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 [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve Empty
PostSubject: [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve   [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve I_icon_minitime2nd August 2015, 12:31 pm

Storyline Name: Auxiliary Reserve
Creator(s): OuterHarmonie23
Forum: Tokyo City
Advanced or Relaxed: Advanced

Plot Summary: Small Lady makes her way to the 20th Century for help against Nemesis' invasion, only to arrive too early. Sailor Moon and the senshi of the inner planets were returned to their civilian lives after defeating the Dark Kingdom with no memory of their senshi ability or past lives during the Silver Millennium. To make matters worse, the Black Moon clan followed Small Lady to the present intent on capturing her at Wiseman's instructions as well as corrupting the Crystal Points to weaken the defenses of the Crystal Palace in the 30th Century. 
Fearing for the safety of Small Lady at a time with no active Senshi in the 20th Century, Sailor Pluto slips away from the Space Time Door for a brief moment to protect her young friend and inadvertently sends her fleeing in the direction of Kaioh Michiru, a young violin prodigy. Michiru activates as Sailor Neptune to protect this small girl from the droids of the Ayakashi sisters, only for her charge to continue to flee. Making her way to the Tsukino household, Small Lady hypnotizes her way in for refuge, only for more droids to be sent after her, causing Usagi to reawaken as Sailor Moon in order to protect her. Sailor Neptune reveals herself to Sailor Moon and Usagi decides to let her friends remain w/o their memories for a time since she has a powerful new ally to help protect this mysterious pink-haired girl. Tenoh Haruka joins them after a fight at one of her races causes her to awaken as Sailor Uranus, but Sailor Moon must learn how to work as a team with a new set of personalities especially once sparks of romance begin to fly between her two teammates. Pluto is reluctant to leave her post for fear of breaking the taboo of leaving the Space Time Door. However, instead of waiting until the final battle against Demande and Death Phantom to leave, she decides to make quick jumps away from the Door to intervene in the 20th century in order to protect Small Lady when she realizes Small Lady had jumped to a time with no active senshi. Doing it once for a brief moment causes her to do it again and again when the inexperienced, outnumbered Outer Senshi + Sailor Moon are in dire straits.
The Senshi would not see Sailor Pluto to know she's helping which (if the RPer wants to play it that way) could lead Usagi to thinking Mamoru's memories (or one of the Inner Senshi's memories) are trying to surface and he's helping from afar as a possible explanation for who is helping them, like in the first season of the anime where he doesn't realize he's Tuxedo Mask.

Details on any necessary information: The Outer Senshi, Sailor Moon, and Chibiusa are the primary playable characters with Mamoru possibly coming in later since his future daughter is in the  20th century. The plot will loosely follow the second arc of the animes and manga as far as goals of foiling the plots of the Ayakashi Sisters and going up against the Black Moon Clan. 

Restrictions: Sailor Saturn is not included since her story is closely tied to the Death Busters. Members of the Black Moon clan will be NPCs unless enough people show interest in the RP.

Source: N/A
OOC Thread: LINK

Member to Character List:

Sailor Moon/Tsukino Usagi ~ sororitymoonprincess
Sailor Uranus/Tenoh Haruka ~ Princess Luna
Sailor Neptune/Kaioh Michiru ~ Sailor Pluto
Sailor Pluto ~ OuterHarmonie23
Chibiusa ~ Aurae
Tuxedo Mask/Chiba Mamoru* ~ OPEN

Last edited by OuterHarmonie23 on 22nd August 2015, 4:29 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Plot additions)
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[Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve   [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve I_icon_minitime2nd August 2015, 4:24 pm

Because this is an Advanced storyline, can you add more details to your Plot Summary? Some good ways to expand may be to add why The Black Moon Clan followed Small Lady, What type of events unfold?, etc.

Can you add details as well in your plot summary about why there are no inner Senshi and only Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune? What is the reason behind this?

Quote :
And what of the mysterious Sailor Pluto? Will she be forced to break her taboos and reveal her existence in order to protect her precious young princess from the 30th Century?

Can you expand on this paragraph? This is very vague. 

[Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve 868675979
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve   [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve I_icon_minitime2nd August 2015, 8:11 pm

Changes are in green. I didn't take broad strokes all the way to the end, but I tried to explain more how and why the Outers awakened instead of the Inners regaining their memories.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve   [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 4:01 am

Most of your additions look great! The only thing that is a little unclear to me is your last few sentences about Sailor Pluto. Why does she intervene at key moments, and why does this cause Usagi to think about Mamoru?
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve   [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 5:39 am

I'll answer here and if it makes sense, I'll add it to the plot description.

Pluto is reluctant to leave her post for fear of breaking the taboo of leaving the Space Time Door. However, instead of waiting until the final battle against Demande and Death Phantom to leave her post, she decides to make quick jumps away from the Door to intervene in the 20th century in order to protect Small Lady when she realizes SL had jumped to a time with no active senshi. Doing it once for a brief moment causes her to do it again and again when the inexperienced, outnumbered Outer Senshi + Sailor Moon are in dire straits.

And I was thinking the first few times this happens, the Senshi would not see Sailor Pluto to know she's helping which (if the RPer wants to play it that way) could lead Usagi to thinking Mamoru's memories are trying to surface and he's helping from afar as a possible explanation for who is helping them, like in the first season of the anime where he doesn't realize he's Tuxedo Mask.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve   [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 6:50 am

OH that makes perfect sense! Great ideas! Please do add those Smile
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve   [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 8:07 am

Thanks! Changes added in blue

EDIT: I also hadn't realized you were covering for Saturn, so all the detail in the lengthy plot description are most of the things I wanted to discuss with you about this story.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve   [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 9:00 pm

The changes look great! Thank you!

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve   [Advanced] Auxiliary Reserve I_icon_minitime

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