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 AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]

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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime13th May 2017, 1:45 pm

As you enter the festival grounds, the sweet smell of blossoms surrounds you. Families lounge on blankets, sharing sweet treats and laughing under the pink of the trees. A short way off, you notice a collection of interesting booths and head toward them. As you amble over, you notice a strange clacking sound...

*clack clack clack clack*

AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Booths11

To your left, a couple belts out the lyrics to Moon Pride into a karaoke machine and at a booth on your right, friends playfully race to finish a puzzle.

*clack clack clack clack*

Ah, there it is! The source of the sound!

AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Makoch12

It's a raffle! Makoto stands looking cheerful as she turns the handle to a basket full of colorful, numbered, plastic balls. You notice the banner which reads

"Get a free ticket! Will you win a prize?
Grand Prize: a tier 1-3 sprite and 100 points!
Runner up: 50 points!"

You wonder about your chances. Will you approach the booth for a ticket?


Hello and welcome to the Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!
I, Sailor Jupiter, will be using a randomizer to hand out virtual raffle tickets.
Each person who approaches the booth for a ticket will be assigned a number.
At the end of the festival, I'll use the randomizer to choose a grand prize winning number and a runner up!
If I call your number, come forward to claim your prize.
If I don't hear from the winner within 2 days, your prize is forfeit and I'll draw another number.

AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] 1333987389  Feel free to roleplay yourself stepping up to the booth! Have fun and good luck!  AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] 1333987389

Last edited by Sailor Jupiter on 2nd June 2017, 7:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 7:54 am

A tiny kitten approaches the booth very gingerly. With big eyes and a huge smile on her face, the little creature kindly asks for a ticket from the beautiful woman right in front of her:

'Me, me! One ticket, please!'
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 8:35 am

Stepping up to the booth behind the kitten, a beatlesque man with round sunglasses and a moptop haricut patiently waits to get a ticket. 

"This looks like fun." he says to himself "I think I'll give it a try."
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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 9:34 am

A young man with a baseball cap, Football jersey and hockey sweats on comes behind the man in sunglasses and a..Kitten??!!

"I love Raffles..its like a Sport to me..and Im nuts about sports.. Oh and I would like a ticket please"

Last edited by Dark Sportsnutd on 18th May 2017, 11:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 10:26 am

Highly tempted to just float over the line, cosmos decides to simply wait her turn behind everyone else, hoping that the tail end of her cape doesn't cause anyone to trip. Once it's her turn, she approaches the raffle desk.

"Am I allowed to participate? One ticket, please."
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 10:54 am

*a girl in a pink flowery Mandrian collar shirt steps up to the booth and says quietly* Ticket Please.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 11:36 am

"W...why would I want a ticket... b..baka.."
"Fine..." *holds out hand* "One Please..."
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Sailor Zelda
Lotus Crystal

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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 11:42 am

Hello, I'd like a ticket please.
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Lotus Crystal


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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 3:27 pm

A fit but somewhat disheveled looking lady with a pudgy-cheeked toddler in her arms steps briskly up to the booth, narrowly side-stepping a beautiful white cape as the owner glides past.

"Ehhh! Sailor Jupiter! This looks like fun. I'll try my luck!" she says with a wink.

The toddler pops her fingers out of her mouth, points at the brunette Senshi and says "Moon! Moon!" excitedly before resuming her finger sucking, nodding her head wordlessly.

"No, sweetheart. This is Sailor Jupiter. JU-PI-TER," says the lady. The little girl just nods vigorously.

Last edited by Diagnosed on 18th May 2017, 6:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 5:02 pm

Hey there! I'd like a ticket too!
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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 6:34 pm

Brit-chan walks in the room with a funny looking mask on her face.

"In the name of the moon, I'll punish you if I dont' get a ticket!" she posed, "Please..."

AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] 3328163167
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PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime25th May 2017, 12:59 pm

A very small young girl steps into line at the end, not even reaching the masked woman's knees. When she reaches the front of the line, she holds her chubby hand out for a ticket.

"Chibi chibi?"
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime25th May 2017, 2:02 pm

Note: Normally I like to make cute tickets for the raffle. It's part of the fun for me and I think it adds something special!

Unfortunately, my computer is broken right now, and despite my best efforts, I won't be able to make these tickets before the raffle is over.

Please just pretend you got a really cool ticket Wink

Diana wrote:
A tiny kitten approaches the booth very gingerly. With big eyes and a huge smile on her face, the little creature kindly asks for a ticket from the beautiful woman right in front of her:

'Me, me! One ticket, please!'

Makoto was startled by a small voice saying, "Me, me! One ticket, please!"

She looked left. She looked right. She did not, however, check the ground in front of the booth. To her eyes, there didn't seem to be anyone there. Just a lot of air.

Maybe the air had become sentient? Was there an invisible, sentient cloud in front of her? And if there was, why did it want to be in the raffle? Was this a negaverse plot? If it was, she really wanted to find out where this was going.

"Uh, here ya go," Mako said, tossing the ticket out in front of her.

TICKET # 358

A small, gray flash launched itself through the air, grabbing the ticket... and then it was gone.

Makoto vowed to be extra vigilant with the next one.

RutleJake wrote:
Stepping up to the booth behind the kitten, a beatlesque man with round sunglasses and a moptop haricut patiently waits to get a ticket. 

"This looks like fun." he says to himself "I think I'll give it a try."

"WELL BRING IT ON," shouted Makoto, slamming her elbow down on the table for a rousing arm wrestling match. A glint in her eye and sweat already pooling on her brow, she looked up at her befuddled opponent. Maybe this was too vigilant.

"Oh. You meant at the raffle. Sorry about that. Here's your ticket!"

TICKET # 1309

Dark Sportsnutd wrote:
A young man with a baseball cap, Football jersey and hockey sweats on comes behind the man in sunglasses and a..Kitten??!!

"I love Raffles..its like a Sport to me..and Im nuts about sports.. Oh and I would like a ticket please"

"That's awesome," Makoto exclaimed. "I love sports too. This one time I was on a co-ed baseball team, Greg, the captain, was so dreamy. It... it didn't work out." She sniffs, and looks off into the distance, absentmindedly handing you your ticket.

TICKET # 4591

It smells a little like... heartbreak!?

Cosmos-Hime wrote:
Highly tempted to just float over the line, cosmos decides to simply wait her turn behind everyone else, hoping that the tail end of her cape doesn't cause anyone to trip. Once it's her turn, she approaches the raffle desk.

"Am I allowed to participate? One ticket, please."

Still daydreaming about her lost love, Makoto looked up to see...

Was that... No, it couldn't be. But it looked just like... No...

"Uh, here's your ticket... your highness," she added hastily, just in case.

TICKET # 1519

LaMoonstar wrote:
*a girl in a pink flowery Mandrian collar shirt steps up to the booth and says quietly* Ticket Please.

Makoto stared at the girl.
She stared hard.
She was trying to understand what a Mandrian collar was.
Was it some sort of Mondrian-esque art statement? Did this collar speak Chinese???
She simply couldn't comprehend this level of clothing wizardry.
Mind boggling, she silently hands over a ticket.

TICKET # 2016

Starchild wrote:
"W...why would I want a ticket... b..baka.."
"Fine..." *holds out hand* "One Please..."

"Because they're fun!" Makoto exclaimed, placing the ticket in your hand... and then yanking it out again... and placing it back in... and yanking it back out.

"Gotta be faster than that!"

Laughing hysterically, she hands you your ticket for real this time.

TICKET # 2625

Sailor Zelda wrote:
Hello, I'd like a ticket please.

"Good, because it's dangerous to go alone! Take this!" She holds the ticket above her head. You could swear you hear exciting music playing. Maybe it's just the karaoke club at the booth next door.

TICKET # 4404

Diagnosed wrote:
A fit but somewhat disheveled looking lady with a pudgy-cheeked toddler in her arms steps briskly up to the booth, narrowly side-stepping a beautiful white cape as the owner glides past.

"Ehhh! Sailor Jupiter! This looks like fun. I'll try my luck!" she says with a wink.

The toddler pops her fingers out of her mouth, points at the brunette Senshi and says "Moon! Moon!" excitedly before resuming her finger sucking, nodding her head wordlessly.

"No, sweetheart. This is Sailor Jupiter. JU-PI-TER," says the lady. The little girl just nods vigorously.

"Yeah! I'm Sailor Jupiter. I have this cool cyclone thing, see?" In a flash, Makoto transforms, performing a move that would knock your socks off.

Considering she just sent a small cyclone through the festival, your socks are way off. Most of your belongings too. In fact, the booth has been blown clear across the schoolyard into a small clearing.

"Too much?" she asks, a sheepish smile creeping across her face.

Before you can respond, she's raced off to gather up your things, and, you know, get the entire booth.

While you're waiting, a ticket flutters down from the sky. Must have been blown away in the attack. You scoop up the ticket, and a nearby coconut. If you get nothing else out of this traumatizing event, you're at least drinking this thing later.

TICKET # 809

Jess-chan wrote:
Hey there! I'd like a ticket too!

"WHAT?" It seems like she can't hear you over all the hammering. Man, this booth looks beat up. What happened here?

"I SAID I'D LIKE A TICKET TOO," you emphasize.

"I MEAN I DON'T SEE HOW A SHOE IS GOING TO HELP," she cries over the din.

You wonder why she doesn't just stop hammering for a second.


You do. As you walk away, you hear furious hammering. When you turn around, the booth looks brand new. Possibly better than new? It's even got a fresh coat of paint. That was... weird. 

TICKET # 6683

Brit-chan wrote:
Brit-chan walks in the room with a funny looking mask on her face.

"In the name of the moon, I'll punish you if I dont' get a ticket!" she posed, "Please..."

AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] 3328163167

"Well we wouldn't want that, would we Chibiu- USAGI. SAILOR MOON. *ahem* Definitely noooot some small Pink Haired child," Makoto laughed awkwardly.

"We all know she like, went back to the future or whatever! HAH!"

She continues the awkward charade, handing you your ticket and insisting on calling you Sailor Moon an inappropriate amount of times.

Boy, she's really trying to sell it. Best to just take the ticket and leave.

TICKET # 1140
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime25th May 2017, 2:05 pm

Eidolune wrote:
A very small young girl steps into line at the end, not even reaching the masked woman's knees. When she reaches the front of the line, she holds her chubby hand out for a ticket.

"Chibi chibi?"

In her best Fozzie Bear voice, Makoto hands you a ticket and replies, "Waka waka!"

TICKET # 1399
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime25th May 2017, 2:42 pm

When everything seemed to quiet down for Makoto, a large reddish-brown boulder with a glassy luster suddenly came crashing down from heaven-knows-where to the front of the line. Nobody knew why, but it looked like it wanted a ticket....
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Sailor Neptune
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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime26th May 2017, 2:40 am

A woman with wavy ocean-colored hair approached the booth and looked at Mako with a smile. "Ara~ a raffle? Does purchasing a ticket get me a date with you?" she asked teasingly. "I heard you're a girl of many talents..."
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Inner Senshi Admin
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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime27th May 2017, 5:52 pm

Sailor Gallifrey swiftly stepped up to the booth. Her long blond hair was swept into a side braid today, and she had tied a small pink flower into it to celebrate the cherry blossom festival. Her blue eyes had carefully observed the cheerful girl behind the booth, who had said her name was Jupiter, from a distance before she had decided to try her luck at the raffle. After seeing Jupiter's friendly interactions with others at the booth, Gallifrey felt at ease standing in front of her despite the fact that she was still a stranger.

"I'd like a ticket, please."
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Moonlight Dreaming
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime28th May 2017, 7:31 am

Moonlight Dreaming walked towards the woman shyly, trying not to get embarrassed. "May I have a ticket?"
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Professor Tomoe
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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime30th May 2017, 10:23 am

A blue-haired slight figure whose uniform top was slightly obscured with a gray pullover hurried over, her arms struggling to contain a large stack of forms.

"Makoto-chan!" the voice called, soft yet definitely possessing an authoritative tone. "Do you have the final stamped copy of the registration form for your booth? The planning committee is collecting the last documents."

She managed to free one hand long enough to push a pair of round-lensed glasses back up her nose. In that moment, cerulean eyes caught sight of the basket with lottery tickets. The girl tilted her head slightly and gave a small smile.

"I might as well show some festival spirit and participate, while I'm here. May I please have a ticket?"
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 7:46 am

Andalusite wrote:
When everything seemed to quiet down for Makoto, a large reddish-brown boulder with a glassy luster suddenly came crashing down from heaven-knows-where to the front of the line. Nobody knew why, but it looked like it wanted a ticket....

"Hey.... there..." started Makoto tentatively.

Did... did it want a ticket?! It was really hard to figure out what this rock (boulder??) was feeling.

She pulls out a fat red marker and begins to draw. "Just some finishing touches, and... There."

It's not her best work, but it'll do. She steps back to admire the crudely drawn smiley face and googly eyes.

Satisfied, she hands the ticket over and then, thinking better of it, tucks it neatly between the rock and ground beneath it.


Sailor Neptune wrote:
A woman with wavy ocean-colored hair approached the booth and looked at Mako with a smile. "Ara~ a raffle? Does purchasing a ticket get me a date with you?" she asked teasingly. "I heard you're a girl of many talents..."

Puffing out her chest proudly, Makoto beams, "Well I DID get picked to play Snow White, you know." She hands you a ticket, with a few xoxo's and her phone number scrawled on the back. ;D


Sailor Gallifrey wrote:
Sailor Gallifrey swiftly stepped up to the booth. Her long blond hair was swept into a side braid today, and she had tied a small pink flower into it to celebrate the cherry blossom festival. Her blue eyes had carefully observed the cheerful girl behind the booth, who had said her name was Jupiter, from a distance before she had decided to try her luck at the raffle. After seeing Jupiter's friendly interactions with others at the booth, Gallifrey felt at ease standing in front of her despite the fact that she was still a stranger.

"I'd like a ticket, please."

Having just given her phone number away to another attractive suitor, Makoto feels dazzled. Why is everyone so attractive today?

She performs a series of eyebrow raises and winks before handing you your ticket and blowing you a kiss.

You take the ticket, noticing she's written "CALL ME!" on the back with her number. How brazen of her.


Moonlight Dreaming wrote:
Moonlight Dreaming walked towards the woman shyly, trying not to get embarrassed. "May I have a ticket?"

It turns out it's pretty hard to hand a ticket to what appears to be a beam of moonlight that's having a pleasant nap, but Makoto manages it.


Sailor Mercury wrote:
A blue-haired slight figure whose uniform top was slightly obscured with a gray pullover hurried over, her arms struggling to contain a large stack of forms.

"Makoto-chan!" the voice called, soft yet definitely possessing an authoritative tone. "Do you have the final stamped copy of the registration form for your booth? The planning committee is collecting the last documents."

She managed to free one hand long enough to push a pair of round-lensed glasses back up her nose. In that moment, cerulean eyes caught sight of the basket with lottery tickets. The girl tilted her head slightly and gave a small smile.

"I might as well show some festival spirit and participate, while I'm here. May I please have a ticket?"

"O-o-oh! O-of course!" Makoto stuttered. "Like Minako always says, paperwork-li-ness is next to cleanliness... or something like that."

She hands you your ticket and then takes quite some time fumbling around beneath the booth. Growing impatient, you lean over to see how the search is coming and... she's gone!? There's just a note saying "IOU ONE BOOTH FORM."

You pause. Breathe. Take a ticket. Adjust your glasses, and decide to check back later, noting on your clipboard that maybe Makoto should try out for the track team. She's fast.

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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 7:49 am

The time has finally come. With a glint in her eye, Makoto turns the ball cage, and they all rattle inside. Each ball is emblazoned with a ticket number. How exciting!

Turn, turn, turn...

Turn, turn, turn.

One tumbles out!


AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] 3150097195 TICKET 6683! AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] 3150097195

Come claim your prize!

And now for the runner up..

Turn, turn, turn...

Turn, turn, turn...

Confetti yay! TICKET 7688! Confetti yay!

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 7:57 am

Thanks for hosting! Congratulations, winners! ♥
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Lotus Crystal


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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 8:03 am

Thanks for hosting Ju, and Congratulations everyone! ♥️ Confetti yay!
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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 8:03 am

She looks at her raffle ticket. Checks out the number twice to make sure it was the right number. Then the realization hits her. "I WON!!!" She proceeds to jump up and down and squeeing. "I hardly ever win anything!" Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 8:20 am

"Aw, we didn't win," the disheveled lady sighs to her mini carbon-copy in her arms. "Maybe next time."

The little girl isn't listening though and makes a dive for the ball cage. "See it!" she exclaims, eyes sparkling.

"AHHHH!" The lady barely manages to stop the toddler from crashing head-first into the booth, turning around and heading down the hall swiftly before the girl has time to protest. "That was fun! Thanks again, Jupi!!" she yelled over her shoulder.


Congrats to the winners!!!

Last edited by Diagnosed on 2nd June 2017, 9:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 8:29 am

"Well the Sportsnut had no luck of a ninth inning win..but he sure did have fun" (THANKS JUPI!!)

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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 8:56 am

Aw man, such a pity Razz.

Congrats to the winners though, and thank you for hosting another Raffle this year, JUPU <3
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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 9:26 am

"Ticket 7688 is the runner-up? That's me!" Sailor Gallifrey said aloud without realizing it. Grinning, she stepped up to the booth again and showed her ticket to Sailor Jupiter. "I'm the runner-up! I guess today is my lucky day after all~"

[OOC: Today really is my lucky day! Congrats to the grand prize winner, Jess-chan, and thank you Jupi for hosting! AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] 1434556979 ]
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Moonlight Dreaming
Lotus Crystal

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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 9:50 am

"Aww! I didn't win! There's always next time though!" Moonlight soon began to clap her hands, congratulating the winners.
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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] Empty
PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime2nd June 2017, 10:37 am

"Curses and drat!" said RutleJake "I have bad luck when it comes to contests, anyway...It was fun though!" 
He politely claps for the winners.
Thank you to Jupi, for hosting this.
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PostSubject: Re: AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]   AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!] I_icon_minitime

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AND THE WINNER IS.. [The Cheery Cherry Blossom Raffle!]

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