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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime5th December 2011, 1:17 pm

Anyone else kind of annoyed?

I'm annoyed with how long it is taking for the new manga to come out in English, It's already out in the Japanese version! They won't have them all out until 2013 since Volume 6 won't be out until July '12, not to mention if any of them get pushed back! I finish the manga in about a week because I can't put it down and then I'm ready for the next one which I usually have to wait a month or two for :p.

Also so I just finished sailor V volume one and at the bottom of the last page( the actual manga itself) there is a little note that says

Yaay! Sailor Moon has become a musical! <3 = Dear Venus <3 NaNa Chan

I don't understand the NaNa Chan but also why did they keep that note in there? we all know it became a musical because that was like ten years ago!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime5th December 2011, 1:20 pm

I will say that Kondansha is really releasing this series in a strange way since the manga is complete. It may be a good thing because hopefully they can improve on some minor issues in the future volumes and it may not be a good idea because us fans have to wait for a completed manga to be released here in the States.

Not fun, but what can we do? This is probably the reason why I haven't bought the manga as of yet. I'm waiting for at least two more releases before I go and buy them. Then I buy them in bulk - lol.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime5th December 2011, 1:24 pm

i want to wait until they all come out and hopefully they re-release other works of Naoko's as well and then i'll go on the internet and buy them as cheap as possible since I don't have the money to spend freely :p
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Princess Makoto
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime5th December 2011, 7:24 pm

I hear ya Lexi. It's driving me NUTS! I want them all right now! LOL! Patience is all I can say.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime5th December 2011, 9:36 pm

Other manga usually takes as long to release even when the manga is finished in Japan. I'm not really sure why or how it works but yeah. I think they just don't want to release it all at once. Maybe? I dunno. I keep forgetting when they are coming out lol. And I've been preordering them on Amazon so its like "oh hey surprise deduction out of my bank account" LOL
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime5th December 2011, 10:05 pm

This is one of the reasons that I haven't started reading the SM manga or any other manga that I'm collecting that are still being released. I don't think I could wait two months for the new volume. I'm glad that I get to read Sailor V in the meantime though since it's already been released.

By the way, I'm sure that translating, editing, and revising takes a lot of time as well as printing of the actual volumes themselves. I actually don't mind that they're taking their time to produce a product that well worth or money.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime6th December 2011, 1:47 am

Roro has an incredibly good point. It is frustrating but there's probably a vaild reason as to why it's taking so long - I'd rather quality than quantity.

My fiance just managed to get the entire manga - I'm like oh dear I really want to read it but I should probably wait my turn. Haha. Decisions, decisions!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime6th December 2011, 4:57 am

It's driving me nuts. This is my first time reading the manga. I started by buying the first volume but was not patient enough to wait for the rest. I've settled for reading manga scans,but I would prefer to read the actual manga in my hands.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime6th December 2011, 9:32 am

I've only got the first volume of Codename Sailor V, but I would certainly like to see it coming out at a more reasonable rate. Of course, it's probably a marketing strategy as much as it is due to translation issues. If they make people wait a bit longer, the sales will explode - again - when it becomes available.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime7th December 2011, 9:53 pm

I don't think the release dates are that bad with a two month wait in between. Some manga is already out in Japan, and it takes another year to release another volume, and that is not a fun wait at all. I pre-order them but they are always about a week late showing up in Chapters.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime7th December 2011, 9:58 pm

LunarPorcelainDoll wrote:
I don't think the release dates are that bad with a two month wait in between. Some manga is already out in Japan, and it takes another year to release another volume, and that is not a fun wait at all. I pre-order them but they are always about a week late showing up in Chapters.

Have you preordered from a site like Amazon before? I've been preordering them from Amazon, so no trips to the store and they will refund your money if the price gets reduced as a pre-order guarantee. Also my orders don't seem to take too long to get here either. ^^
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime7th December 2011, 10:28 pm

Small Lady wrote:
LunarPorcelainDoll wrote:
I don't think the release dates are that bad with a two month wait in between. Some manga is already out in Japan, and it takes another year to release another volume, and that is not a fun wait at all. I pre-order them but they are always about a week late showing up in Chapters.

Have you preordered from a site like Amazon before? I've been preordering them from Amazon, so no trips to the store and they will refund your money if the price gets reduced as a pre-order guarantee. Also my orders don't seem to take too long to get here either. ^^
That sounds pretty good. Smile Thank you for the advice.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime7th December 2011, 11:03 pm

Yeah as long as they ship to Canada, which I'm like 99.5% positive they do. XD
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime7th December 2011, 11:07 pm

Small Lady wrote:
Yeah as long as they ship to Canada, which I'm like 99.5% positive they do. XD
Amazon has a Canadian version of the site ( Sometimes it is possible to order off of but it is hit, and miss.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime28th December 2011, 11:50 am

This is actually quite normal for most translated manga here. The same thing happened with NANA for awhile. We were at least five volumes behind in Japan and didn't catch up until the manga went on a indefinite hiatus.

Bi-monthly releases seem to be typical with anime dvds too back when they were released in single sets.

While it is annoying, it doesn't really bother me since I'm already used to it. It's actually kind of nice when I think about it, because it gives me the chance to pull money together to purchase it.

Also Amazon is awesome! I ordered two volumes of Sailor Moon for a dollar more than I would have paid in a book store.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime29th December 2011, 11:27 am

I think they release them with months in between to gauge reader response and market demand more than anything else. They know there are scanned copies on the net for readers, what they want to know is if people will actually buy the new manga and if they should actually release more. Volume 1 sold great, so of course they'll release a few more, but if, when the initial buzz dies down and they're on, say, volume 4 and sales are nowhere near where they thought or want, they'll cut back on production for volume 5. If the trend continues, they might not bother translating any of the later volumes because no one is buying. Or they will translate and sell only a handful.

Its market strategy, plain and simple. If you wait til the end to buy them all, there might not be a final volume to buy.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime30th December 2011, 12:27 pm

I'm not too terribly upset with the one or two month intervals of the manga release. The materials are widely available, as Kyralih indicated, so it doesn't feel as if I'm missing out on the whole experience at the moment. Quite frankly, it's nice that they are taking their time; one can then appreciate each volume in due time before moving on to the next volume. The pacing is, I think, a good thing.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime30th December 2011, 1:39 pm

Lovely Lexi wrote:

Also so I just finished sailor V volume one and at the bottom of the last page( the actual manga itself) there is a little note that says

Yaay! Sailor Moon has become a musical! <3 = Dear Venus <3 NaNa Chan

I don't understand the NaNa Chan but also why did they keep that note in there? we all know it became a musical because that was like ten years ago!
Nana was the name of the first actress who played Sailor Venus in the musicals. ^^ I wish all the liner notes had been left intact when the re-release books came out, but they removed them. ):

I wish the volumes were coming out one per month instead of one every two like they did in Japan when the re-release originally came out there. But like others have mentioned, it probably has to do with getting the work translated and printed as well as determine the demand for the books.
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Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime30th December 2011, 2:42 pm

I am not upset by it like others have said its normal. Its completely normal, some manga take more then just two months to come out with the next, I don't mind the break. Plus it gives time to fix up enough money to be able to even buy the manga.

I rather not dish out 50 dollars at a time for manga, just to keep up.

And Japan has had it for a while, they didn't -just- rerelease it there and translating actually takes time and I am sure they have other manga they have to work on not just Sailor Moon and only so many employee's.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Anyone else?   Anyone else? I_icon_minitime30th December 2011, 3:31 pm

one problem I have with the new translation is the translation notes, certain things that i think need to be translated aren't nd some common things are so it sometimes leaves me confused. Also I went to walmart today and they hd sailor moon, i didnt buy it though because I didn't have enough money
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