from start to finish! If you still want to keep the Solar Senshi as proper main characters, I'll need you to do what I mentioned in the paragraph above, please! =)

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them down below! Thank you! Very Happy
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime28th September 2018, 4:03 am

Edited and ready to go! Very Happy
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime30th September 2018, 1:46 am

Just want to note that I've seen this and am currently reviewing it, just checking with my fellow staff peeps about a small thing before I can approve this! Thank you for your patience! =)
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime30th September 2018, 3:51 am

ok! Thanks!
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime30th September 2018, 9:54 am

Everything looks good but I would like to make a few notes:

Firstly that, as this is an Advanced RP, all profiles need to be Advanced before that player can post with that character in the RP. Please keep that in mind as the RP begins and everyone starts posting!

Secondly, when you do decide on the Solar Senshi characters (and if those senshi are going to be a main character instead of an NPC) then the player will need to have a profile for each character.

Please keep these things in mind as you begin your RP and when you reach the part where the Solar Senshi show up! Happy RPing!

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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime30th September 2018, 11:59 am

We'll make sure of that. And thank you for approving!
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime

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