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 [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
Roleplay Director

Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime10th September 2017, 11:02 am

[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 0FpR3PR
Quote :
Background Summary:
The Sailor Wars have been raging for over half a year.

It started suddenly and brutally. Chaotic forces on planets throughout the Milky Way attacked in unison, quickly overwhelming the Sailor Guardians of the respective worlds; only those who banned together were able to push back the army of darkness that spread, but wiping out Chaos on one planet did little in the grand scheme of this war. While the leader of the Chaotic Army was seemingly absent, his generals did well to direct forces in his absence, and the Guardians of the Sailor Queens had to organize the Senshi of their sectors in order to stem the flow of evil that marched against them.

The Sailor Queens themselves were pinned down - unable to truly fight as a Sailor Warrior any longer, it was up to them to use their Crystals to push back the miasma of darkness that would otherwise strengthen the forces of Chaos within their borders; so long as they lived, the Senshi within their zones of influence fighting to save the galaxy would have a chance, but the moment they fell, the vacuum of energy left in their wake would weaken their soldiers, and the miasma that filled it would fill them with dread even as it strengthened their enemies against their attacks.

The strongest of all the Sailor Queens - the Queen of Crystal Tokyo - protected the greatest area of stars, her influence covering nearly half the galactic disc; to protect her, barriers were erected around the Solar System, allowing nothing and no one to enter. Her own Sailor Guardians, some of the oldest and most skilled within the Galaxy, set off in all directions to save as many planets as they could, to organize the Senshi they came across, and systematically eradicate Chaos from within their borders. To this end, Sailor Jupiter and King Endymion stayed behind with Neo Queen Serenity, the latter to aid her in her efforts to keep Chaos at bay, the former to organize senshi volunteers and send them where they were most needed, using the complex computer system of Crystal Tokyo to keep track of Chaos's advances.

The war had not been going well. They were scrambled and short-staffed - they got the word out the best they could so senshi on planets who had yet to be affected could elect to help them, but that sudden first attack had killed many of their number, and their worlds were now strongholds for the Chaotic armies; attacking such places and reclaiming them were distant goals; their immediate futures wrapped up in preventing more planets from being taken as opposed to recapturing worlds already lost to them.

Four months in, the leader of the Chaotic Army surfaced, and the wave of Chaos intensified. ***

On his heels, a group of senshi emerged with an explanation for both his absence and theirs, coming back from an adventure that had taken them days, but wherein months had passed outside that system. They brought with them a woman who had defected from the Chaos Army who revealed that the trap that they had fallen into had been set for the Crystal Tokyo senshi of the Solar System, a trap that, had it been successful, would have made the Chaotic takeover of the Milky Way child's play. For ruining that plan, the Chaotic Prince had sent forth seeds of chaos to the planets of those senshi that would dig deep and eventually take over the core of their worlds.

To fight this, the senshi split up, went to those affected worlds, and eradicated the threat; all except one. The seed of chaos took root on one planet - Enyalius - and the senshi of that world was corrupted, her power source turned from Cosmos to Chaos, and she became the first Senshi of this Sailor War to turn sides, overturning the safeguards that had been put in place since Galaxia's Sailor War nearly a millennia ago. She escaped to her homeworld, and senshi of that original team, lead by her lover, Sailor Achelois, followed, set on healing her or killing her, should that prove impossible. 

It did, and she died by her partner's hands; as her crystal went to rejoin the Cauldron, it was taken by the Chaos Prince with the intent to use the crystal's power to further his cause. Furious, Sailor Achelois followed him to Sagittarius Zero Star, her friends and allies joining her yet again in this attempt to save the Galaxy and stop the Chaos Leader once and for all. In the end, they won. The Prince was dead, his army without a head. Sailor Achelois saved the Enyalius crystal, and, in attempting to revive her partner, ended up making a deal with The Crone, a powerful, mysterious force for Cosmos, and traded her future for the lives of all of the senshi killed since the start of the Sailor War. Once the deal was struck, Sailor Crystals exploded from the Cauldron like a thousand thousand shooting stars, each returning to where they had died to take up the fight once more, surprising Chaos forces that had thought themselves immune to Senshi attacks in their strongholds.

Events described above:
*** Elsewhere:

The War had turned in their favor, but the process to eradicate Chaotic forces from previously peaceful planets was neither quick nor easy.
[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Page-break-12
Quote :
Two months have passed since the Rebirth of the Stars, the event named for the sight of the Sailor Crystals returning home, and while Senshi were still locked in battle, a meeting was called between Senshi Leaders to discuss tactics and receive reports and to organize forces for their final push. Senshi volunteers gathered at this meeting as well rather than going home; with Sailor Jupiter awaiting reports from this conclave to decide where best to send them, those in attendance believed that this central meeting point would serve them best in getting to where they were most needed.

They met on a world near the center of the galaxy within Neo Queen Serenity's territory, the light of the Imperium Silver Crystal keeping the Chaotic miasma at bay. The world is a small terrestrial, its home civilization similar to Earth's circa 2000AD, and the Senshi are meeting in a small city in an upscale hotel with a convention center, the nondescript place decided upon to lessen the likelihood that they would be found out or spied upon. To the people of the city, they were simply important foreign, and somewhat eccentric, dignitaries. The request is made of all "guests" to remain within the hotel property; while the world is aware of the existence of aliens, having so many at one spot may prove to be... disconcerting.
[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Page-break-12
What is a Hardcore Event?
Hardcore Events wrote:
[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 Hardcore Events [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955
Hardcore events are a sampling of all the Roleplaying Section has to offer: profile approvals, live-chat sessions, dungeon crawler game elements, and a one-month time limit to complete the story or get a bad ending.

  1. Duration:
    [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 One month exactly, unless a problem arises with the host, in which case the event will be extended for the number of days the host was absent. 
    [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 If the storyline is not resolved within a month's time, the mission fails. 
  2. General Rules:
    [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 All roleplay rules and gc rules apply
    [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 Activity Rule: Participants are required to post within 24-48 hours or will be removed from the event (their characters will either be lost or replaced).
         [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 Random Events may be introduced into the story if all players are active within the OOC chat or on the boards; Random Events are storyline plot events in which players will have a limited time to respond before consequences are enacted; each will come with a caveat in that if you cannot respond within the given time-frame, you may request another player's character take your character with them (if movement is required).
    [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 Consistency Rule: All players are held to the understanding that they will pay attention to the story flow, taking note of roleplay elements (situational - who's talking to who, where people are located, etc) and event elements (their HP, MP, the placement of others on the map, etc.). If a player derails the event with inconsistencies, consequences will occur. 
  3. Requirements:
    [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 Character Profile - Participants are required to have their character's profile submitted and approved before the event begins. *Advanced Hardcore Events require advanced character profiles.
    [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 Word Requirement - Advanced Hardcore Events require minimum 100-word posts.
  4. Additional Elements:
    [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 Real Time RP - some Hardcore Events will have real-time rp sessions to start, end, or move the story along. Participants are required to have a skype account for these live-chat events if they don't want their character NPC'd through those instances.
    [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 Dungeon Crawler - some Hardcore Events will have dungeon-crawler game elements to them, wherein players will need to distribute attribute points to reflect their characters strengths, weaknesses, and special abilities, and will need to prescribe MP requirements to attacks. During these events, they will be at the mercy of random number generators (digital Dungeons and Dragons style die) for attacks and defense rolls to minimize godmodding and/or powerplaying.
    [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 4039879955 Certain Events officially happen within the Galaxy Cauldron's Crystal Tokyo Timeline and so can be added to character's histories, instead of just their Storyline Information sections. Participating in these events, whether playing an original character or a canon character, can have consequences within this timeline we're creating together - characters can become famous, can make enemies and allies, and can, through storyline events, grow and develop as characters and let that development follow them through the overarching plot. The current Otaku-inclusive event train is as follows:
    Conscription -> Conviction -> Conflagration -> Consecration
    Note, therefore, that choices have consequences in these games. Characters can die in these events if their HP goes less than 0 (in some circumstances), and therefore will not be allowed back into the chain after that event, and players who set stories in their character's 'future' may stipulate that a 'dead' character not participate because in their character's canon, that character is dead. This does not happen often. 
    On Character Knock-Out:
    On Character Death:

Specifics for this HC Event:

  • These events will be considered primarily Advanced. You should strive to follow the 100-word post count requirements of an Advanced board (attempting proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are necessary), and your character profile needs to be approved as Advanced for this event. Players may ignore the 100-word post rule only during battle sequences, to keep the battle flowing quickly in regards to play time. When tallying posts during this event, your post will be counted as either relaxed or advanced based on word count, rather than on profile category. As profiles are required, posts are tallied in the full fashion, rather than the usual 1/2 count for non-profile-required events.

  • This Event is Roleplay Section Multifaceted: There will be elements from all sections of our roleplay boards within it; it will last for exactly one month (Event), requires a profile approval (Profiles), posts can be counted towards the month's challenge or contest (Challege), and will involve Dungeon Crawler Elements (Games) as well as live-events over Skype (Live-Chat RPs). More on the Game elements later. Being such, participating actively in this event can really pull in the RP points ^^

  • An Activity Rule is in effect. By signing up below, you agree to follow all GC and RP Rules alongside the following activity rule: At least one post is required every 48 hours. Failure to post at least once within those 48 hours will result in your character disappearing mysteriously, to be recovered by the remaining heroes at the end of the roleplay. (They won't die, but I won't let their unresponsiveness slow down the game). If you have an unexpected (but announced) LOA during this event that lasts less than 3 days, your character will be carried with the team. If the LOA lasts more than 3 days, the normal disappearance protocol will go into effect. Additional Note: characters have up to 48 hours to reply to a post directed to them; if a player is taking a while to respond, their character is not to be negatively affected - no powerplaying will be allowed, and this includes having a character remark or notice that the other has not responded, as that manipulates a character's personality traits (refusing to recognize someone is a negative quality and only that character's player may determine how long they took to respond to a question). 

  • Random Events may occur.

  • Discord use is highly recommended. For the game elements in this roleplay, a quick question/answer method is best and Discord is the preferred chat system. Discord is free and doesn't require personal information to use. Once the event gets underway I create a Discord channel to be used as the OOC thread for the event; add me to your contacts with your GC name and I'll add you to the channel. There will be a forum-based OOC board for this event (once sign-ups are closed, this board becomes the OOC), so while it is highly recommended, if you are uncomfortable with using Discord information will still be handed out through this board if necessary. My Discord username is kyralih#9205

[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Page-break-12

Quote :
All senshi from prior events are invited to attend:
Original Timeline wrote:
It's been two months since the events at the Galaxy Cauldron; your character could have been anywhere doing anything (and we'd like to know via summary in your first post! XD) If you would like to have stuck with another character in the interim and attend this conclave with them, work it out with them OOCly (discord or this thread is fine!)

Non-senshi characters Achelois may elect to attend as a "third party".

Claimed Original Timeline Senshi:

  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] TIjfby5Sailor Soul - Addelyn
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] EEShqcO Sailor Panzer - Aurae - Sailor Mercury
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 0XD7nsA[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Pbucket Shadow - Jasper
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] PYOnTy8 Sailor Bellatrix- Verdandi - Sailor Saturn
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] H9tY2Q0[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Pbucket Sailor Nocturnus - Aurae - Sailor Mercury
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] T8RRE5S[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Pbucket Sailor Andromeda - Bubbles - Sailor Neptune
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] J07DuM8[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Pbucket Achelois - Anait Zelleire

Prime Timeline wrote:
It's been two months since the Conscripted senshi defeated General Zhao; once Queen Zhi reformed and thanked them, they have been accepted as special emissaries for their deeds, and released officially from their conscripted status. Those that chose to go home did so and were no longer bothered, but those who wished to remain started to learn from the best in their sector. These few traveled with Sailor Jin and Sailor Shui to the conclave as representatives of Zhi's sector, free to make their own decisions about their future.

Claimed Prime Timeline Senshi

  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] QOcJEvU[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] PbucketSailor Aegle - Sailor Uranus
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] F3jh5Sj[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] PbucketSailor Alshain - Anait Zelleire
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 3ctdK4H[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] PbucketSailor Chalybs - JupiterThunderCrash - Sailor Pluto
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] REmbAcV[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] PbucketSailor Bastet - Brit-chan
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] P7fXUCT[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] PbucketSailor Xtal-Diamante - Aurae - Sailor Mercury
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] D8q9R08[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] PbucketSailor Valdis - Verdandi - Sailor Saturn
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] L8bC8b4[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] PbucketSailor Hemera - Bubbles - Sailor Neptune
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] FF30VLPSailor Nyx - Light

  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] FPfFGNa Sailor Mu - Sailor Uranus (NPC)

Canon Senshi wrote:
Senshi from Neo-Queen Serenity's Court are claimable only by players who have previously played them in a prior HC Event; this helps keep the timeline smooth.

Claimed Canon Senshi:

  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] FYk8qeR Sailor Mars - Kyralih - Sailor Uranus
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] OXdTdQW Sailor Venus - Bubbles - Sailor Neptune
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Jd4mVWk Sailor Mercury - JupiterThunderCrash - Sailor Pluto

New Characters wrote:
New Senshi characters are allowed to join this RP with a few conditions:

  1. The senshi must have an approved Advanced profile
  2. The senshi cannot be from Earth or the Solar System.
  3. The senshi must be named after their planet or the star of their system; senshi named after concepts, seasons, with two names, etc. (aka Sailor Flower, Sailor Time, Sailor Spring, Sailor Winter Evening) will be requested to make a name change to participate in these events. ((suggestions will be offered if requested))
  4. The senshi must exist in this timeline - ~1000 years into Crystal Tokyo and the Neo Silver Millennium (Crystal Millennium); no time travelers.
  5. At this point, there are practically no "new senshi"; there are young senshi (please no awakenings before age 13), there are novice senshi, but any "new" senshi has, at this point, either been serving actively for up to 6 months, or was murdered, died, and came back to life 2 months ago in the exact spot that she died; if she's alive now, she's seen some stuff. At this point they should know their powers and their limits. 

Note: For this specific HC Event, there should not be much by the way of fighting, so figuring out character sheets and stats is not necessary before the game begins.

Claimed New Characters:

[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Page-break-12
Event Begins September 12
[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] U18LR9m

If you have any questions about this event (any part, anything) ask it here or in our Discord OOC Chat (you'll be added once things get going)(tag me if it's a question specifically for me (or discord direct message me) so it won't be lost in the mess!) and I'll respond as quickly as possible. 

TO SIGN UP: Reply with your character and a link to their profile; for this event, you can play up to 3 characters if they have already been part of an HC event; otherwise, one character per person limit.

Last edited by Geese A-Laying on 11th January 2018, 5:37 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime10th September 2017, 5:51 pm

I think its time I come back. Soul and I need a fresh start Smile
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime10th September 2017, 7:10 pm

I'm going to sign Sailor Alshain up for good fun times and I'll sign Achelois up in case you need her to sass somebody while holding a baby Enya lead and guide others
I'll add in links in a little bit, I'm on my phone so boo
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime10th September 2017, 7:58 pm

I'm signing up as Sailor Chalybs as well, but I'll be updating her profile to add in the previous events when I can.
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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime10th September 2017, 9:17 pm

I'm entering as Sailor Bastet although her profile needs a big updating. ^^
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime11th September 2017, 8:21 am

Sailor Nocturnus
Sailor Panzer
Sailor Xtal-Diamante

All reporting for duty! (RIP, me...)
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime11th September 2017, 8:46 am

Sailor Valdis
Sailor Bellatrix

Signing up! <3
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime11th September 2017, 12:48 pm

I'd like to sign up with Shadow, and possibly one other lucky contestant if I can finish her profile in time. [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] 3978041997

Shadow's profile will be updated with storyline information soon!

Last edited by Jasper on 11th September 2017, 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime11th September 2017, 1:12 pm

Sailor Andromeda
Sailor Hemera
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Roleplaying Moderator


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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime11th September 2017, 1:12 pm

Signing up with Sailor Nyx!
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime11th September 2017, 4:54 pm


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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
Roleplay Director

Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime13th September 2017, 5:48 pm

psst sorry this didn't get going yesterday! Slight delay for a release on Friday!

If you'd like to pre-prepare your first posts, totally work up where you've been in the past two months and what brought you to this conclave~
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Driving the world's heaviest snow ski
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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime15th September 2017, 11:01 am

I'd also like to sign up with Sailor Tartarus if possible!
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
Roleplay Director

Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime11th January 2018, 6:10 pm

Quote :
Quite a bit

has happened

since the conference got underway, but it's not over yet. 

As deeply-sleeping senshi attendees fall from unconscious to comatose, those unaffected by the sudden and mysterious attack feel powerless, unable to help them... until a dreamwalking senshi arrived on the scene. Through her they have glimpsed the dream and started to unravel the mystery, though most of their findings have been unsettling. Faced with the possibility of a traitor among them, or a traitor among the collective consciousness of their sleeping friends, they did what they could to isolate the potential threat, but with something powerful blocking any attempts to send their sleeping friends a message, they could only wait with bated breath to see what would come of things...

As five out of seven senshi suddenly fall together, their conscious friends can no longer stand idly by, and with a dreamwalker in their presence...

Can they enter the dream world and figure out what is keeping their friends within their dreams and stop it before it's too late?

We'll be starting this weekend with a two-part RTRP; the Doodle picked the times, please check that! It ended up being from 1-3PM (Central) on both Saturday and Sunday - if you miss them it won't be the end of the world, we can NPC you into place! 

Check-in starts now! 
I'm remaking the stats and wmi sheets as you guys respond (editing from the Dreamworld game, so don't be alarmed when you see them there XD)  I'll be filling in with stats you had in place in previous games (if I have any prior stats for you) but will otherwise be starting from scratch, so DM me on Discord to fix any points and etc.! 

Stats Sheet
Weapons Magic Items Sheet

RSVP by Saturday's RTRP!

New Characters should be ready for approval by Saturday's RTRP, and fully approved before the end of Sunday's RTRP!

New Players! Want to jump in? See this board on requirements on joining re: HC event rules and expectations and this event required senshi background, etc., and in addition to those requirements, your senshi must have a personal connection to some (hitherto unnamed, unknown, etc.) senshi from their sector that has fallen unconscious to give them a reason to volunteer to attempt to break into the dream with the rest of them. DM me on discord for assistance, etc. 

Senshi Going In!

  • Sailor Somnus (she has to go) (...she'll be ready in time, shhh) (glorified NPC turns full blown character for plot again: more news at 11) 
  • [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] R34Due4 Sailor Aegle?! (Maybe?! Depending on how the RTRP goes)(keep your potential enemies close?)
  • Jasper
  • Sailor Valdis
  • Sailor Nyx
  • Sailor Roshar
  • Sailor Hemera
  • Sailor Alshain
  • Xtal-Diamante

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 15th January 2018, 8:26 am; edited 4 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime11th January 2018, 6:33 pm

I'd like to send Jasper to the dream world!
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime12th January 2018, 11:55 am

Signing Up with Valdis <3 =)
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime12th January 2018, 2:08 pm

Entering with Sailor Nyx
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime12th January 2018, 10:27 pm

Entering with Sailor Roshar (pending approval)
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime12th January 2018, 10:32 pm

Sailor Hemera
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime13th January 2018, 6:48 pm

Sailor Alshain is a to the rescue!
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime13th January 2018, 6:52 pm

Or not because I seriously thought today was friday my bad
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime13th January 2018, 9:03 pm

XD it's not too late!
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime14th January 2018, 8:44 am

Awesome! However I am at the pax con in san Antonio so i cant rtrp but you can npc Alshain as needed!
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime15th January 2018, 6:51 am

Sailor Xtal-Diamante

Please! ♥️ Thank you!
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two]   [HC Event] [Check-In/Sign-Up] Continuation [Part Two] I_icon_minitime

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