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 [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime12th December 2015, 12:02 am

This is the OOC thread for me and PoetofMercury to discuss our storyline ^^

Feel free to drop ideas here!

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 12th December 2015, 7:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime12th December 2015, 12:15 am

I still need to brainstorm also how he will first transform into Knight Altair. But this idea for the entity of chaos just popped into my head. It's partly inspired by all the bad luck he has. What if there was someone in one of the kingdoms that was against their romance and/or against an Aquila / Lyra alliance, who is also reincarnated. Could be a lover, or maybe even someone looking to marry one of them for power.

I think it might also be interesting if said entity's powers revolved around using the angry spirits of the dead, sort of like hungry ghosts meets precure? That could explain the seemingly random "accidents" where nothing unusual is seen. Maybe these would be sort of low level agents, but the angrier and more unrestful the deceased spirit is, the more powerful this villain can make it become?
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime12th December 2015, 12:28 am

Oooh I like that! Like a Beryl, someone from their past who will keep messing up things that they have to get rid of once and for all. Maybe it's someone in their family who betrayed them? Or like an advisor to one of the kings or something. I don't know if we want to go the jealous person route because that'd be too similar to the SilMil backstory.

I've never seen Precure, but I like that idea of using spirits to mess with them Very Happy Since this is only affecting Hikaru (so far), maybe that person has been following him or was reincarnated close to him.

Edit: Oh, slight timeline confusion. Seika awakened on her 17th birthday, on Tanabata day. Did you want them to meet a year later or that same night?
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime12th December 2015, 4:07 pm

Yeah I definitely agree the love jealousy route would be too close.

With the bad luck, what I intended was for these things to happen whenever in his life he might have been close to Seika, even though he wouldn't know it. If she was nearby, something would make sure to thwart him from approaching. So really the chaos force could be attached to either side. But it definitely would have to be aware of who they both were, and know the whereabouts of Hikaru at all times. Very Happy

I know Japan has a lot of superstition about the angry or unrequited spirits of the deceased, and in a big city, there would be a lot of them. Very Happy SO that's why I went that way. It also opens up for a lot of different sort of youma or minions with different backstories as to why they did not rest in peace.

As for the main villain, with those kinds of powers I was thinking maybe someone in the occult, a priestess or something who inhabited one of the kingdoms. As to the motivation, what my half asleep brain has come up with so far is this. Very Happy

This person is maybe the illegitimate child of one of the kings, therefore unable to assume the throne even though they were born first. Normally that would be that, but in case of the death of king, queen, AND heir, she/he might be the closest thing to the crown and might, with occult powers, be able to take the throne legitimately in absence of a better heir. And so ,the prince or the princess MUST die so that this person can rise.

It could be on either side, but I am almost thinking this person might be from Aquila given the multiple assassination attempts on the father first and then Hikoboshi himself. (Maybe it wasn't even an accident that the mother died instead...maybe it was a ruse to ensure there would be no more heirs born so that once Hikoboshi and his father died, there would be nobody.)

It definitely seems like someone's out to get them.

We don't have to go with anything I suggested at all. I'm just throwing things out there. Very Happy But what do you think?

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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime12th December 2015, 7:05 pm

This sounds good to me! So he/she can be like the high priestess in Aquila who's also the illegitimate child? Someone who's always been close to the royal family, maybe they even take their advice, but ends up working against them all this time. It would add to the sense of betrayal if the enemy has been there all the time. Maybe Hikoboshi even considered them to be almost like a sibling or something, which would make it ironic when it turns out they actually are.

Just need to come up with a name and a reincarnation form now. Very Happy
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime12th December 2015, 7:38 pm

Ooh now I am getting excited because religious orders have been places to hide away illegitimate children. In England it was the nunnery, but the same idea. So it makes so much sense the way you put it. Very Happy

I'm seeing a female priestess in this case I think. Maybe since the king could not acknowledge her mother, they live in poverty. Maybe the temple was her only way out of poverty. OOH! So the king would not know she was his daughter, a lot of religious orders make you change or take on a new name. Maybe she lives beneath that anonymity. Or maybe we want him to know one of his advisors was his kin? Not sure which works best.

She would be angry that the king would let her and her mother live that way and it would smolder slowly in her heart over years as she rises through the ranks of the priestesses. Maybe they even played together whenever the king took him on a trip to the temple. He almost considers her his big sister because she would tell him things about the world and talk to him as if he weren't a prince but just a boy. Maybe he even used to call her onee-san in a joking manner, unaware of the truth behind it. It probably only fueled her anger as she smiled and teasingly tousled his hair.

Oh man I can feel the feels from here. Very Happy

Okay as to current reincarnation, how about this. I don't have a name yet, but maybe she's a big sensation in paranormal circles as a premier scientific paranormal researcher who has published books and seems to always be able to predict where the spirits will be and record their phenomenon? She makes a living giving lectures and writing books. Little do they know that the reason she seems to be in the right places at the right time to capture paranormal phenomenon is that she has manipulated a spirit into making it happen.

I kind of see her as having been born into a dark family, maybe drugs are involved and the parents were only semi-present so she had a lot of alone time to discover that there was something strange about her.

I love brainstorming characters and plots. It's probably one of the most enjoyable parts of RP> but I hope I'm not babbling too much. Very Happy
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime13th December 2015, 4:09 am

I think rather than the king not knowing, it would make her angrier if the king did know, but decided to put his needs first by not acknowledging her. He gave her a position in the palace as their priestess and it was his way of "making things right" which only feels like an insult to her because it's nowhere near enough. Instead, she's given a front row view of what her life could have been like, so the king's effort backfires; it feels more like a taunt than anything else. Not sure what kind of position the king would have given her mother - or she could have died and that's why the king took her in?

But I like what you came up with in regards to her relationship with Hikoboshi. This is going to hurt so much when the truth comes out.

Her present incarnation also sounds good to me! If she's famous, she would have more access to people and locations which would allow her to keep tabs on Seika and Hikaru easily. And who would ever think someone famous cares about them? So she kind of hides in plain sight.

Would you like to create a profile for her and play her as well, or should we just NPC her? Either is fine with me Very Happy
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime13th December 2015, 11:55 am

Sailor Mercury wrote:
I think rather than the king not knowing, it would make her angrier if the king did know, but decided to put his needs first by not acknowledging her. He gave her a position in the palace as their priestess and it was his way of "making things right" which only feels like an insult to her because it's nowhere near enough. Instead, she's given a front row view of what her life could have been like, so the king's effort backfires; it feels more like a taunt than anything else. Not sure what kind of position the king would have given her mother - or she could have died and that's why the king took her in?

Ohhh I like this. I was toying with the idea of her mother dying, and maybe she believes the royal doctors could have saved her where the ones in the slums could not. More fuel for the fire. So much yes to all of the above.

Sailor Mercury wrote:

Edit: Oh, slight timeline confusion. Seika awakened on her 17th birthday, on Tanabata day. Did you want them to meet a year later or that same night?

Sorry, just noticed this. I think the reunion would be so much sweeter if Seika had to wait a bit and maybe struggle with not losing hope with finding him. So I think a year later might work better than it all occurring on the same day. So instead of being born a year earlier, they'll both have been born on the same day but she meets him when he's 18 a year later? Does that work?

As to other ideas, I am toying with the idea that she is the one who gives him the death blow on his way to see Orihime, and even though mortally wounded he does manage to take his opponent's life, only to realize who she is just as they both die. But his mind has a block on that memory due to its painful nature and he won't remember that for a while.

And as for why she might attack Sailor Vega, for one she is the only key to Altair's awakening and the only one who might be able to stop her from killing him when she is ready. But even after he awakens, she sees her as a threat and as a source of happiness to the one she hates. Plus she is an opponent to Chaos which she serves.

Oh man we could do so much with this. We could even end up at one point getting Hikaru possessed by a spirit, sort of like how Mamoru always ends up brainwashed. Or the other way around. LOL

I'd like for us both to be able to play her, but NPC would mean that we could never get inside her head right? I think that might be a shame with all this angst. Very Happy So if you want I can create the profile and leave it open so that we could both take her on at times if we feel inspired, sort of like an NPC that we can fully delve into? Would that work or would it be too confusing?
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime13th December 2015, 12:18 pm

PoetofMercury wrote:
Sorry, just noticed this. I think the reunion would be so much sweeter if Seika had to wait a bit and maybe struggle with not losing hope with finding him. So I think a year later might work better than it all occurring on the same day. So instead of being born a year earlier, they'll both have been born on the same day but she meets him when he's 18 a year later? Does that work?

I feel the same way, plus it's better if she has had one year of training and being used to a senshi. It would be rather anticlimactic if she remembered everything and found him all in the same day. So yes to a year later, she would also be 18 when we start then.

PoetofMercury wrote:
As to other ideas, I am toying with the idea that she is the one who gives him the death blow on his way to see Orihime, and even though mortally wounded he does manage to take his opponent's life, only to realize who she is just as they both die. But his mind has a block on that memory due to its painful nature and he won't remember that for a while.

I like that idea of him finding out the truth just before he died! Lots of blocked memories for poor Hikaru xD

PoetofMercury wrote:
And as for why she might attack Sailor Vega, for one she is the only key to Altair's awakening and the only one who might be able to stop her from killing him when she is ready. But even after he awakens, she sees her as a threat and as a source of happiness to the one she hates. Plus she is an opponent to Chaos which she serves.

Oh man we could do so much with this. We could even end up at one point getting Hikaru possessed by a spirit, sort of like how Mamoru always ends up brainwashed. Or the other way around. LOL

OMG, what if after Seika and Hikaru find each other and they're getting kind of close (but before Hikaru's memories return), the villain creates a curse that makes him remember, but instead of Orihime, he thinks Seika is the reincarnation of the villain who killed him in the past life? Super twisted plan that kills two birds with one stone. He'd immediately turn against her and maybe even try to kill her. So it's not just good old boring brainwashing. He's fully in charge of his thoughts, his memories are just manipulated.

PoetofMercury wrote:
I'd like for us both to be able to play her, but NPC would mean that we could never get inside her head right? I think that might be a shame with all this angst. Very Happy So if you want I can create the profile and leave it open so that we could both take her on at times if we feel inspired, sort of like an NPC that we can fully delve into? Would that work or would it be too confusing?

Hmm, a shared profile has never been done before, so I don't know if we could do that. I'll check with the RP staff to see how we might make this happen Very Happy
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 5:08 am

OK well if not, then I will give it my very best shot. Very Happy But in that case feel free to make suggestions because you're awesome at the whole angst, feels, and twisted plot thing. Very Happy

OMG how twisted would that be? I am definitely game. Poor Hikaru and Seika.^^

Have more ideas but running to work. I'll post later. Very Happy

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 6:22 pm

Okay so we're allowed to share a profile! When you write the profile, you just need to include my name in the [Source] field and state that you are sharing it with me ^^
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 9:26 pm

OK! ^^ (Hope that idea didn't cause you to go to extra trouble.) This is going to be a lot of fun. I have most of her profile done in my head at least, just need to write it out. It's been crazy at work, but I can probably finish it Fri night. Hopefully we can get this thing off the ground for the monthly challenge. I'll hustle as fast as I can. ^^

So I know Seika will already be awakened. When do you see Hikaru's first transformation. re you picturing it to be a bit like Tuxedo Mask where he transforms but does not really have his memories?

Will Seika know who he is when she finds him or will she figure that out? I'm just trying to get a sort of timeline going in my head. Very Happy

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime16th December 2015, 6:52 am

I'm thinking Hikaru will transform when he first sees Seika transform? That would trigger his own version of sailor crystal as well and make him transform, but like Mamoru, his memories will still be incomplete.

I think Seika will recognize his soul because she has all her memories now. But she'll be devastated when he has no idea who she is.

So I think the timeline sort of goes like this:
- They meet, she recognizes him, he doesn't recognize her
- She tries to get to know him (maybe they go to the same school? Around July/August is also a new school year right?)
- Some enemy minion of the villain attacks Seika somewhere, Hikaru is present and this triggers his transformation
- Either that same night or sometime later (I think ideally when they've gotten closer and he's close to falling for her), the villain manipulates his memories so that he remembers who he is, but thinks Seika is the villain's reincarnation

Does that sound good? Feel free to suggest any changes if you think of something better!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime19th December 2015, 12:43 am

That all sounds good to me. I think at age 18 around March is when kids graduate in Japan unless they take a year off from school or something. At least that's what I've found doing a little digging. So I think this is sort of summer break maybe?

He's taking veterinary classes as part of his internship so they could run into each other at school anyway. Very Happy

I created the profile for our priestess, but It's 3AM and I am so sleepy I am not sure if it makes sense. Razz Would you let me know what you think? - Link
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime19th December 2015, 9:47 am

Ooh, right. Of course, they could both be on their senior year, they just happen to be one of those kids with super early birthdays?

Or if you like we could make them freshmen in college as well. Either is fine with me ^^ I don't believe Japan has summer break (at least not as long as the American ones because AFAIK their school year starts around the summer as well)

The profile looks good to me! I'm going to write up the storyline submission so we can get the RP thread going once everything is approved Very Happy
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime19th December 2015, 5:12 pm

OK, so maybe he transferred here in his senior year because they had some veterinary classes offered and a student internship opportunity. In high schools here in the US they have elective courses and specialized areas of study, though you still have to take all the regular math, science, English etc.. so I am assuming they have it in Japan too.

This way they could even share a couple of classes if you wanted.

Glad you liked the profile. I put it in ready for review status then, but since it's joint, feel free to suggest any changes. Very Happy I can help with the paranormal science / pseudosciencey stuff. I used to be a ghost hunter for many years. Very Happy

Hikaru was approved! So we can actually start once the story goes through. We might make it for December yet! ^^
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime23rd December 2015, 11:38 am

Sounds like a plan! So high school seniors it is ^^

Our storyline is approved, so I put up the RP thread here. Since the villain probably doesn't have to appear for a while, we can start with Seika and Hikaru's meeting first while we wait for that to get approved.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime26th December 2015, 12:05 am

Yay posted. ^^ And our villain is also approved. 

So feel free to notice he looks a bit lost if you want or just arrange to bump into him or whatever you think up. Very Happy I'll roll with whatever. ^^
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC]   [Advanced] Star-Crossed [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th February 2016, 11:56 pm

Sorry about the wait! Working on a post now, and if I am feeling brave, I might try out our villain, to get a better feel for her. Smile
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