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 [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]

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Sailor Saturn

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[Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime12th February 2017, 5:53 pm

Storyline Name: You Got A Pizza My Heart
Creator(s): Sailor Saturn and Puns
Forum: Casual
Advanced or Relaxed: Relaxed
Plot Summary: Our heroes have followed leads on an enemy and find themselves at a pizza parlor. But partaking in the delicious food is the last thing on their minds as they take in the dark hue of the building. Something isn't right here. As they step inside, they see a impish monster creating havoc within. Pizzas flying all about the inside of the parlor, knocking over tables and chairs, smashing into light fixtures and pelting the heads of any innocent patron still remaining. The heat inside the room is terrible and they can see that the pizza ovens are glowing with unnatural heat, filling the air with its almost suffocating intensity. The monster laughs, juggling the oven dials in his hands until an errant pizza flies into him, causing him to accidentally lose hold, and the dials fall into the mess of dough, cheese and tomato sauce coating the floor. Disgruntled, the monster locks the door to the parlor before disappearing. It'll be up to our heroes to do something about the pizza, and the ovens!

But the heat is getting even more unbearable, and everywhere they step is a sticky, goopy mess, with pizzas still flying free. Where could those dials possibly be in all of this?
Details on any necessary information:Your setting is at a pizza parlor! Feel free to take the plot in any direction you wish, twisting and adding to it as you see fit, and you can decide if your characters have been working together up to this point, or have only just run into each other (or any other variation), but your main goal is ultimately to find the oven dials and stop the heat from rising too high! How you accomplish that goal is up to you guys! Have fun!! <3
Restrictions: Characters listed below only!
OOC Thread: Link!
Member to Character List:
Minako Aino played by Starchild
Rocbouquet played by Andalusite
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Eudial
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime14th February 2017, 10:27 pm

[Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] Rm3kRN1

“—EUREKA!” the blue-haired girl exclaimed, reaching forward and touching her hands against a dusty jade amulet resting between the teeth of a weathering dragon statue. After years of searching the jungle for artifacts, she'd finally found something potentially worthwhile from the Ancient Kingdom! Her eyes sparkled at the thought of her beloved Wagnas praising her for the discovery. Maybe he'd even ask to marry her! Without a second thought, she pulled upward on the artifact to remove it from the statue's teeth, but it did not budge. The girl pouted at this slight inconvenience and tugged even harder. The pull dislodged the object, but it also sent her backwards into an endless spiral, a brilliant flash of light suddenly consuming the damp mossy labyrinth. For several minutes her body seemed to sink into the blinding abyss until it was finally thrown violently from a portal to none other than Pure Michigan. The girl's shoulder slammed roughly against the sidewalk directly in front of a small business with maps pasted to its windows and a large banner above the door boasting a proud message: DETROIT WELCOMES YOU.

Rocbouquet laid there motionlessly for a moment, clutching onto her aching side as a cloud of amorphous spirits frantically gathered around her and helped her to her feet. “...Uuhhhgh...What just happe—Where the hell am I!?” she exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock at the unexpected change in scenery. Rocbouquet soon found herself wandering aimlessly down the street, her head whipping curiously from side to side as she tried to make sense of this new and seemingly futuristic environment. What happened to all of the trees and the vines, and the dense thickets of blade-like jungle grass? And what were all of these monstrous square towers doing blocking the skyline? Why weren't they made of stone bricks?...Mechanical wagons with no horses existed!? Rocbouquet let out a loud gasp. The people were even weirder. None of them wore armor or carried anything remotely similar to a sword or an axe. Instead their hands were occupied by thin black objects, which their fingers rapidly pressed against for some odd reason. Were these objects cursed? Rocbouquet wondered, paying particular attention to the unblinking gaze of the young men and women mindlessly tapping away at their devices without a single nod of acknowledgment as she passed them. Was this the future of Salamat?...Perhaps even Avalon?

In her frantic dash down the sidewalk, Rocbouquet nearly ran into a young man carrying a tall stack of pizza boxes—treasure chests of some sort? These chests appeared to be made of parchment though and they contained fresh food, or at least that's how they smelled. Upon closer inspection, Rocbouquet noticed an emblem embroidered on the left side of the man's garment, which appeared to match the emblems on the treasure chests! And although she could not understand the Latin writing “Pizza Palace” or even begin to make out the meaning of the triangular wedge with the red and green dots, Rocbouquet was convinced that it was a royal coat of arms. So this man was some pesky emperor's treasurer? The blue-haired girl sighed in relief. At least some things were still familiar to her in this weird town. “...Um, Excuse me, but would you be kind enough to tell me where I am?” Rocbouquet asked the man, fluttering her eyelashes at him. Instead of answering her question however, the young lad pointed his finger curiously at her outfit.

“...Hey, man. What's up with the uh, dope costume? Are you going to, like, some sort of Comic Con?” he asked, raising a puzzled brow at the girl's multicolored petal-like dress and wild electric blue hair.

Rocbouquet clenched both of her fists and furrowed her brow. What!? How could this fool mistake her—a beautiful and well-endowed young woman—for a man!? She'd show him!

“...Why yes. Yes I am,” Rocbouquet played along with a wink, “And you will be the brave man escorting me there!” Before the pizza delivery guy could retort, the temptress brought a hand to her lips and blew a magical kiss at him. Splat! The pizza boxes slipped out of his hands and crashed onto the cement, but the man did not seem to care. He looked back up at her and uttered in a zombie-like trance,

“....As you wish, Mistress Rocbouquet.”

The temptress smirked. Well, that was a lot easier than she had expected.

“...So about that place you were taking me,” Rocbouquet began as she twirled a tuft of her hair around her right index finger. “Actually...I changed my mind. Please take me back to Salamat at once.”

“...Uh? Salamat? Never heard of it...Isn't that, like, a country in Africa or something?”

Rocbouquet sighed. “...Just start walking, please.”

“...Yes, ma'am.”
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime15th February 2017, 9:17 pm

Minako tapped her fingers on the finish of the unkempt booth. Pizza Palace definitely wasn't a place for all the upcoming stars that was for sure. She sighed and leaned back. Detroit definitely was not what she had in mind when she found out she'd be going to America for a Singing/Modeling career. She didn't bring Artemis, so she was rather bored.

She didn’t look like anyone in this town. The women were very flamboyant in the way they dressed. Some people’s hair even looked like it could house a bird. She had never really thought about what it would be like here. After all, America was not portrayed like this on TV at all.

Something outside the window caught her attention. A spectacle of a woman it seemed. She had blue hair and rather different clothing than the other residents of Detroit. She looked out the window almost amazed that someone was dressed as ridiculous as her. Not many people wore red loops around their arms.

”Maybe she’s someone famous…that could get me on my way to fame faster! Minako smirked, as she was filled with ideas of how to milk this girl for friendship. After all, the industry was a tough place.

“If you can’t join em, beat em!” Minako began to laugh as the other patrons looked in amazement at this Asian girl dressed out of the 80s.

She waved out the window, hoping to get the girls attention. She had a feeling that this would be something amazing…for her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Eudial
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime16th February 2017, 9:17 am

[Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] Rm3kRN1

The pizza delivery guy led Rocbouquet several blocks toward the center of the city—past parking ramps, apartments, a park, even a grand hotel—before finally stopping in front of a small shack wedged between two other businesses. Rocbouquet caught glimpse of another girl, who looked almost as out of place as her, sitting near the window. She had long blonde hair—pretty blonde hair—and seemed to be looking right at her and waving for some reason, but Rocbouquet did not acknowledge the girl beyond a brief side glance as she followed her escort through the door. At the moment, the temptress was more concerned about her new servant's lack of direction.

“...Might I ask why we are stopping here?” Rocbouquet questioned the man, bringing her hands to her hips and looking at him impatiently as they stopped in front of the ordering counter. Something seemed off about the atmosphere in this place, and she did not like it one bit.

“It's uh, the Pizza Palace. It's where I work...” the enchanted pizza delivery guy explained in a monotonous tone.

This rundown pile of bricks and grease a palace? Unbelievable! The ruler of this town sure had some low standards. Rocbouquet laughed a little. It had to be some kind of joke! “So in other words, we're still not in Salamat?”

“Well, uh...The thing is...I kinda need to punch out first—and I, like, need access to a computer to find the best deal on plane tickets for you, my lovely Mistress Rocbouquet. It's not like we can just teleport there...”

Teleporting! Of course! Why couldn't he just ask a mage to teleport her?...Or had the skill become a lost art in this region?

Terribly, terribly incompetent man. Rocbouquet shook her head and sighed. “You poor man,” she began, reaching out and touching his cheek, “I don't need these so-called 'plane tickets'...Isn't there a mage around here who could help us?”

“The manager yes!” the pizza delivery guy suddenly exclaimed excitedly. “Don't you worry, Mistress Rocbouquet! I will find one for you!” And then he took off running toward the kitchen, leaving Rocbouquet standing at the counter with a puzzled look upon her face.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime16th February 2017, 2:32 pm

Minako clenched her could she have gone ignored. "I guess no one knows who I am yet..." She growled under her breath. Standing up, she made her way over to the girl. It must have been quite a spectacle to see two people in such gaudy attire in a pizza place in the middle of Detroit, however there have been crazier things...right?

"" Minako put her hand on the girls shoulder. She wasn't going to let this go. How could someone as beautiful as her be ignored! The injustice! Aphrodite herself would be shaking in rage if she could have seen what had just happened.

"If you don't have anything nice to say, at least look at the person waving at you!" Minako pointed to the booth. "Why don't you come sit with me while you wait. I want to talk to you." If this girl didn't sit with her, she knew her chances would be ruined to become famous faster than she was, after all the girl had an escort.

Minako didn't like the fact however, that the girl's beauty was greater than her own. In fact, it make her blood boil. She didn't want to be out shined as the hottest girl in Pizza Palace.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Eudial
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime16th February 2017, 10:12 pm

[Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] Rm3kRN1

Several minutes passed without any sign of the pizza delivery guy or his "mages." Rocbouquet's fingers tapped rhythmically against the countertop in time with the ticking of the clock on the back wall directly behind the cash register.

“....What on earth is taking that fool so long?” she uttered impatiently below her breath. She thought of calling upon her spirits to drag the man out from the kitchen by his hind limbs, but a hand suddenly fell upon her shoulder. “Huh...?” Rocbouquet turned her head. The hand did not belong to her newly-acquired subordinate but rather that blonde girl who had been waving at her earlier. The girl seemed slightly upset about something, or at least her intonation made it seem so: "Hey, you" was not really the most appropriate way to address a stranger, let alone the Queen of Salamat. Rocbouquet crossed her arms and looked at the girl with a quirked brow. The girl possessed a peculiar accent unlike that of the young man working for Pizza Palace, and she was combining her phrases in ways the temptress had never thought were possible.

“Talk to me?” the blue-haired demon girl began in a pleasant tone as she feigned an innocent smile, not even trying to be discrete about the way her amber-colored eyes scanned up and down the other girl's body. “...About what?” Each curious glance became more prolonged as the temptress mentally compared herself to the blonde Asian girl standing before her in a weird strapless blue dress. Perhaps it was advice on what to wear? Rocbouquet thought to herself, suppressing an urge to burst out laughing. That large turquoise hair bow, although super cute, totally clashed with the color of the girl's long hair.

In any case, the girl did not look like she belonged with the Amazons or some Emperor maggot's royal guard, so Rocbouquet decided to give her a chance. Besides, she couldn't help but wonder: What did this girl actually want? Last time she conversed with other women, they wanted their village back; and their men; and a whole bunch of other annoying little things that Rocbouquet was not about to return. And then there was that whole pathetic resistance they started against her. How were they so blind as to not see that she was not invading their territory for herself, but for her beloved Wagnas, who wished to understand the ancient magic sealed within the relics scattered throughout Salamat—relics they would not let her search for even after she asked them so kindly! Just the thought of it all annoyed the blue-haired demon girl. Hopefully the blonde wasn't anything like those horrible jungle women who couldn't think of anybody but themselves.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime20th February 2017, 1:43 pm

Minako flipped her hair with a sense of pride. For sure the girl was eyeing her gorgeous figure - and how could she blame her? Her measurements were perfect. "My name is Minako Aino, I'm here on idol business. Although they could have picked a better place for me to show off my talents."

Crossing her arms,she walked over to the booth and took a sip of her cola, sweat dripping from the glass. "What brings you to a place like this? Modeling, Acting?" Tracing her finger along the rim of the glass she eyed the blue haired girl. "You certainly don't look like anyone else in this area..."

On second thought, the girl did sort of look like the enemies she had fought in the past. But she highly doubted one would follow just her here. Still, she should keep her guard up.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Eudial
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime21st February 2017, 10:59 pm

[Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] Rm3kRN1

“What brings me, Queen Rocbouquet, here to this very location?” Rocbouquet repeated softly as she followed Minako over to the booth. “—A man did.” She pointed her thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the kitchen to remind the other girl of the pizza delivery guy who had still not returned from his quest to find the manager mage. “But if you mean this town, I stumbled upon it while searching for artifacts—And I guess you could call me an idol too. I am quite popular with men,” the temptress boasted with a smirk. Popular was a huge understatement. The men of Eirunepé were obsessed with her, to the point that their blind adoration had driven all of the other women out of the village! Their infatuation was of course artificial thanks to her seduction magic, but Rocbouquet was not about to admit such a thing to this other girl who seemed so proud of her self-image despite her hideous outfit.

The temperature of the building seemed to be rising at a steady rate, but Rocbouquet did not notice as she watched Minako's finger trail along the rim of the glass sitting out on the table. (She lives in a tropical jungle after all!) The patrons on the other hand, were standing up from their seats and fanning themselves off with their menus. A young brunette with a stylish can-I-speak-to-the-manager bob cut couldn't take it anymore. She got up from her table and marched over to the counter where she spent the next five minutes slamming the palm of her hand impatiently against the service bell. Unfortunately, nobody came to her aid. Grumbling, the woman stormed straight out the front door uttering something about how ridiculous it was to wait over 40 minutes for a personal pizza, how uncomfortably humid the air in the building was, and how stupid it was for the business to have no employees scheduled at the counter. As the front door slammed behind the angry woman, Rocbouquet couldn't help but wonder: Where were all of this so-called Pizza Palace's servants anyway?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime26th February 2017, 7:29 pm

Queen.... my how full of ourselves..." Minako thought as she eyed the girl up and down again. As the girl talked, she began to wonder if she was off her rocker or not. "So.... Rock Box, or whatever your name is..." she began, as a Japanese woman how was she ever supposed to know how to say that ridiculous name. "Obsessed huh?" She smirked. She was the goddess of love and beauty. Ricky Bobby couldn't hold a candle to her.

Minako's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of some uncouth woman knocking on a counter. Was this how people behaved in America? She sighed and watched the angry woman get into her Ford Flex. A rather...unnecessarily big car.

The heat suddenly hit her, as she had noticed that the ice had all melted in a matter of a few minutes. "Why is it so hot?" Minako stood up. "If you can't take the heat, have some dessert!" She walked over to the counter, looking over it, seeing no one. "Where did everyone go, Ribcage?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Eudial
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime6th March 2017, 10:58 am

[Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] Rm3kRN1

“Boo-key!” The temptress corrected the girl in a tone of disgust. How could anybody butcher such a beautiful name? Stupid girl. Rocbouquet crossed her arms and let out an audible, unimpressed sigh as Minako walked over to the counter. Instead of answering Minako's next set of questions, the jungle queen took a brief look around the room for herself. As her amber-colored eyes shifted toward the entryway of the pizza parlor, another woman got up from her table and hurried toward the door with a to-go box grasped tightly between both hands. In her haste, the customer stumbled into the glass door, knocking the box right out of her arms. After awkwardly bending over and picking up the box, she tried to push her way out of the restaurant. Rocbouquet raised a puzzled brow. What was this old hag even trying to do? The woman pulled and tugged and pulled and pushed against the glass door, but nothing she did seemed to open it. The remaining patrons noticed the woman's struggle and started to grow antsy. Apparently, they were all locked in now.

“What...” Rocbouquet uttered below her breath. In the time she had her back turned to the entrance, somebody managed to place a magic lock upon door? And a cloaking spell? None of the passersby seemed to notice the distraught customer pounding against the glass anyway. What was wrong with this terrible wreck of a palace?

If anything, what happened next would answer the girls' questions...or bring up several more. A large frowning purple octopus with a furrowed brow and gritted teeth, wearing a red shirt with the emblem of a white winged wheel, suddenly burst through the back wall of the pizza parlor like the Kool-Aid Man. However, there were no backyard pool parties filled with unattended children drinking packets of chilled high fructose corn syrup behind that hole in the wall. Just a bunch of Pizza Palace employees thrown together in the corner of the kitchen, tangled in a pile of goal netting and rope with their manager; and four large ovens overflowing with mozzarella cheese. Not a single Oh yeah worth uttering here... In fact, none of the poor employees could manage more than a mumble even if they wanted to, for a thick layer of silver duct tape sealed a hockey puck into each of their mouths!

Rocbouquet took a defensive stance. What the hell is that thing? Why does it have hostages? She wondered as the skulls of four phantoms instinctively manifested from the strands of her blue hair and drifted in front of her. The purple sea creature vaguely resembled a kraken that Wagnas' cousin Subier would willingly swim with, only it did not reek like fish as far as she could tell. But what concerned Rocbouquet most was the strange wooden “staff”—a black hockey stick—it possessed in one of its eight arms.

“It's..It's Al!?” exclaimed one of the patrons pointing and gasping. The purple octopus raised its hockey stick and started rapidly flipping pizza after pizza into the air with its other arms. Rocbouquet's spirits hissed at the mascot.

It's casting a spell?...using magic-infused food? The enchantress could not believe it.

The purple octopus then swung its hockey stick at the pizzas as if they were pucks, aiming randomly at customers and lighting fixtures. Patrons wailed, ducked, and dove. Tables flipped, windows cracked, lamps crashed in Al's merciless pizza shooting onslaught. Rocbouquet soon found herself in the creature's line of fire as a huge pizza came hurtling at her like high speed frisbee. As the temptress raised an arm to shield her face from the delicious Americanized Italian pie, she caught a glimpse of a man rushing toward her. It was the enchanted pizza delivery guy stumbling heroically into the scene! Although his arms had been bound tightly against his back, he somehow managed to snake himself out of the netting to come to her aid.

“Msstffffffssss...Rufffffbufff!” he called out to Rocbouquet, the best he could while gagged with a duct-tape-covered hockey puck, as he threw his body in front of her. The extra large pizza topped with pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers, and tomatoes hit him square in the face and knocked him to the hard linoleum floor. Phantom cheering roared throughout the parlor as Al raised a tentacle and shook it victoriously above his head.

Rocbouquet placed her hands against her hips and pouted. “Hmph. About time you showed up. Now where is that mage you promised me?” she asked, ignoring the raging “monster” in the background. She had no interest in fighting it herself. When the man did not respond, Rocbouquet prodded him with the tip of her black boot. Great. Dead already? What a pathetic man. She clenched her fists and glared at the cowering patrons. Why weren't any of these other men taking care of the sea creature for her?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime16th March 2017, 4:55 pm

Minako's demeanor changed as she saw the woman's exit from the restaurant was in vain. She had seen this many times before. There was some sort of evil monster of badly dressed villain hiding in the shadows.
"Hey this how America is!?" Minako yelled as that...thing that was more than questionable in her home Country burst through the wall like it owed the joint. "Don't fix it if it's not fixed already!" She pointed to the creature, in her signature speech fashion.

Minako's speech was cut short, however as pizza began flying past her face. "Is this how fast food is in America too?" She raised her hand and yelled out "VENUS CRYSTAL POWER!!"

"..... GAHHH!" She had left her rod, and Artemis, back in Japan. How careless, however she didn't think she'd be face to face with a tentacle monster that liked just her type...schoolgirls and idols. "How the hell do these people know the octopus's name!!" She exclaimed angrily.

"Rocky Balboa, what are we going to do. These men obviously aren't going to be much help, and all this grease certainly can't be good for my goddess like complexion..."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Eudial
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Location : Mentally still in Zagreb

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime1st May 2017, 9:34 am

[Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] Rm3kRN1

“You know, I'm not very impressed with—”

Rocbouquet was about to give these lazy men a piece of her mind, when the strange Asian girl suddenly jumped into the action and started shouting a bunch of nonsense at the angry purple octopus creature. The jungle queen's eyes narrowed suspiciously. ...Venus crystal power? What power was this poorly-dressed girl even blabbering about? Was the Venus crystal a magical—possibly even rare—stone? How come she had never heard of it? Rocbouquet's curious gaze shifted upon Minako as she raised her arm upward to...cast a spell? Apparently whatever Minako planned on doing did not work, for she quickly moved onto asking Rocbouquet what they should do about the octopus together. The seductress sighed. With her frown came weak howls of disapproval from her collection of spirits.

...She wants me to help her defeat the monster?

Fighting the sea creature would be a complete waste of her time and energy. It was not her responsibility to protect this pathetic dining space from monsters. She would leave such a task to the servants of the Pizza Palace—wherever they were—and those cowering men, who would surely change their minds about hiding if she asked them for help. Minako however seemed determined to convince the seductress otherwise.

"These men obviously aren't going to be much help, and all this grease certainly can't be good for my goddess like complexion..." she stated in a frustrated tone. This brought a confident smirk to Rocbouquet's lips.  

“Maybe these men won't be much help to you, but they most certainly will be to me!” she announced smugly. All she needed to do was cast Temptation and those lazy, cowering patrons would come to her aid in a heartbeat! No man resisted her charm!

With a half-averted gaze and puckered lips, Rocbouquet stretched her arms lazily behind her head and thrust her chest forward, arched her back, and proceeded to twist and turn her body as if she were modeling for Victoria's Secret's newest line of swimsuits. “Temptation...” the enchantress sighed softly. As she brought a hand to her lips and blew a sweet kiss at her cowering audience, she expected roaring cheers and compliments, but instead received a face full of pepperoni pizza, courtesy of Al. “Ufffffff!” Rocbouquet stumbled between the chairs and tables of the Pizza Palace, struggling to rip the searing-hot pizza from her face. “Get it off! Get it off!” The expressionless souls accompanying her person rushed in and out of her hair shrieking in agony.

A few of the women seemed rather appalled by the temptress' openly-provocative display of her body, in a public space of all places! One of them even applauded Al for ending the "filthy, attention-seeking teenage girl's" behavior before it could become explicit. The men on the other hand eagerly crawled out from hiding and charged mindlessly into the melted mess of molten cheese with their fists pumped into the air, shouting varied threats of violence at the scowling octopus for causing harm to their beloved Rocbouquet. Al raised a tentacle victoriously into the air to taunt his opponents once more. As far as he seemed concerned, he was winning the fictitious hockey match.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
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[Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 8:35 pm

"Wh..what are you doing!?" Minako yelled "Why the hell are you blowing kisses at a time like this! She kicked the octopus man, only having her leg be enveloped in sticky cheese. "Whaa!!!" The monster proceded to throw her to the ceiling, where the cheese caught the ceiling fan and left her dangling there. 

She blushed in anger, hanging upside down was one thing, but this, this was completely insane. Americans made absolutely no sense to her. "GET ME DOWN RAMESES!" she yelled to the girl. "You're not helping at all! Don't you know how to fight. You can't get out of this with your looks!"

The monster began to laugh deeply. What were they going to do? Minako struggled a bit and set herself free. "Whooa!!!" when she hit the ground, she slipped on cheese grease. She was absolutely saturated, and the smell started to make her feel sick. She couldn't do anything. "What are we going to do...?" she thought.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime27th March 2018, 5:33 am

Admin Note: Due to inactivity, this RP will be sent to the Graveyard.

The Graveyard is the place inactive roleplays go to rest. For more information, please read What Is the Graveyard?
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[Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships]   [Relaxed] You Got A Pizza My Heart [Crackships] I_icon_minitime

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