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 [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime9th June 2016, 7:33 am

[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] MAOrFXp

Naida Beach. A beautiful resort with constant blue skies and even bluer oceans. It's a well known place for people to come and relax and let the waters wash away all the worries of the world. The sounds of the waves crashing against the shore mingle with the laughter of guests enjoying themselves. The strong scent of tangy oranges and sweet coconut waft in the air. But this peaceful reprieve is shattered the moment monsters attack the resting vacationers, and it is up to certain individuals to take up arms and defend Naida Beach!

Unluckily for the monsters, these particular individuals are well equipped to fight at a beach!


Important Information

  • This is a two week Casual Event! It will begin June 15th and end June 30th.
  • Sign ups will last until June 14th!
  • By signing up, you will be temporarily adopting a character to use for this event only! After the event, these characters will be available for adoption through the Reserved Adoption Center, and you will need to go through the adoption process before you can use the character outside of this event.
  • An activity rule will be in place. You will need to post every 72 hours, as we want to keep the story moving along so we can reach the end by the 30th! If you are unable to keep up your activity level, your character will become incapacitated and unable to participate in the event any further. There will be a prize at the end of this event for anyone still active!

This event will be keeping within the Don't Think, Just RP challenge! This means no OOC-chat in this thread, nor in any other way! (PM, Skype, etc)
If you choose to participate in this event, it'll take two posts off of the post count required to complete the monthly challenge!

To make it more fun (and sneaky!) this event's character roster will be a secret!  [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 1434556979 When you sign up, you will choose a number and the senshi behind that number will be yours to use for the event! As the day for the RP to begin approaches, I will PM you your chosen profile! This is so you won't know anything about the characters around you in Naida Beach (with a small exception for siblings), and will have to learn more about the characters through the RP! So pay attention to everything!

As the senshi get introduced in the RP, I'll post their senshi fukus in the first post so that they can be used for quick reference, but everything else will remain a secret until the end of the event! Or until the player of that character reveals it in their RP posts!


The Senshi Roster

Senshi 1
Claimed by: Neo-King Kronos
Senshi 2
Claimed by: Anait Zelleire
Senshi 3
Claimed by: Sailor Mercury
Senshi 4
Claimed by: OPEN

Senshi 5
Claimed by: PrincesseNee
Senshi 6
Claimed by: Small Lady
Senshi 7
Claimed by: Aurae
Senshi 8
Claimed by: OPEN

Senshi 9
Claimed by: Eternal Knight
Senshi 10
Claimed by: Sailor Jupiter
Senshi 11
Claimed by: Sailor Saturn
Senshi 12
Claimed by: Diana
Senshi 13
Claimed by: sportsnutd
Senshi 14
Claimed by: OPEN

Senshi 15
Claimed by: Sailor Pluto

Although this lists 15 slots, if there happen to be more sign ups, I can add more to the Roster! So don't worry! There is room for everyone <3

If you'd like to join in on the fun, please sign up in reply to this thread, and pick the Senshi number you'd like to use! Very Happy

If you have any questions, please PM me!

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 15th June 2016, 10:49 am; edited 14 times in total
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime9th June 2016, 7:39 am

This is a super interesting idea! I'm going to claim number 3 xD
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime9th June 2016, 7:47 am

Claiming my lucky number 15! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime9th June 2016, 8:04 am

I'd like to claim number 7, please! ♥
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Eternal Knight
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime9th June 2016, 12:05 pm

Trying never hurt anyone... I think. I'll take senshi 9 xD
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime9th June 2016, 1:19 pm

[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 1984953407 I have added all of you to the roster!! [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 1434556979
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime9th June 2016, 1:47 pm

[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 2869872805 this looks really fun and I'm sad I'm going to be out of the country during ittttt
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime9th June 2016, 4:03 pm

i would like number 13 please
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime11th June 2016, 4:39 am

Awesome! I will you to the roster! Very Happy
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Neo King Helios
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime11th June 2016, 11:16 pm

Claiming my favourite number! #1 Please!
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime12th June 2016, 12:55 pm

Woohoo! [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 1434556979 I'll add you in now!
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime14th June 2016, 6:10 am

Bump!! Today is the last day to sign up! [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 3150097195
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime14th June 2016, 6:17 am

I'll try ^^;;; Oh yes number! lol NUmber 12 please!
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime14th June 2016, 6:29 am

Awesome! <3 I'll mark you down! [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 1434556979
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Sailor Jupiter
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime14th June 2016, 7:12 am

I will try RPing and be 10? so scary ahhh what is roleplaying even
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime14th June 2016, 11:07 am

Omg sign me up! I'll take 6!
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Anait Zelleire
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime14th June 2016, 12:35 pm

Can I take number 2??
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime14th June 2016, 2:48 pm

Yayyy!! [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 1434556979 ! xD I'll add you all to the list right now!! <3 <3

@Sailor Jupiter, it will be okay! [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 4033448464 These Casual Events are meant for people to just jump in and test the waters of RPing and hopefully have fun doing it! xD If you ever have any questions or concerns or anything at all, please just let me know and I'll help you out! <33
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime14th June 2016, 3:02 pm

Sailor Jupiter wrote:
so scary ahhh what is roleplaying even
That makes two of us lol. X3 
Id like number 5 please?
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime14th June 2016, 3:37 pm

Yay!! I'm happy you decided to join, PrincesseNee! I'll get you added to the list right now [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 4033448464 Again, if you have any questions or concerns, I'm here to help every step of the way! [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 1434556979
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime15th June 2016, 4:12 am

Sign ups are now closed!!! Thank you everyone for joining in on the fun!! Oh also, I will claim Senshi 11!

I will be running the roster through shortly and then PMing everyone their senshi! <3 Then the RP will begin, yay!
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime15th June 2016, 7:19 am

Profiles have been sent! If you did not receive one, or if it did not get copied correctly, please let me know asap! <3 The RP board will be up later today!

Yay! [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 1984953407
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime4th July 2016, 10:40 am

Yay! I finished my first RP! Omg this was so fun Verdi!! Very Happy
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime4th July 2016, 10:43 am

i had too much fun in this...lets do another one sometime
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime4th July 2016, 10:44 am

This was fun! I'm sorry that circumstances made it so that I couldn't really participate right at the end. Sad I felt it was a bit fast pace but at the same time its a two week event so I'm not really sure how you can drag out a story and get it finished by the end of the event time period. Anyway, it was really fun and a good way to just jump into RPing. I look forward to more events. Smile
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Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 5:34 am

Thank you for hosting this event~! It was fun! I thought the pacing seemed fine—perhaps a slight improvement would be to get into the "action" a bit quicker? Wink Also, maybe tasks that require interaction with other characters would get things mixed up a bit more. I know I am super guilty of this in my own posts, but it was very easy to write for just your character in a vacuum... which isn't quiiiiite the point of RPing. ;D
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Sailor Jupiter
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 9:23 am

Aurae wrote:
Thank you for hosting this event~! It was fun! I thought the pacing seemed fine—perhaps a slight improvement would be to get into the "action" a bit quicker? Wink Also, maybe tasks that require interaction with other characters would get things mixed up a bit more. I know I am super guilty of this in my own posts, but it was very easy to write for just your character in a vacuum... which isn't quiiiiite the point of RPing. ;D

I had fun despite not being able to do anything the last two rounds due to being busy @_@.

I wanted to quote Aurae because my experience was very different as a newbie (I know it's hard to please everyone!). I actually felt the pacing was too fast? I barely had one conversation before we were senshi and fighting and I had trouble keeping up with the rounds. I wanted to be my civilian character a bit more but there wasn't much time (but I can totally see other people thinking that's boring!). People also posted super huge walls of text that discouraged me from participating because I had to read it all to be sure nobody interacted with me/to understand what was happening around me and just when I'd finish, someone else would post a giant wall of text and I wouldn't have time to read it all before poof, the next round was up and I'd missed my chance. This could just be an issue with me though and not the RP, lol! I also liked that there weren't forced interactions because it was difficult enough for me to keep up with this being my first RP. I always notice I have issues tracking where the characters are/who they're speaking to, etc. so I was grateful that I didn't have to do too much interacting with others on my first try. One really great thing that came out of this for me was that I learned I'll probably enjoy one-on-one RPs best that I can do at my own pace (I think these are casual RPs?), so it was a great chance to get my feet wet and learn what I like/dislike in an RP. Thanks so much for hosting it!
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 10:55 am

Thank you guys for your feedback!!! This was my first RP event hosted, so any and all feedback is very valuable to me so that I can adjust for future events!! I feel like the pacing was off too, and I apologize! I think I just tried to squeeze too much into a two-week event! [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] 1549413412 I wanted to have more time for the girls to interact, but at the same time, I had other things that needed to happen before the end and well... xD I will be able to learn from this and hopefully have a better idea of how much can happen within an RP in this timelimit (especially with ones with whole new characters and such) So I hope you'll all be up for joining a Casual RP event in the future Very Happy and hopefully I've not scared you off haha <3

Thank you all so much again <333
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 11:01 am

Maybe for a future event, you could have one thats more about character interaction, like everyone going to a party kind of thing like last years Anniversary Casual RP Event Mercury hosted. And if you wanted something thats more action oriented, then it would be something that starts right in the action.

What i did like and i don't think I mentioned, was the adorable premade Senshi. THEY WERE CUTE and I did like how everyone's profiles and powers were mysterious to me. What could be even more entertaining for a future event, would be to withold what your senshi powers are until right at the time of transforming and then the player has to sort of fumble about figuring out what they do. Though I imagine this would be more work on the host so I would think the event would need fewer players to make it not so chaotic. xD
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed] I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 11:47 am

I agree with the others that the pacing was a bit too fast, but I found that it pushed me to finish the RP rather than find myself being lost.

I did also see that when writing I tend to write walls of text. This is a big problem since I tend to have so much imagery I want to incorporate that it tends to just burst out. At the same time, I had problems with my word choice and making the scenes just right. So there were times where I found myself in a writers block. Im glad that Jupiter mentioned the word count and the experience of being in a role play. Its not simply about you writing, its about the other characters as well. Gotta make the experience good for everyone, right? So I'l keep that in mind the next time I join an RP. Smile
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach [Sign Ups: Closed]

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