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 [Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme

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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Prince Diamond
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[Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme Empty
PostSubject: [Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme   [Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme I_icon_minitime8th April 2016, 10:57 am

Storyline Name: A Midsummer Night's Scheme
Creators: Eternal Knight & Sailor Mercury
Forum: Free Form
Advanced or Relaxed: Advanced
Plot Summary: They have come to an age where their parents have agreed it's time for them to meet. They are to be, after all, the future King and Queen of their planet and soon they will reach the age when children learn what it is to travel across the universe, adapting other's civilization to their own.

But first, they all must be certain that this duo will work, before they become linked together, before them "meeting with the planet". Even if they shouldn't doubt the planet in its choice, it's the first time it chose both King and Queen, not leaving any room for choice as to who both would live most of their life with. What if they can't stand each other? What if they can't come to an agreement? Even if Oberians quite govern themselves well, they need their protectors to be united.

Oberon and Titania are brought by their respective parents to the High Spheres for the first time. But they won't visit it all with their parents. They'll simply be left in the Great Hall together, the room emptied for the moment and left to get to know each other.

None of them is impressed and clearly they would agree on one thing: if their parents expect them to simply stay in the Hall and speak like grown-ups for hours while standing there like trees, they're morons. There are a thousands things more interesting to do while getting to know that thing that's supposed to become your partner in misery.

But then, someone touches something they shouldn't have and both royal children get overwhelmed with the mess they unleashed. In its eternal wisdom, the planet sees this as a way to test them before their final ritual that would make their status official.

Will they be able to fix their mess?
Will they be able to stand each other?
And will their parents survive the worry both children will put them through?

Details on any necessary information: The planet is as sentient as a planet can become, and it has spoken. Whether because it saw more than it predicted or because it was time for some originality, Oberon chose not one but two rulers for this new era. One girl who would become Queen and one boy who would become King. The girl would carry in her the power of her planet, protector to the King and their people. The boy would carry its name and use it well. Both were born into the only place in the Sacred Land where it was said you could hear Oberon singing to you if you simply listened. At first, they weren't raised together, kept apart to learn what their parents would teach them, only to be reunited when the time is right.

Restrictions: Only Oberon and Titania are playable.
OOC Thread: Skype
Member to Character List:
Sailor Mercury - Titania Le Fay
Eternal Knight - Oberon
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Saturn Emeritus


Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme   [Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme I_icon_minitime13th April 2016, 1:39 pm

Approved. Sorry, I thought I posted my loa but I guess it never posted Sad sorry for the wait!
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Prince Diamond
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme   [Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme I_icon_minitime13th April 2016, 1:42 pm

No problem with the wait Saturn, don't worry! Very Happy  Thank you!  [Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme 1955989781
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme   [Advanced] A Midsummer Night's Scheme I_icon_minitime

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