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 CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff!

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Sailor CJ
Lotus Crystal

Sailor CJ

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Sailor Galaxia
Posts : 859
Join date : 2014-07-27
Age : 32
Location : The Engine of the SMC S1/S2 Hate Train

CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff! Empty
PostSubject: CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff!   CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff! I_icon_minitime9th January 2015, 8:20 am

The real name of my blog is Our Inked Obsession, but the category I put my opinions in is actually "CJ's Hype Train to the Galaxy Cauldron." It has nothing to do with this forum. I actually came up with it before I ever heard of the place, haha. I was originally going to put this in the writing section, but after reading the rules I saw that there wasn't a place for opinion pieces so I figured this spot would be better.

Anyway, I've finally posted my Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 13 Review so that's all set to go. This blog is my personal blog that I share a with a friend where we discuss anime and manga. Keep in mind that my Sailor Moon Crystal reviews are predominantly negative (with the few exceptions of 1, 2, 5 and 10) so watch out for that.

Here are some of my favorite articles I've written:

Sailor Moon Crystal Announcements and Speculation

- I ended predicting several issues Sailor Moon Crystal would have in this piece I wrote back in April, 2014. I'm very proud of it, though I hate that I was proven right to be honest.

The Best and Worst Sailor Moon Manga Arcs, Part 1 and Part 2

- Spoilers for the manga are included. I absolutely adore the manga version of Sailor Moon so I decided to rank the arcs. You'll likely see that my least favorite arc differs from many Sailor Moon fans. That's what I love so much about our community though. We all have different opinions about these arcs.

The difference between bullying and criticism

- This brief piece is mostly about bullying and criticism in any fandom. I feel that more people need to understand the true difference between these two constructs.

The Manga-Anime Guardians Project aims to end piracy, but will it be enough?

- In which I talk about piracy in the manga industry and some ways to not only get around it but increase fan loyalty. This issue never seems to lose its relevancy.

“Putting Down Your Sword,” A Theme Analysis of Kill la Kill Episode 25

- HUGE SPOILERS FOR KILL LA KILL IN THIS ARTICLE. Kill la Kill has often been toted as pure sleaze and fan service, but it's actually an incredible show that satirizes nudity in anime. This episode and other ones spoke to me personally. There is a theme of abuse that is so profoundly handled. I'd rather not outright say why this episode connected with me, but it did. It really shows that an anime can be so much more than what it initially seems.

Let me know if there's anything you want me to review or write about!

Last edited by Sailor CJ on 3rd July 2015, 7:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor CJ
Lotus Crystal

Sailor CJ

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Sailor Galaxia
Posts : 859
Join date : 2014-07-27
Age : 32
Location : The Engine of the SMC S1/S2 Hate Train

CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff!   CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff! I_icon_minitime3rd July 2015, 7:22 am

I'm not sure where else I would put this, but I started doing YouTube videos!

I've got a Sailor Moon related one that'll I be uploading at a later date. I'll talk to the administration to see where the best place would be to put that. Until then, here you go!
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Sailor CJ
Lotus Crystal

Sailor CJ

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Sailor Galaxia
Posts : 859
Join date : 2014-07-27
Age : 32
Location : The Engine of the SMC S1/S2 Hate Train

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PostSubject: Re: CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff!   CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff! I_icon_minitime22nd July 2015, 11:12 pm

Yet another review. Huzzah!
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PostSubject: Re: CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff!   CJ's YouTube and Blog Stuff! I_icon_minitime

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