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 (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Eudial
Posts : 1955
Join date : 2015-02-25
Age : 32
Location : Mentally still in Zagreb

(Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial Empty
PostSubject: (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial   (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 8:26 am

Character Name: Eudial
Name Origin: Eudial is named after the igneous cyclosilicate mineral eudialyte which is in turn derived from Greek Εὖ (eu) “well,” διάλυτος (dialytos) “decomposable.”
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: Although Eudial's age and birthdate are unknown, she is at least 20 years old as suggested by her ability to drive a commercial laboratory vehicle.  
Used Canons: Anime

Appearance: (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial 639133-4138982-eudial-talismans-gallery

Storyline Specific Information:
Surival of the Fittest:

Additional information:
Eudial is a level 78 witch and a member of the Witches 5 research group. A diligent and hardworking individual with an innovative mindset, Eudial puts utmost pride into her research; she would even work over holidays if it meant being promoted or recognized for her work ethic. To stay focused on her tasks, Eudial likes to write out her schedule and important information on sticky notes, which she neatly places in her vehicle and on her desk for quick reference. In the Witches 5 laboratory, she spends the majority of her time at her computer, writing up reports and gathering information on potential targets as opposed to joining the other witches in their little social gatherings. To her, gossiping and games of Twister are a waste of precious laboratory time; she would much rather spend her evenings productively. As a result Eudial seems to be ostracized by the other witches –especially Mimete– for her maturity and hard work.

When angered, Eudial is very passive. She will not go out of her way to resolve a conflict she may have with another person, though she would stand up for herself if insulted at face value. For instance, rather than confronting her colleagues about their bad behavior, Eudial prefers to avoid interacting with them and lets them think that she is unaware of their mockery, for she has more important tasks as a boss than playing along with their childish games. Despite dismissing the other witches' nasty, back-stabbing remarks as inconsequential, Eudial is still bothered enough by their attitudes that she frequently sits alone in her workspace stewing over their opinions of her while she does her research. Luckily, the pent-up anger she gains from their disrespect encourages her to work even harder to achieve her goal.

In general, Eudial prefers to avoid conflict whenever possible, usually leaving her daimons to fend off enemies while she makes her getaway –or as previously mentioned– overlooking rumors started by her colleagues in the Witches 5 laboratory. Failure is unacceptable to Eudial. Anytime her pride is hurt or her research proves to be wrong she tends to back out of the situation to avoid further embarrassment, as evidenced in the anime whenever her target did not possess a talisman (or more specifically when Sailor Venus arrived and severely damaged the Fire Buster after Eudial spent so much time gloating about its power). She may also be fleeing back to her work to make amends to Professor Tomoe for the time she wasted researching the wrong victims.

Externally, Eudial is level-headed, generally remaining calm even when faced with the most stressful situations, such as handling the other witches' lab training and reporting her latest failures to Professor Tomoe. When it comes to driving however, Eudial is very aggressive and impatient likely due to her pent-up anger or the very idea of failure. While in hot pursuit of a target, she will run over pedestrians, crash through buildings, speed through road construction--anything obstructing her vehicle's path is in danger of being destroyed. Most likely, she uses the road as a medium to cope with her frustration over the other witches' –especially Mimete's– lack of respect and work ethic instead of sabotaging their experiments.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills: Eudial uses her extensive knowledge of engineering and physics to jury rig weapons from whatever materials are available to her. Some of her inventions created through jury-rigging include the pure heart extraction gun, Witches Warp, Fire Buster I & II, and a series of booby traps operated by a Foosball table.

Other Noteworthy Facts:
“I'm backing up! Backing up, backing up, backing up 'cause the professor taught me good.

RP Sample:
Somewhere in the darkness of the Witches 5 underground laboratory, a computer monitor flickered a dull electric blue. Eudial sat silently in front of it, her foot still aching from the tack placed in her slippers, as she reflectied upon what had happened to her in the locker room earlier that morning. Just when she thought that stepping on a tack with her bare foot and opening her locker to a mess of snails was a terrible way to start her morning in the lab, Eudial had overheard Mimete speaking poorly of her with the other witches in the locker room.

Viluy's badmouthing she expected, but Cyprine and Tellu too!? Eudial couldn't believe it. She slammed her fist against her desk in frustration. How could they make fun of her after all of that time she spent training them on laboratory equipment for their jobs? And Mimete—the one who had the most trouble following along, the one she spent the most time teaching—was promoting all of their gossip with her silver tongue!

That petulant little brat Mimete thinks she's so damn cute with that stupid act of hers. But when it comes down to following the simplest instructions and computing the most basic functions, she is just a deadweight to our advancement, Eudial thought behind a furrowed brow as she typed vigorously away at her keyboard.

She may have fooled the others into thinking otherwise, but she sure hasn't fooled me. I know that it was her who placed the tack in my slippers and spilled the lab snails all over my locker. She's one nasty girl, that's for sure.

Last edited by Andalusite on 5th August 2015, 8:00 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Eudial
Posts : 1955
Join date : 2015-02-25
Age : 32
Location : Mentally still in Zagreb

(Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial   (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 6:06 pm

Ready for review! (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial 2676185830
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Neptune Emeritus


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(Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial   (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 6:52 pm

This profile looks great Smile , but it is missing one section. Can you add a roleplaying sample to your profile when you get a chance, Andalusite? Smile

And welcome to the RP section!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Eudial
Posts : 1955
Join date : 2015-02-25
Age : 32
Location : Mentally still in Zagreb

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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial   (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 8:00 pm

Whoops! I got so excited that I forgot all about the sample! It has been added! (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial 2676185830
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RP Admin
Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
Posts : 10050
Join date : 2012-07-06
Age : 27
Location : Kaguya Shima

(Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial   (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial I_icon_minitime6th August 2015, 11:22 am

Approved! Smile
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(Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial   (Approved) (Relaxed) Antagonist: Eudial I_icon_minitime

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